
"...in blood" (2002 EP)
1. Torturing a Feeble Priest 2. Master of the Grim Domains 3. Dödens sändebud 4. I spår av Jesu blod 5. As Darkness Prevail
1. Torturing a Feeble Priest
He weeps like a lamb to the slaughter
cast down from his blooddrenched skies
slowly we sail across the river Styx
and I hold up his head by the hair
the godforsaken water is bloodred
and the ruler of chaos stands ashore
he spreads out his blackened wings
and blasphemes sadistically the priest
I drag the worthless priest ashore
he screams endlessly in naked fear
I am an eternal veil of evil torture
and I take pleasure in his agony
he is being crucified upon a cross
and boiling blood is poured upon him
his face explodes in bursting heat
as I whip his soul a thousand times
2. Master of the Grim Domains
The pentagram of my desires fullfillment
glows with inverted unholy inner force
baphomet, I draw your sign deep inte my flesh
enter me, and use my satanic body for war
Grant me a touch through Leviathan
set fire to my soul of Anti-Christ
God of the underworld, split open my black heart
fill me with unholiness and color my soul in hate
fever runs through my blasphemous being
I am my sacrificial gift to the goatlord
I cry out to thee, Baphomet, appear in me
create a storm of immolation, to kill God
possess me now and see all my hatred
I am a human torch of devestation
master of teh grim domains, I call your names
while I rape the angels of an impotent God
3. Dödens sändebud
4. I spår av Jesu blod
Så som asplöv likt för vinden
Skall den kristna hären oss bedarra
Så som blod i Kristi panna
Skall det goda ljuset för dem falna
Se hur bortom länge frusna ängar
Döden stjäla liv
Märk hur skärseldens nu varma flamma
Smeka korsets nakna hopp
Räds hur pestens farsot härja
och sluta grepp runt kristi männskokropp
Må salighetens röst falla död från skyn
I fallen ängels hand svärdet sitta skall
I skuggan av han som dyrkar mörkret må de våndas
I Kristi land skall människan fjättras i dess tarmar
I månens glans, i blodröd snö skall Jesus dräpas
och så som han skall mänskligheten ondskan möta
I spår av Jesu blod...
5. As Darkness Prevail
Diabolical Winds Blow Cold
Ravens Circle in the Nightly Skies
Summoned are the Souls of Damnation
As the Hour of Final War is Here
As Darkness Prevail
The Light will Fade
As Darkness Prevail
The Angels Cry
Spears Shall be Lifted Towards the Heavens
Swords Shall Penetrate the Hordes of Christ
As Our Legions of Darkness Prevail
And Wolves Howl Sadly Towards the Moon
As Darkness Prevail
Angels Cry in Shameful Despair
As our wizards cast their spells
Of the Darkest Evil Art
That Freezes the Lord of Light to Dust