
"Songs Of Sorrow" (2002 EP)
1. A Bleak Wail 2. Veni Sancte Spiritus 3. Songs of Sorrow 4. Passionate Peace 5. Liberation From Death
1. A Bleak Wail
My vision of the existance
all blurred by a gray cloud
a slave I am of my misery;
a thrall of my funereal bounds
Is this the end of my wandering?
am I to depart these realms?
please Lord, enlighten my spirit
and make my wailing cease
Mourning stays upon my lips
from dawn to the very night
depart from me, you lucky fools,
I cannot stand your sight
yet; myself I am only to blame
casting surrounding friends away
again teach me to enjoy my life
physician almighty, hear my wail
"The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away
exalted be the Lord's name"
(Job 1:21)
In the darkest chains of wretchedness
life still continues on
I walk onward day by day
forth better tomorrow ahead
and eternal life and glory waits
for those who walk in faith
at hard times he will carry me
when my own efforts are in vain
2. Veni Sancte Spiritus
"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:1-4)
Fulfill me, o Holy Spirit
Burn me with thine flame
Make me be thy sanctum
In emblazon of thy Name
Fulfill me, o Holy Spirit
Reveal me thine glory
Let ye love of ye Lord
Embrace me thoroughly
(chanting) Send thy rain upon us/pour on us thy Spirit/freshen thy people/let thy fire fall
Fulfill me, o Holy Spirit
Let thy fruit in me be seen
So that I may forgive others
As ye Father hath forgiven me
Fulfill me, o Holy Spirit
So that I shall glorify
Ye Lord in unknown tongues
And yearneth to prophesy
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." (Joel 2:27-29)
Thou art Comforter from ye Lord
Escort of his church
Witness of his truth
Source of ye faith's birth
Guiding light in our path
Solace in our dismay
Advisor in our ignorance
And rebuker of the stray
In all the sons of Adam
Shall now burn thine blaze
And whomever seeketh of thou
Shall be brought upon thy face
And to every one born of Spirit
Thy breathe new belief
For the times of trial are nigh
And within thee is our relief
3. Songs of Sorrow
Even the flowers weep
at the door of the grave:
the Son of man has been buried there,
and our hopes are so frail.
How could he just leave us to world?
We could not believe he had died.
Was he the King of Jews after all?
The flowers weep, and so do I.
"Truly, this man was the Son of God",
the Roman officer witnessed his death,
curtain of the temple was torn in half
and the Rabbi was dead, just as he'd said.
Three days of desperation
have passed since Jesus was killed.
Stories of an empty grave
are told, yet we could not believe.
Our lives are suddendly filled with void,
that woman, she must have been lying.
Were not we told of his suffering?
All day and night we just moan.
"Are you only man in Jerusalem
who does not know what has happened in these few days?"
Wake up, realize, Messiah is alive!
4. Passionate Peace
You fill me,
Crowned in majesty
Clothed in compassion,
Pouring the sunset
Into my window.
You envelop me,
Mighty on Your throne
Mercy in Your eyes,
Flowing renewal
Into my being.
You warm me,
Fire in Your Spirit
Father in my weakness,
Bestowing jewels of joy
Upon my heart.
You stay with me,
Soldier in my helplessness
Protector of your children,
Giving your grace
To my eyes.
You change me
Creator of my thoughts
Creativity in your being,
You use gentle hands
And mold me.
You are
The lover
Of my soul.
5. Liberation From Death