
"Alcohol Fueled Brewtality" (2001 Live album)
1. Intro / Lowdown 2. 13 Years Of Grief 3. Stronger Than Death 4. All For You 5. Superterrorizer 6. Phoney Smiles & Fake Hellos 7. Lost My Better Half 8. Bored To Tears 9. A.N.D.R.O.T.A.Z. 10. Born To Booze 11. World Of Trouble 12. No More Tears (Ozzy Osbourne cover) 13. The Beginning...at Last
1. Intro / Lowdown
{Anchor my soul no more Low Down} - [backwards]
You leave me hanging high
Lost my sense to confide
Blanks, confused and empty
Yet overcome with a relieving sigh
Silence, deafening silence
Wicked world running through your head
Tired of second guessing
What I did or what it was I said
Anchor My Soul No More
Low Down
On the outside running smooth
Of a gutless cold machine
Although, I saw it coming
This soon, I didn't think I'd see
Just Come Out And Tell Me
You ain't gonna break my will
You're water under the bridge now
Lying dormant, dead & still
Anchor My Soul No More
Low Down
{On the outside running smooth
Of a gutless cold machine
Although, I saw it coming
This soon, I didn't think I'd see} - [backwards]
My eyes can no longer be blackened
My smile can no longer break
As far as I can throw you
I wouldn't trust you cuz your so damn fake
Let's get somethin' straight here
Get the fuck outta my way
Forever my stone will be rollin'
No matter what ya do or say
Anchor My Soul No More
Low Down
2. 13 Years Of Grief
You're so fucking tough, so motherfucking bad
Thirteen years of grief is all your folks ever had
Just an ignorant cunt, talking such shit
Trying to act like a man you little fucking punk kid
Son, look at you now
Son, look at you now
Day of court, day of fear, in walks the judge
Half a year nothing less, no he wouldn't budge
Hand over your belongings and your motherfucking soul
That's the joy of life, six months in the hole
Son, look at you now
Son, look at you now
You raped your mother, yeah, you beat her down
Jesus can't protect you when your brain is unfound
Once so tough, so motherfucking bad
Thirteen years of grief is all your folks ever had
Son, look at you now
Son, look at you now
3. Stronger Than Death
Hunt me down, seek me out, bring your best
That's how I want it to be
Full of doubt, full of fear, all's unclear
It's over 'cause now I can see
Like a tank seething strength, crushing all
Pulling you under my treads
Lost some years, lost some days, that's ok
I piss on what's in my way
Two-faced abusin', mindless confusion, resolution
I feel I'm breathing my first breath
Manipulation, dyin' salvation, you'll never rest
You can't kill what's stronger than death
Two-faced abusin', mindless confusion, resolution
I feel I'm breathing my first breath
Manipulation, dyin' salvation, you'll never rest
You can't kill what's stronger than death
Looked inside, found myself
It was me waiting there at the well
If you're green, you ain't seen, life's a game
Sometimes it's just hard to tell
Gouging eyes, breakin' bones, eatin' flesh
Puts a smile on my face
Crawlin' through glass, eatin' nails, losin' blood
It's all part of finding your place
Two-faced abusin', mindless confusion, resolution
I feel I'm breathing my first breath
Manipulation, dyin' salvation, you'll never rest
You can't kill what's stronger than death
Two-faced abusin', mindless confusion, resolution
I feel I'm breathing my first breath
Manipulation, dyin' salvation, you'll never rest
You can't kill what's stronger than death
Two-faced abusin', mindless confusion, resolution
I feel I'm breathing my first breath
Manipulation, dyin' salvation, you'll never rest
You can't kill what's stronger than death
Two-faced abusin', mindless confusion, resolution
I feel I'm breathing my first breath
Manipulation, dyin' salvation, you'll never rest
You can't kill what's stronger than death
4. All For You
My neck has been broke in the noose of life's rope
Through my loss of you I have found no hope
Slain emotions lifeless and blue
Destroying myself now
All for you
All for you
All for you
Remote recollections of tranquility
Terror grotesquely becoming of me
Unnamable when our blood once ran true
Destroying myself now
All for you
5. Superterrorizer
I'm your suicidal doomsday machine
Bestowing my grace on everything
My ill will shall never leave
Embracing 'til you cannot breathe
Crashing, burning, in you I confide
I'll drink and spew all your bloodstained pride
You're just a pinball inside my machine
Until you reach the falls, my closing stream
6. Phoney Smiles & Fake Hellos
You, yeah, you, yeah, you
You got a cardboard cut out soul
Just a powertripping, mind rapng, back stabbing junkie
Thinking your hype is true
You, yeah, you, yeah, you
Respect ain't a word you know
You're just a fabricated lie that doesn't exist
Dropping names wherever you go
Life's phoney smiles and fake hellos
The hardcore rush of watching heads roll
As I dig your grave and kill your lifeless stare
Fuck yourself for all I fucking care
You, yeah, you, yeah, you
Thinking you know it all
35 years old wife a wife and two kids
Still living in your mother's home
You, yeah, you, yeah, you
A sellout and a social whore
You'd sell your mother's soul just to get ahead
A disease down to the core
Life's phoney smiles and fake hellos
The hardcore rush of watching heads roll
As I dig your grave and kill your lifeless stare
Go fuck yourself for all I fucking care
You, yeah, you, yeah, you
Still haven't figured what it is you do
Just a no talent nothing with a ten ton ego
Until your fifteen minutes are through
You, yeah, you, yeah, you
A conscience deaf and blind
I'm driving the hearse without remorse
Killing you and your kind
Life's phoney smiles and fake hellos
The hardcore rush of watching heads roll
As I dig your grave and kill your lifeless stare
Fuck yourself for all I fucking care
7. Lost My Better Half
Lay To Rest
Bury The Dead
Tomorrow seems to turn so fast
Alone in the boiler meltin' me down
Ain't the first, won't be the last
So Many People all at once
Who I once was has died
Never feel the ills of breakin' down
Calloused & petrified
Slipped inside a hole
Don't know where it's gonna lead
Lost in a world all alone & I'm
Lookin' for me
I gotta get it back
Lay waste to a friend
Killing all the past
Pray that all is forgotten
Lost my better half
All That Was
All so fucked & trashed
Pray that all is forgotten
Lord I Feel I've Lost My Better Half
Wondering just how I got here
Shattered to the core
Lookin' to go back in time
Moving forward nevermore
On the verge of a breakdown
Run down, bludgeoned, and beat
All the things that you once held
Lying dead before your feet
8. Bored To Tears
Tired Of This
Done With That
Never Satisfied With Where I'm At
I Sit And Think
What To Do
Just A Motherfuckin' Bore
Without A Clue
Shot My Drugs
Drank My Booze
Tired Of Joy And Self Abuse
Eternally Jaded Through And Through
Just A Self Loathing Dick
Without A Clue
Bored To Death
I'm Just Bored To Tears
Same Old Shit Just Different Day & Year
Killed Myself But That Got Boring Too
So Beyond The Point Where It's Not True
Far Beyond High
Dramatically Low
Eternal Stare As If I Care To Know
All Of This Struggle
All Of This Work
In The End You Die Like Some Moronic Jerk
Shot My Drugs
Drank My Booze
Tired Of Joy And Self Abuse
Eternally Jaded Through And Through
Just A Self Loathing Fuck
Without A Clue
Bored To Death
I'm Just Bored To Tears
Same Old Shit Just Different Day & Year
Killed Myself But That Got Boring Too
So Beyond The Point Where It's Not True
The Colors I See Are All Bleeding
The Sound That Was Is Now Standing Still
I Wonder When It Was It All Faded
A Dullen Corpse That Cannot Be Killed
Bored To Death
I'm Just Bored To Tears
Same Old Shit Just Different Day & Year
Killed Myself But That Got Boring Too
So Beyond The Point Where It's Not True
The Rose Petalled Garden
Alone In The Garden
And All That Would Be
Alone In The Garden
You thought would set you free
Nowhere to draw water
And If You Could It Would Be Damned
Go On Turn Your Back Now
On Everything...
9. A.N.D.R.O.T.A.Z.
10. Born To Booze
11. World Of Trouble
2...3...4...I Drank All My Fucken Brew and I Ain't Gots No More....
Feeling so damn tired
Running on desperate fumes
For the end is
Always near, now
Empty handed
It's always soon
Psychocise me
Terrify me
Jeopardizing all that's mine
Megolamize me
Certify me
On my knees until I cry
Lord only knows where I've gone
Lord only knows where I've been
In a world of trouble again
Streaming 'round the bend
Treat me like a dog, now
Knowing I won't turn
Blind me like a slave, now
Cast Down
No concern
12. No More Tears (Ozzy Osbourne cover)
he light in the window is a crack in the sky
A stairway to darkness in the blink of an eye
A levee of tears to learn she'll never be coming back
The man in the dark will bring another attack
Your momma told you that you're not supposed to talk to strangers
Look in the mirror tell me do you think your life's in danger here ya
No more tears
Another day passes as the night closes in
The red light goes on to say it's time to begin
I see the man around the corner waiting, can he see me?
I close my eyes and wait to hear the sound of someone screaming here
No more tears
So now that it's over can't we just say good-bye?
I'd like to move on and make the most of the night
Maybe a kiss before I leave you this way
Your lips are so cold I don't know what else to say
I never wanted it to end this way my love my darling
Believe me when I say to you in love I think I'm falling here
No more tears
13. The Beginning...at Last
Have all you are and all you're to be
Fade in your world and all that you see
This hole in the wall is all under your thumb
Pulling your senses until you become
Until you become
I gotta run
I just gotta run
Cought in a world where
you could never run too fast
To finally reach
The Beginning...
...At Last
Dismantling comfort of those you surround
Place joy upon strangers
Now ain't that profound
This hole in the wall is under your thumb
Pulling your senses
Until you become...
Where You Going?
Never knowing
Just who and where
You gotta turn, turn
Forever caring
Forever sharing
You never learn, learn
Lifetime of getting burned, burned