
"Rehearsal" (2001 Demo)
1. Intro/Black Cross 2. Masters of the Destruction 3. The Lies come to the Surface 4. Nightmare 5. God stops the Rain
1. Intro/Black Cross
In the shadows of the man's mind
Are all of the fears
In the damned poem of the life
The man is the main character
In the stranger's road
The rules are imposed and the questions without answers
In the interpretation of the salvation...
A single truth
Cunctus homo in pectore crucem apportat,
Tametsi non habet pectore apportare eam
Mundus habet multas vias ad veritarem,
Tametsi temptant probare quod unus est
Black Cross
Lust, indifference, pride, prejudice.
They are the owners of the key
They killed, humiliated, excommunicated.
In name of Jesus
Where is the key for the truth?
In your heart
For centuries, centuries and centuries
In your heart.
2. Masters of the Destruction
Eye for eye
Tooth for tooth
This is the law of the stone jungle
The masters of the destruction
Are ready to kill
There is no mercy
There is no compassion
Reason doesn't exist
In the war for the power
The masters of the destruction
Are ready to kill
The giant of the hate
Against the ants murderesses
To kill in name of the justice
Unequal justice
The masters of the destruction
Are ready to kill
There will always be wars
There will always be hate
There will always be ignorance
There will always be death
‘Cause the masters of the destruction
Are ready to die
3. The Lies come to the Surface
The lies come to the surface
That on whom you trusted
It is what mocks of your face
Your smile was with the demon's lips
You showed their feelings
So that he made joke
His energy came from
All your pain
People as these are the rottenness
The worst species already generated
I prefer mortal enemies
Of the one that false friends
And the lies come to the surface
That on whom you trusted
It is what mocks of your face
Lost animals
Disease of the world
Any heart or brain
I wander of the divine creation
Shit synonym
Your revenge
The silence...
The homicide...
The violence...
The torture…
The hate…
The Eternal…REJECTION…
4. Nightmare
You lost all your friends
And you didn't really see who loved you
You are now in a one-way street
Walking on the road with no return
Now all your pain
No longer it is part of my pain
We were only one
Now you are alone
Broken links... without chance
Your eyes, without shine
You no longer can see the love
That overflowed before
Your smile is pale
Because, you smiled in the wrong hour
Illusion... and today you cry
Millions of shattered flowers
Broken vases and nothing meant
Today you can see what you couldn't
But you'd prefer to continue blind
But all is not lost
Every road has an end
And you chose yours
A mistake... that was your certainty
And the wild horses ran over you
In a wink....happiness and pain
Nothing is purer as it was before
Magic has gone and you know the reason
And the tiger of enormous paws approaches
Undefended it's what you are now
Because you thought you were god
But the gods also love
The are gods any way
But you forgot about that detail
All the weapons are unloaded
Your army of the salvation... without ammunition
Sparkled... the perfect dream
Transformed in nightmare
Nightmare of the contradiction of your heart
5. God stops the Rain