
"Murder In The Name Of Satan" (1999 Demo)
1. Intro - Disgusting Beauty 2. Sacrifices to the Devil 3. Thousand Wounds on my Body 4. Under Satans vinger 5. Six Feet Below as she Wished for Death 6. This Universe is mine! 7. May all Your dreams be Filled with Fear
1. Intro - Disgusting Beauty
All this beauty is so disgusting..
All these smells of flowers and joy,-well they rip me up inside..
You see Pain is the only thing that can take me away from this Disgusting place
-Another wound I cut in my flesh..I see the shining sun that sparkles in the lake..
Another wound I cut in my flesh..
Pain-joy-pain-joy-pain-joy-pain inside..
I see the shining sun that sparkles in the lake..
Another wound I cut in my flesh!!
2. Sacrifices to the Devil
From this cold basement I hear crying Baby-souls..Through the thick walls I can hear them sing..Ohh It´s a beautiful song,I feel almost sad in knowing That it soon will end-but it´s time for the little ones to meet my friend..
It´s time to meet Lord Satan!! So my little ones..here I come!! I have cheeped you well in this room,Fed and washed you for this unholy night Where all of you are gonna be sacrificed!!
Well as I entered my basement with my silverknife Suddenly the voices stopped screaming,And a diabolical silence filled the room,The little Baby's knew there life would end soon..
I took a baby to the altar,and raised my knife And without second thoughts,I took it´s life..
My body felled hot by this sacrifice,So I raised my arms and praised the night,
Within the sign of the 666 I had sacrificed them all!! Nine of baby's,4,where boys
-five where cute little girls..
3. Thousand Wounds on my Body
There´s something in the air tonight Like a thousand ghosts is everywhere
And it´s so cold..
There's something with the moon tonight It´s so different from other times,
Look at my body there must be millions of tiny wounds!!
My first cut put me closer to Death My second showed me Hell,
now I can´t stop Making wounds on myself..
I cut one more and wonder about what the Demons might tell..
Will I end in Hell??!!
4. Under Satans vinger
Jeg bryder nattens stilhed Med skrigen og raaben..
Med blodige hænder.
Jeg sluger Maanens farve og spytter giften ud,
Jeg raaber efter dyrene Der vandrer her i skoven..
Jeg lugter stadig vinden der bærer dødens duft
I nat er jeg vildfaren i skovens pragt
Under Satans vinger-I Satans magt
Følg mig ikke her inat..
Min inderste sjæl Er forevigt besat..
Blodet skal flyde inat!!
Med Jordens Udyr vandrer Jeg nu Bæstet skal rive dit kød!!
Mod Stjernernes glans kigger jeg op Inat ejer jeg Udyrets krop!!
Tid at løbe!! Tid at dræbe!! Tid at løbe!! Tid at dræbe!!
For af Blodet faar jeg aldrig nok..
Kom i skovens væsner Kom i kun til mig..
Jeg skal dræbe alle Jeg møder paa min vej!!
5. Six Feet Below as she Wished for Death
Come,come my dear,I got a speciel place for you to see..
Come.come my beauty,take my hand and follow..
Tonight you´re gonna see awhole new world..
You´ll never be the same again!!
That night she was taken to the temple,And forced to walk in the crypts below..
A hundred screams from everywhere Followed her while she was walking..
Alone in the dark she was terrified-afraid of the walls that she couldn't see.
Alone in the dark with these strange voices..Alone in the dark with the Devil and Me..
Well suddenly she was pulled away from the path that she was walking..
Suddenly she was very scared..As we put her in a coffin..
For many Hours she laid there so beauty-Scratching the wood of the box I had made..
Six feet below as she wished for Death,Six feet below in her beautiful dress!!
Through the glass in the door of my cute little box,I could see her Deathfilled Eyes..
I could see she thought she never again should see the clear blue skies.And the last thing I saw –through the glass in the door,Was a deadly frozen face..
I pulled on some dirt-perhaps a kilo or more,
And then I took of to another place..
6. This Universe is mine!
7. May all Your dreams be Filled with Fear
Little child,there's so many things that can scare you..All kinds of impressions from box,Videos-movies,mags and more..
Well I hope that one day all your dreams may be filled with fear,
I hope the night shall haunt you forever-I hope you shall receive
nightmares all the time.I want you to come to me..
Lay down now,and may all your dreams be filled with fear..