
"Blood for Satan" (2001)
1. Pitbound (The 4th Trial Of Acolyte) 2. A Hymn To Grand Darkness (The Creed of Hoath) 3. Of Blackest Witchcraft (The Hoath Manifesto) 4. Enemy Of The Day 5. Graverape Ritual 6. A Horned Moon Rising 7. Blood For Satan 8. To Haunt And To Feed 9. When The Shadows Become Flesh 10. Within Ye Woods, Before Ye Throne
1. Pitbound (The 4th Trial Of Acolyte)
Seek thy demon
And (you shall) learn of his foul ways
Feel the worms
As they creep
Evil most foul, most corrupt, most hideous
Dream of the fires
And they will enfold thee
Hear the voices
As they seek in (the great) darkness
Suffer the crush
Of the old as they rise
Lose thy senses
Yet (shall you) know them when they come
Evil most foul, most corrupt, most hideous
Seek thy demon and (you shall) learn of his foul ways
Behold (the terors and the) horrors
In the great pit
Thirst in (the wide) rivers
Of blood of our altars
Evil most foul, most corrupt, most hideous
Know all the torments
Of the pit and the daemons
Which are evil
Most foul (and most abominable)
Than all the others
When ye in thy dreams seek (to devise)
For the pit holds
Them everyone
2. A Hymn To Grand Darkness (The Creed of Hoath)
A hymn to grand darkness
Behold the great death of light
Call the eclipse forth, again
"An echo of damnation
Echoing: all will burn
Echoes of embers' shivers
Echo of an (apocryphal) entity"
Behold the great darkness coming
Fear the great slaughter coming
3. Of Blackest Witchcraft (The Hoath Manifesto)
Come, infernal, terristial, and heavenly hosts
Goddess of the (broad) high ways, of the crossroads
Thou who goest (to and fro) at night, torch in hand
Enemy of the day, friend and lover of darkness
Thou who art walking amid the phantom and in the place of tombs
Thou whose thirst is blood
Thou who dost strike chill fear into mortal heart
Gorgo, mormo, moon of a thousand forms
Cast a propitious eye upon our sacrifice
4. Enemy Of The Day
They bark the call...
...In my chosen ones. I'm burning...
...Warm blood is spilled from the whore...
...They're burying the cross...
...When the blood is spilled for them
The whores of heaven cum for them...
...In the shadow of hell...
5. Graverape Ritual
The absence of the white light
Drapes the easternight in black
Shadows devour the silent garden of tombs
Time is right for the desecration rites
In the garden once silent
Whispers can be heard
Unspeakable words
Litanies of evil
Evil walk with me
In the garden once holy
Now desecrated and stained
Semen runs on the hallowed ground
Into the mouths of the blessed
Semen for the blessed... desecrated the dead
In the garden once silent
Whispers can be heard
6. A Horned Moon Rising
Burn not the woods
Destroy not the stones
The temple can be rebuilt
The stones can be replaced
Burn flesh and skin
Destroy their putrid kin
Flesh can't be rebuilt
Skin can't be replaced
Burning in our hearts
Engulfs jehovah's kin
Darkly burning flames
Lick the holy skin
Lick the holy skins to black
Burn, all, burn!
Unleash the purifying flames
7. Blood For Satan
Shed the sweet blood
Let it flow in great streams
Let the blade fuck your flesh
For the master you all must bleed
Sex with steel, blade me
I ejaculate black blood
Bloody painful masturbation
I am the whore of Satan!
Blood for Satan
When the bitches howl
and warm blood is spilled
I rejoice their painful cries
For I am the lover of darkness
Blood for Satan
8. To Haunt And To Feed
Thou whose thirst is dark, come to taste the blood...
From the mountains the come to haunt and to feed
Haunting in the form of phantoms, in the shape of beasts...
9. When The Shadows Become Flesh
10. Within Ye Woods, Before Ye Throne
In dead city: he waits thy chanting call
Whych riseth from ye cave and from ye temple ball
Remember, ye who call upon his name
Ye ancient ones whych watch thy mortal game
For he is kyng, and doth forever wait
Awakenyng: ye dawn which calleth hate
Calles up thy legions: and doth rouse to late
Ye others from their watche by hydden gate
So come, ye priests and acolytes of might
Make readie for ye festival, ye ryte
Call up ye blackened legions off ye pit
To dance before ye throne wher he doth sit
Calling, calling ye prince of darknesse black
Awakenyng, awakenyng ye dawn which calleth hate
Dreaming, dreaming off hys evil spawn
Calling, calling within ye woods
So shout ye chant, and make ye caverns rynge
Hear thy unhallowed multitudes now sing
Thy priests, master off a thousand names
Thy glories, kyng of all begotten paynes
Thy honnour great, ye prince of darknesse black
Thy holle region, chief off ye haowlyng packe
Thy lyfe, a lord off hys evil spawn
Thy might from olde chaosgod now gone
Thy lesser ones, which dwell within ye star
Thy brother, hastur, who doth watch a far
Thy realm, wherein we know eternal lyfe
Thy tomb, wher endeth our eternal strife
Call up ye blackened legions off ye pit
To dance before ye throne wher he doth sit
Calling, calling ye prince of darknesse black
Awakenyng, awakenyng ye dawn which calleth hate
Dreaming, dreaming off hys evil spawn
Calling, calling within ye woods