
"Watch Out" (1998)
1. First Genocide 2. Generally Accepted Ideas 3. Polymorphic Perdition 4. Horned Totem 5. Artificial Day 6. Mc Dollars 7. Avagdu 8. G.O.D.S. (Giants of Distribution : Suckers) 9. Opportunist 10. Circle of Consumption 11. Dog Bomb 12. Between Human and Animal 13. Crom Cruach 14. Ekun 15. Will Nature Soon Forget
1. First Genocide
Neandertal-men against Cro-men fight for their rights
This is the neandertal end and the first genocide of history is born
The neandertal figures will fade into modern shapes
Resulting in the human evolution
Modern minds in neandertal bodies
Neandertal minds in modern bodies still into a monkey
2. Generally Accepted Ideas
Lost in the sea of ideologies
I swim keeping my head outside
Not to fall in the abyss of the system
You are on my land fucking laws
Lack of understanding is the distance which divides us
You impose your ideas
You create fascism
Stage under my reaction
Undergo my anger
The traces that you leave never will be fossilized again
3. Polymorphic Perdition
Where am I ?
Help me to leave emptiness
Just want you to spoil my consciousness
Corrupt my thoughts
Follow my doomed path
Don't be a coward
'Cause into a polymorphic perdition I am
4. Horned Totem
Horned totem Horned totem
Panic rushes through my body
Horned totem Horned totem
Wild tribes' beast-men choose me
Exhorting the Hunt dance
Horned totem Horned totem
Panic rushes through my body
Hunt dance as I run
The Beast they say and a Beast I was
Running to escape the human foes
5. Artificial Day
Child I knew how to give
I forgot this virtue
Since I became civilized
As today is artificial
Every beautiful stone was a treasure to my eyes
Every tree that grew was a respected property
Now I corrupt with the White-man
In front of a painted landscape
Whose value is estimated in dollars
6. Mc Dollars
Eat eat eat
Full of dollars full of business
Full of exploitations full of shit
No digestion without reaction
7. Avagdu
Avagdu son of mother Earth
Hear my call
Stupid hideous slewering
Dark face of Earth-power
I bless you Ô great putrid one
Infect odors and mystic auras
Putrid odors from sweet putrefaction
As sickness decomposition
Corruption are part of Nature cycle
You are hungry
8. G.O.D.S. (Giants of Distribution : Suckers)
No remorse and
No pity in the naive territory
You want to spread
The foundation of our shitworld
Creating the need
Erasing rites and native tribes
Corrupt their minds
And let them be part of our shitworld
9. Opportunist
The old world is no longer
A new one is born
Mastered by a bipedal opportunist
Who conquers the planet
What has he done ?
Is he worth to ?
10. Circle of Consumption
Spreading the consumption plagues
through the naive territory
Corruption living in a dream people
You make them a part of your circle
Full of shit
Circle consumption
Full of shit
Circle of deshumanisation
Want to be the first in the territory
Make them buy for your market
You killed the last tribes of an heavenly dream
New colonisation of territory
11. Dog Bomb
Run ! Run !
I love my master cause
As I'm no more a dog
Dog Bomb
Straight away is the enemy
Sure he won't love me
12. Between Human and Animal
At the beginning of times
There were no distinctions between men and animals
A man could become a human being if he wanted
And an animal could become a human being
There were no differences
Creatures were sometimes animals and sometimes men
Everybody spoke the same language
In this time, words were magic
And the spirit owned mysterious powers
13. Crom Cruach
There, rose a high idol after many battles
Which was called the Crom-Cruach
He would break any peace between the tribes
He was their god
Crom the withered in thick mists
Those who were frightened
Never would reach the High Kingdoms
There were hurting themselves
There were beating palms,
Hammering their bodies
While mourning in the name of the fallen One
Enslaving them
They were shedding endless floods of tear
14. Ekun
Nuclear is the way they say
Death goes on its way I say
Unseen unheard we ignore their presence
Nuclear is dissuasion they say
It's a problem of self-esteem I say
Better get rid of it now before
It all explodes in your pretty face
Hiroshima Nagasaki never again they say
Tchernobyl errors will become common I say
These particules burn through your skin to your bones
I don't want my children to be mutated
15. Will Nature Soon Forget
Hope Nature will forget
Avoid thinking of your land
Increasing profits from the ground
Devastating woods and forests
For money and forget
Trees and creatures crushed by your diggers
Nature will soon forget