
"Blackout" (2002 EP)
1. Keys of Time 2. Hidden Borders 3. Wasted Life 4. I Used to Live
1. Keys of Time
Keys of Time
I've pretended and I’ve feigned all my painful life
A happiness imaginary and illusive
But no one round me realized that in my heart of hearts
I’m tortured by the sadness and by the fear
The traps I bump on my road appear to me insuperable
I am not a low but what can I do against this unknown strength
I am livin’ a nightmare and I must find a way to escape
I am livin’ a nightmare and I must find a way to live a better day
I’ ve got the keys of time in my head in my mind
May I use it and abuse to the land of the ancient ones
It’s a hole in my soul I forget who I am
Now it’s time to take the road with the keys of time
The gates toward a world more accessible are openin’ up for me
Will I know how to control this dimension to take this crossing opened
Human being behaves like a savage animal ready to kill one of this fellow creatures
Only to prove to himself he’s superior than what, than whom, damn!
I want to breathe unrestrainedly
Human bloody stupidity is worse
Than pollution which suffocates you until you die
Gimme a blank page to write down the new story of a less delusive life
Or I only need keys which’ll open my mind and my heart to a better world
I see, I feel... But it’s impossible to come near you
All my life I’ve waited for this time
I smell, I touch... But it’s impossible to come near you
All my life I’ve waited for this time
No! I don’t want to sink
Yeah! I want to resist
I am in a cold sweat and I can’t control anymore my body members
I am overcome with fear and agony... What a drag??!!
I don’t want anymore to close my eyes
Cause I feel in myself I’ve got the power
Which’ll allow me to fight this phantoms
Where are you!!
2. Hidden Borders
Hidden Borders
Pray for the man kind, pray for our lives
What you will become here
I see the anguish coming...
Shyness thwarts me for lack of boldness
However this lowly status conceal a dismal facet
Independence can’t be full and without any restrain
But I crave to blossom in a dictatorless world
Lost in the illusion
I can hear the winds of change
So much lies is all that I can feel
Hear the voice a life is coming true
Will I suffer? I’d like... I’d like to break my chains
I can hear a heavy silence, it is really frustrating
I can see the infinity, it is an dream ocean
More destructive than a weapon your mind is your strength and your single exit
In the silence I can watch myself in the abyss
I want to vanish in the shadows of my dreams
My loneliness is eating my soul
My heart is bruised by the treason
I want to go away where the physical borders don’t exist
I don’t want to resist to this harmful pressure which crushes me
My carnal coil has just become an accessory in my life
My body is here but my soul is there
I’m not an angel but just a poor visionary of an abstruse world
The ambiguity of my vision causes some deficiency
But the pain I bear is strongless than my loneliness
Schizophrenia overcome my brain bit by bit
But this gallery looks so good at the end
Lost in my illusion
3. Wasted Life
Wasted Life
Man is the being the most intelligent on earth
But the most arrogant too
He’s too proud to take good decisions
The stupidity of human kind has struck again
That’s why those fucking wars broke out
The politicians who are responsible for the life of many people
Look like children who play with their tin soldiers
Except that the lives are real
And when a man fall he doesn’t rise to ones feel
I was against any kind of violence
I dreamt of a world where the peace ruled
But I think that on this planet its impossible
Because the toys haven’t been seized
A morning two men dressed in olive drab where ringing at the door
They told me that I had to join the army
To serve my country and to lower the colour
Soiled by the lie, the lake of maturity
And the blood of soldiers sent to the front
I told them that I don’t want to yield
But if I refused they threw me in jail
So I found myself on a battlefield all the minds where disconcerted
The fields of fire crowded here and there the bodies fell like leaves in autumn
My chest filled up suddenly with a pain which made my blood run
My heart reduced its pace and a blinding light appeared
While I was dyin’ alone a tear run on my cheek
But why do they send people to get oneself killed
I could have had a life which would have made me happy
But I will never have this because of this fools
I’m feeling overflow, take away my bones
Livin’ after time through death unleashed
4. I Used to Live
I used to live
Since the day I was born you hunted me
You're constantly present I have a filling you're my shadow
I'm afraid by your intent gaze its depth is inexpressible
The warmth of your breath makes my blood run cold
I can't lay claim to eternal life
But wait just for one second that my life runs out
No I don't want to meet my rest in the hollow of your arms
After dark so great is my apprehension that I can't fall asleep
Because in my dreams I can't hide and escape your omnipotence
You torture me until my surrender
Another day, another way
But your steps resound in my head
I will ablaze all the pain and sorrow I endure each day
But my pride is stronger than your hatred
You badger my conscience with violence and atrocity
I put out the eyes and eardrums of my soul to stop suffering
I feel spied on by your never ending glance
Like a leech which clings to your skin
And sucks your blood to the last drop
An appalling death struggle with no way out and my soul will be faded
I don’t want to turn round
I don’t want to look at death in the eyes
Like a woman who would kiss you but her kiss would not be hot but frozen
This shudder I feel along my spinal column isn’t the wind but you