
"Amaethon weeps and turns away" (2001 Demo)
1. Black melody 2. Goth times 3. Lawrence of Arabia 4. Out of the dark
1. Black melody
I am a sheep caught in
A barbed wire fence
Struggling in vain
Attempt to rise above the flock
As I pull this wire
It only pulls back tighter
I see my future now
Blac, blood, black
Fight, fearless
Fight, fearless
Fight, for your life
Fight, fearless
Fight, fearless
Fight, for your life
Asphyxiated by this wire
Burn through skin as though on fire
I pull but all attempts despite
I'll soon lay here bleeding
One more tug and I'll be forgotten
This melody should not be this black
Our whole world, pastures and shack
I'm telling you this life is rotten
And as I'm choked by this barbed wire fence
I realize sheep don't stand a chance
If I hadn't tried
I still would have died
In the cold slaughter house
I wasn't meant to live in freedome
2. Goth times
When the virgin comes
Into my house, she comes
On her own account
And she knows damn well
The consequences of
Her deeds and mine
These are Goth Times
We live on poissoned wines
These here Goth Times
Tear down all things devine
Our Goth Times
What we loved we must now decline
When the virgin comes to me
Her father lies awake at home
He knows of her demise
The blade of sacrifice
Her soul-filled blood required to
Blank out her father's lies
Unforgiven, unforgiving
She dies, she dies
Like a quivering child declined
She dies, she dies
She dies
Like a quivering child declined
She dies, she dies
The terror of her terrible death
Nulls the pain that comes with goth times
I need that anullment
Can't stand the pain
He preaches on and on
On our sinfull ways
And how we must do away
With our Goth Times
Our Goth Times!
But as his baby cries
He himself is lost
In everlasting
Everlasting Goth Times
3. Lawrence of Arabia
He came to rule
As king over the land
But shen he came
He stole everything at hand
And now, he's dead
And all he has left
Is his golden tomb
For us to see
There's heroism in thievery
Now all that's left
Is the sign of a hero
A man of great grandour
A man to fight and fall for
Now all we know for sure
As a fact of history, his name
His name was
Lawrence of Arabia
4. Out of the dark
Into the valley
Over the mountains
We came to see
Our secred world
Chased out of
Our hiding placed
My people walked
For miles and miles
Out of the dark
We came from hell
(We) were washed away
We came from hell
We came from (2x)
We came from hell
We finally came
Out of our shelters
When out of the distance:
A thundering roar
We though we'd found safety
Finally fond home
When all of us knew
the water had returned
Back in the (3x)
Back in the dark