
"Gloria Diaboli" (2005)
1. Gloria Diaboli 2. I Call Upon Thee 3. Mysticus Diabolus Oraculum 4. Necrologies 5. Eternal War 6. Alae Nocturnae 7. Daemonarchetypes 8. Infernal Horned God 9. Xes Lehahiah Plegas
1. Gloria Diaboli
The eternal dark night came
The infernal Satan’s powers rose
The graves to Christians are opened
Satan’s ghastly face is worshipped
Satan’s legions from darkness came
Demons flying athwart the infinite
Christians to ashes by Satan’s powers
Dark one master of the universe
Seraphim, Gloria in exelsis Diabolo
For I am Satan and all Universe screams
Gloria Diaboli
I am the power, I am the faith
I am the spirit, I am the pain
I am the sin, I am the lust
I am the fear, I am the Beast
Across the threshold of the eternity we fly
Against Christ and Heaven forever we fight
Demons with scythes aflame under a full moon
Waiting the infernal Satan’s empire
Seraphim, Gloria in exelsis Diabolo
For I am Satan and all Universe screams
I am the inferno
I am the bloodbaths
I am the cursed nights
I am the universe
Gloria Diaboli
2. I Call Upon Thee
With earthquakes damnation the ground
The Heaven came down
The Armageddon raise from the dead
In suicide places when the souls are lost
On the cross nailed soon will die
The Antichrist comes
In an eternal war against Christ we’ll be forever
Lord of darkest flames,
Keeper of holy sin
Around the clouds become so dark and dense
Sunset and the Luna full with blood and pain
The stillborn has come
…Lucifer …the Great…
I Call Upon Thee lord of the lords
In this cold night
As the shadows set in and chalice spill o’er blood
Satan warlord came to rule the Earth
Christians tremble before his cruelty and harshness
Master of night with hid wings cover us
I Call Upon Thee
War master from darkness
I Call Upon Thee
Lord of all Raven Beasts
I Call Upon Thee
I Call Upon Thee
God of destruction and pain
I Call Upon Thee
Satan (our) King
I Call Upon Thee…
Satan’s empire enfolded in darkest mist
To becomes vain Demon Lord
Poisoner the white world
The smell of putrid flesh carried by the air
The world of dead rose
In this suicide place
The Devil who has come from the dark fire lake
Earthquakes fucking the surface of this ground
Bats flying like demons waiting the final command
Dark throne finally will be lift up to reign forever
To call forth the dead angel that’s fallen one
Envy inverse paradise hail Lucifer king
‘Twixt the fire and ice that came from above
Fallen one the primal Evil our lord of Damn
From darkness to enslave all the God’s creation
Our master spiteful tongue won the war
I Call Upon Thee
3. Mysticus Diabolus Oraculum
Agate, topaz, and garnet
Placed ‘pon stone altar grave
To glorify dark horns
‘Neath frozen sphinx’s eye
Odium suscipere
Anthems of damnation,
Demons will come so fast
Food in the mouth of sacred cows
Occupare se in ornatu
Blessed by fire in a dance so macabre
Infernal dark veil upon the rot cross
Into the night we fly
To capture the Heaven’s angels
To get their blood and vitality
Mysticus Diabolus Oraculum
Into the night we fly
To capture the Heaven’s angels
To get their blood and vitality
Mysticus Diabolus Oraculum
Laudatus daemonium esse aethiopissa flamma
Gloriam dare niger dei natu in caelix rex imago
Legatus Diabolus
(Through the death’s mirror I flew at burning Hell
Because I am the one who flies athwart the infinite
On the wings of Apocalypse
My ghastly face is feared as the burning flames
I am the one whose the name is a gloomiest whisper
I am the one who abominated the light
To worship the dark of cursed nights
And my snort scares all the pure souls
I am the Dark One)
Vanesco et inesco
Laedo draemon draco
Sat mortifer sic spuo
Phantasmaticus rapter regnare
Drupa jam saeve
Vel umbriefer frux hoc
Phlobatomatus em trabs
For our infernal lord of darkness
Blood to glorify dark Satan’s horns
Into the night we fly
To capture the Heaven’s angels
To get their blood and vitality
Mysticus Diabolus Oraculum
4. Necrologies
Downfall the white shattered glass heart
The infernal birth to another Hell on Earth
Tearing the white veil from the Christian’s grace
A fearful portrait inundated the soul
Poisoned henna on the flesh to cut the Heaven
Mystic creatures from the dark nights
The tribes of Christ will not forgive
They’ll suffer enough to live on Earth
From the dark side
In origin of the eternal sin
Opaque crystal eyes of a fugitive god
That giving head
Died amongst the dirt
In midnightmare fit to dislike Christ like a vermin
Signum Deus Macabrum
Unholy gift from black circus of Satan
An anthropophagous father of your own son
The coming of great Satan’s empire
Guillotines and mantras from unbiblical midnightmare
An anthropophagous father of your own son
The coming of great Satan’s empire
Luciferi pater regis
Immitis natura strix
Broken glass cutting into flesh
Needles into eyes
5. Eternal War
The satanic machine
Marches inside of the skies
The killer machine running upon the fire
Kill my enemies as a panzer of Hell
The Christian’s faith is going down
Blood from the head, from the lamb
Destructive power of Evil
Army of Satan
Marches across the storm
The black warriors show your hate
Virgin statues are going to cry blood
When the azure becomes black-purple
Fire, blood, and death are (for us) pleasure
Killer machine, attack, attack, and attack
999 the eternal war
666 the eternal victory
999 Christian’s fall
666 Satan’s victory
Celestial war between Hell and Heaven
Traces of devastation into the black hearts
Death and more death came from darkness
Shadows attack the celestial temple
The altars of Christ will turn into dust
The fire burns the “beautiful” (now) dead sky
Pain and more pain to the Christianity
Killer machine, attack, attack, and attack
Army of Satan
Marches across the storm
The black warriors show your hate
The Christian’s faith is going down
Virgin statues are going to cry blood
Fire, blood, and death are (for us) pleasure
Satanic machine, destroy, destroy, and destroy
999 the eternal war
666 the eternal victory
999 Christian’s fall
666 Satan’s victory
6. Alae Nocturnae
Venite adoremus et procidamus et ploremus ante dominum Satanas
Psalite domino qui habitat in inferi annuntiata inter gentes studia ejus
Et tu domine susceptor meus et gloria mea et exultans caput meum
Jubilate Deo Diaboli terra eripe me domine ab coele debilis
Introibo in potentias Diaboli domine memorabor justitiae tuae solius
Domine dominus noster quam admirable est nomem in universa terra
Mirum afflatus peste aliquem suae gloriae consortem recipere
Reperire finem misericors christiani sunt id ad nihil recidit
Nascente luna necromanti in cantate et exulatate et psalle
Mors est necessitas natura Diabole deo tenebrarum
Alae nocturnae aeterne tormemtum
Qui qui Satan est imperatur
Alae nocturnae robur venusta arcanum
Infernal symphonia aqualiter Diaboli
Jesus circulatrix lingua rima amore fides ferum venatio
Genuflectere pro daemonica figura incantata
Nidor universa terra usque ad Satanae volucre
Diabolus noster vexilla Regis prodeunt inferni semper
Alae nocturnae aeterne tormemtum
Qui qui Satan est imperatur
Alae nocturnae robur venusta arcanum
Infernal symphonia aqualiter Diaboli
7. Daemonarchetypes
The black sword rises from the darkest Inferno
Archangelux regni semper
Lucifer king walks free on the Earth
With his beautiful and powerful demons army
The new age of darkness and destruction (again)
Angels that fallen like the Dark One
Shadows become the law on the ground
I shan’t believe that Christ think be the Great
Oh, bastard Christ aims to please but he’s nothing
Satan master everywhere and everything
Nanque ut illa bestia
Scandit fatalis machine
Tacitae per silentia lunae
Fusi per moenia christiani conticuere
Oh, like a Daemonarchetypes
We are One with Satan (God)
Rain of blood with holy…cries
Bawl the satanic hymens of damnation
Battles with Christian’s blood covering the earth
The gateways are open like candles burning
Pyre the putrefaction smell on the purgatory
Death to the bastards together Christ (pig one)
Demons fly so high that they cannot see
Creation of unholy God
The satanic secrets have been found
Lucifera blast to boast one’s success
Shadows burn the eyes, these days came
Through the lake of perverse fire
The Sun nevermore will shine
Black goat supreme lord
Darkest archangelux tormentorium dei
Fatis aperit Satanas futuris ora
Involvens umbra magna
In lignorum strues Satanae aut Mortis
Oh, like a Daemonarchetypes
We are One with Lucifer (God)
Rain blood with holy…cries
Lucifera blast to boast one’s success
Through the lake of perverse fire
Creation of bestial Satan God
Our darkest Angel, supreme lord
Of darkness eternal.
8. Infernal Horned God
The night of the demoniacal wings
From the darkest Inferno’s breathe
Satan’s legions flying over the castle
Of poor lord Jesus Christ
Into a satanic bath of blood
Taken from the white angels
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
Rings of fire above all
Rings of fire inside our hearts
The moon with its pale eyes
In conspiracy with Satan lord
Fearful portrait painted in blood
Blood that fell from the angels smirching the white kingdom
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
Lambs of Christ destroyed
Temple of Christ destroyed
Churches of Christ destroyed
Faith in Christ destroyed
It’s time to revenge
It’s time to destroyed
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
Crosses of Christ broken
Symbols of Christ broken
It’s time to reveal
It’s time to murder
Satan’s legions flying over the lambs
Of poor lord Jesus Christ
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
Satan is god high above
Satan is enthroned with bravery
Satan flies beyond the hope’s goal
Satan flies beyond the Heaven’s servants
De secretis operibus artis et satanorum magiae
Shall be eternal our shadow ghost
The sun no more rises
A dark that always must be
The moon is the new one
The sun no more rises
Satan shall be the one
Satan is the true light
Our infernal horned god
Under the blackened sky
The demon’s mass flying high above
Domination has come
Our infernal horned god
The night will be forever
The awakening of the true light will prevail
Deo Satanas
Lambs of Christ destroyed
Temple of Christ destroyed
Churches of Christ destroyed
Faith in Christ destroyed
It’s time to revenge
It’s time to destroyed
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
Crosses of Christ broken
Symbols of Christ broken
It’s time to reveal
It’s time to murder
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
Ave Satanas our infernal horned god
9. Xes Lehahiah Plegas
Our father
Unholy Satan father
Thy flames are burning
Deep inside of my heart
Hail infernal
Lehahiah Plegas cultus
Demoniacal flames from Hell
On my eyes
Oh, Lucifer
Infernal goat of darkness
Thy horns are my pride
Thy flames are my weapons
Evil One, darkest lord of shadows
Infernal father of unholy ghosts
Xes umbrae perpetua
Codex Satanas
Xes Lehahiah Plegas
All the Christian’s hope is going to turn into dust
Beneath the moon’s eerie light we march on
Our father, infernal Satan father
Let thy darkest wings cover us
(Involvens Umbra Magna)
Let the divine tears of blood drench us all (in red)
And let us fly athwart the darkened infinite
Xes Lehahiah Plegas
Blood of the slaughtered Heaven’s angels
Within the infernal Satan’s vortex
The darkest flames are burning our hearts
Our infernal Lehahiah Plegas
Demoniacal flames from Hell
On my nostril
Deep inside of my soul
Hail eternal
Xes Lehahiah Plegas