
"Darkness has arrived" (2005 Demo)
1. Darkness has arrived 2. Calling of the forest 3. In the fog 4. Buried in forest 5. The son of the rain 6. Mystery of old wood
1. Darkness has arrived
The endless black night has surrounded me
the light of silver moon has lit my sad face,
I'm standing forlorn in the deepest fog,
the one thing I can hear is wind's whisper.
How could I predict such a black future's path,
how could I predict that darkness will arrive.
Eternal melancholy penetrates my morbid soul,
darkness has arrived, life is no more illusion...
Darkness has arrived!
Darkness has arrived!
2. Calling of the forest
Crying sky has blackened,
sadness has absorbed my soul,
grimness penetrates through
my heart... I hear calling...
I'm calling by forest.
So I walk through the fog
under the screen of black sky.
And I go into the deep of forest.
I'm mourning past years which
disappeared so mystifying in
deep abyss of time.
Let's rain...
My soul is crying with
You sky, You one true
to me. And it will
never stop raining.
Shrouded in mist
I dance with rain among grimly trees
in pain of penetrating sorrow
I'm dying here... called by forest.
3. In the fog
The darkest majesty of mysteriousness,
majesty of living mysteriousness.
How dark is your visage?
How mysterious is your soul?
I know You are alive around by
silence, so distant and solitary,
like me. You are reflection of my soul...
You are roaming solitarily in
the dark night... and I'm following
with You, the son of rain.
You are the diamond of autumnal nights,
You are occult majesty
of beauty shrouded in inmemorial
mystery, You and me... recluses...
4. Buried in forest
Young by body but old by spirit
human appearance but animal soul
present by body but wandering by spirit.
The past buried me ages ago,
I don't exist here, I'm somewhere
in the forgotten past.
Only forest found me and I found him.
Waiting for the end, I know that he
will bury me... spirit backwoodsman.
But this black forest will absorb
only my human body,
because my soul has already buried there...
Buried in earth among the trees.
I've just gave back to forest
his property.
5. The son of the rain
Eternal melancholy inside
my morbid soul, endless sorrow
absorbs my bleeding heart,
I'm crying with sky,
I'm roaming with fog,
I'm vanishing with wind,
I'm delighted with You,
My faithful rain!
Let's never stop raining!
Let's night never ends!
Let's fog never disappear!
Let's rain take me away!
My faithful rain!
6. Mystery of old wood
Stony path to deep forest,
woeful oak trees absorbed by
the darkest dark and echos of
mysterious past.
The legend of old wood is alive,
the legend of october bury.
Those distant times of woody crime,
cruel times of the second antychrist.
The wood is so silent now
he is hiding his dark mystery
deep and deep among the trees
not to know for us, mortals.
That mysteriousness is amazing here
like dark side of the moon.
Now I walk by paths of the past,
I'm passing wooden symbol of death,
I hear echos of shots,
I hear screams of the past,
I feel smell of past years and
I wonder... can it be true?