
"Black Eternity" (2002 Demo)
1. Falling Into The Abyss 2. Lost In Yourself 3. Dalla Morte, Nella Morte, Oltre La Morte 4. Dancing at the Light of The Grave
1. Falling Into The Abyss
2. Lost In Yourself
You’ll choke in your tears
You’ll breath in your pain
Emptyness surrounds you
You are falling down
Down in the abyss
Where you’ll smell the Death Her bitter taste
Her sensual taste
Dance with dead angels
Dance with lost souls
Embrace your being
And hold it to you
Forever… Forever… Forever eternally
Lost in yourself
Your rotted eyes
Look for a light
Your dying hands
Wander in the emptyness
No light
No joy
Lost in yourself
3. Dalla Morte, Nella Morte, Oltre La Morte
Il sangue che scorreva nelle tue vene
Freddo è come il ghiaccio
Pallida come un’illusione morente Presto testamento per i vermi diverrai
I tuoi occhi sono rivolti al Nulla
E ora ogni luce si è oscurata per sempre
Bevi dal calice della morte
E dimentica la gioia e il dolore…
4. Dancing at the Light of The Grave
So close to you…
So far from you…
My love
Your death
Entwined run away from reality and the dream
And as every dream, fall, die… Inside of me…
I kiss your rotted lips
And I caress your cold skin
Your empty eyes
Your dug face
Are all that remains of an illusion dead from long time…
Illusions are dead
Dreams are dead
But your death has slid in the carpet of my feelings
They slid towards Nithing with you… My flesh and your flesh
Now are as one
Life and death united forever
Our love will be celebrated by the ghosts of my desperation
Forever together
Forever far
Dancing at the light of the grave…