
"Carnivorous Romance" (2003)
1. Prologue / Royal Escort 2. Majestic Countess 3. A Melody of Coming Nightmare 4. Seduction and Defloration of Eleanor 5. Vampiric Nymphomania 6. The Chamber of Sapphic Vice 7. Escape to Nowhere 8. Last Chapter - Epilogue
1. Prologue / Royal Escort
“Welcome to the vicious Castle of Flesh
My door is always opened for you – wayfarers
Get rest, food, drink, divert yourselves
In honour of your Majestic Mistress”
Crooked branches of trees on a background of the Moon’s face
Cold breath of the night kissing your lips
Eleanor – a noble daughter of the king
You see this picture again and again…
Your escort missed the familiar way
Leading to a small summer castle
And that is why you’re in the domain of the Dark Woods
Attracted by your pure empyreal beauty
Looking at the singing stars you think about your chamber
And the shadows of the flames dancing on your splendid dress
You remember yourself sitting in an arm-chair in front of the fireplace
Virgin plunged into her own secret passions
Your loyal knights follow the unknown path
Crossing hills, gullies and mountain rivers
Vainly seeking the way to escape
From this spreading around Majesty
But soon the wood thins and recedes
Giving space to a forgotten cemetery
Your appearance is accompanied by flashing lights
A night work of monstrous Bifrons
Behind the necropolis towers the Castle’s monolith
The black mystic palace on the dismal canvas of the night
Hidden from strangers’ eyes by the dense coniferous forest
Succubia – the Dark Castle
The road has lead you here Eleanor
Nice child listen to the whisper of the wind and dry trees
See attracting moaning shadows and then bend your knees
The ancient Castle awaits you in the hour of the element’s balance
You are given the galactic keys of your own universe
Open it
Rule it yourself
“Enter the heart of the Queen of Darkness
Through the vein – the path overgrown by weeds
A mysterious bouquet of moon flowers
Is for you Eleanor – the Princess of Innocence
Close your shining eyes of morning sky colour
Listen to your true internal voice
Smell the fragrance of my excitement
See my lascivious languid body”
2. Majestic Countess
Passing gothic pattern of an iron fence
The Royal Escort approaches the Castle’s gates
Two semi-naked girls are opening it
Evoking an amazement of the tired knights
“Come inside and have rest after a long way
Succubia with pleasure will receive a lost escort of the May
For everyone got ready red wine and hot dish
You are permitted to treat yourselves by our Lady’s wish”
Surrounded by her suite the Princess get into the hall
And sees a luxurious and majestic Dame from her dreams
“Many people get lost in a pine forest’s mouth – it’s enormous
But the one who’s got out of it comes to my house
I hope you was not scared by it’s dark silhouette
I’m a daughter of Lilith and Samael – my name is Elizabeth”
The Countess invites everyone to the table
Placing Princess Eleanor beside
Other servant-maids appear in the great hall
Serving each of the dear guests
Sweet taste of wine and good meal
The view of peerless female charms
Fill the veins of the noble knights
With entrancing belladonna’s juice
The revelry covers the awaken Castle
With it’s variegated gown
Releasing from the den a Blade of Lust
Which cuts the fruit of the Eden’s Apple
Eleanor is in the ocean of desire
Elizabeth strokes the Princess under the dress
Between perfect and silken vestal thighs
Searching the gates of the Purity Temple
“You have known me – a lonely rose of human flesh
I’m the source of your lecherous thoughts
The sensual erotic splash
You’re just like me – lesbo blood runs through our veins
The noble blood…
So follow me and take all sweetness of virgin pain”
3. A Melody of Coming Nightmare
4. Seduction and Defloration of Eleanor
You are going through a long corridor
Passing many closed chambers
Leaving behind the laugh and joy of the hall
Which are drowning in the silence of night
Soon you find yourselves in a splendid bedroom
With a couch covered with a canopy
Bathing in beams of moonlight
Dizzied by the charms Eleanor falls into trance
The Countess undresses her and lays down on featherbed
Reading spells Elizabeth delight
Listening to Princess’s breath full of unknown unlimited desire
“Wonderful child
I see myself in your look
It’s time for your beauty to create a monument of immortality”
Soon you’ll be transfered to the surrealistic place
The esoteric space of revelations
At the crossing of elements
Where the endless desert of sand joins the ocean depth
Where the wind fans the coals of your secret flame
Eleanor – you feel uncommon calmness
Resignedly following the Great Mistress and Preceptress
Look around
Beyond the horizon
Infinity of sand is at the left and water at the right
You are walking along the boundary of elements…
…until you reach the lonely standing shining throne
The Countess calls you to sit there and become a Queen of Emptiness
You sit immediately feeling sexual passion
Your legs involuntarily spreads apart
And something ice-cold comes into vagina
You cry and the ocean becomes bloody-red…
Scream banishes oblivion out of blear mind
Eleanor awakes from the nightmare
Finding herself again on the same couch
She sees blood on the hands and thighs
“You deflowered yourself and opened the secret door
Come inside
Taste my blood for impending pleasure
Of power, lechery and tyranny”
The Princess is in desirous anticipation
Elizabeth bares the breast and cuts the skin with her sharp nail
Eleanor presses her lips to the bleeding Countess
They cum together
5. Vampiric Nymphomania
Celebration is going on in the hall of the Castle
There is no more modest servant-maids
Now they’re salacious women in red silk
Furious votaresses of Belphegor
One of them is dancing on the tableful
Pouring wine over herself and showing her cunt
Another is masturbating in front of her guest
Permitting to lick her legs smeared with honey
The art of sexual seduction declares slavery
Eternal reign and cruel power of flesh and blood
When throne is occupied by the lowest lusts
Nobody will resist the temptation
They are Whores in Red fulfiling filthy wishes
And fucking with bewitched slaves of night
Beautiful infernal creatures bringing the exhaustion
And enthralling into the labyrinth of sex
Sadomasochistic orgy tortures the bodies of the knights
The art of torments slashes the skin with a knife and lash
The view of blood hastens the orgasms of the nympho whores
And a quick agonies for the unhappy martyrs
They are Whores in Red fulfiling filthy wishes
And fucking with bewitched slaves of night
Beautiful infernal creatures bringing the exhaustion
And enthralling into the labyrinth of sex
6. The Chamber of Sapphic Vice
Did you like the taste of poison?
Now it’s Elizabeth’s turn
The magic elixir of virgin blood between your thighs is for her
Come together in unlimited lesbian ecstasy
Kissing, moaning, screaming and biting under the naked Moon
Don’t be scared Eleanor
The lick of her cunt which enslaved thousands lives
Will be just an amorous game for you
7. Escape to Nowhere
A man running in the mist of reason
You’re vainly trying to get out of the Death’s den…
The lust calls you to return but you are fighting with it
Overcoming the fence which’s encircled the Castle like a snake
Who resisted the charms of vamps won’t hide from the nightmare around
Tell better about your escape to nowhere…
You reach the familiar cemetery
But it’s graves are dug out and empty
And the view of erotic phantasmagoria appears ahead
With twisting in filthy poses young Daughters of Lesbian Love
Sappho would be triumphant at watching them
Embracing and kissing in the shade of the enormous slimy creature
Fumbling with it’s palpi between their vibrant legs
Giving birth to a symphony of lascivious female moans and screams
You jump into the wet dark grave
And madly masturbate without any forces to restrain yourself
At the moment of orgasm the ground disappears under you
And far below you see the fires of Gehenna
Disgusting stench of burning corpses and sewage beats the nose
You want to get out from the grave but the dirty skies soar up
Screaming and breaking the nails you scratch the soil
But the Darkness which swallowed your shade
Is devouring you like Manticora
8. Last Chapter - Epilogue
The seed of cruelty is sown
Elizabeth leads a changed Eleanor to the hall
There is no more fear in Princess’s eyes
But only carnal satisfaction
Recreated to seduce with her immortal young beauty
She steps along the way of new feelings without any tiredness
You come inside plunging into an atmosphere of vampiric nymphomania
Bloody bodies of exhausted knights are spread around
The smell of insatiable copulations and fresh blood excites Eleanor
The mask of nonchalance on her face is changed for the languid mask of desire
You are given with the bowls filled with red wine of opened veins
Accepting the source of life the Countess points at all around her
“Eleanor drink to the dregs and feel the whole power of Darkness
My heiress sometime it’ll all belongs to you”
Your lips join together in lustful kiss again
And the tongues lovingly play between sharp fangs
Carnivorous Vamps in Red rapturously contemplate
Your supreme act of oral pleasure…
But the dawn comes near and it’s the time to finish the dissolute feast
Coffins in darksome chambers wait their lecherous ladies
Elizabeth leads away the Princess and whores which are following them
Here comes the hour of ugly inhabitants of Succubia’s catacomb…
Shapeless dwarves
Malicious gnomes
Corpse eaters
Crawl from miasmatic vaults of the Castle
To carry off the remains of bodies to their underground town…
Tired wayfarers
Welcome to the vicious Castle of Flesh
It’s door is always opened for you…