
"You Are God, You Are Nothing" (1995)
1. Intro 2. After The Pain 3. From Transition to eternity 4. Branded By The Sign Of Live 5. Satan 6. Angel Of Darkness 7. You Are God, You Are Nothing 8. Mazohist 9. Smell Of Blood 10. Intoxication
1. Intro
2. After The Pain
3. From Transition to eternity
Our life is short. Our deeds are eternal.
Our bodies die. The souls are immortal.
Transient and short is the earthly life.
Endless and staunch the eternity.
Trails of life prepare us.
For our beyond eternal days
Death is our unchanging fellow
But we are immortal after death.
From Transition to eternity.
From matter to the spirit.
From life to death
From death to eternity.
I believe in your power SATAN.
And I devote my life to you.
My Lord hear to eternal call.
Make me piece of yourself.
There is no light without the dark.
And there's no love without hatred
There is no life without death
And there's no end without eternity.
4. Branded By The Sign Of Live
5. Satan
6. Angel Of Darkness
7. You Are God, You Are Nothing
The father the son created a man
He made the man of nasty mud
He made the woman of his rib
They both to make goodness forever.
You are Jesus. You are a Lie!
You are NothinG. You must die!
But SATAN is always with me.
And make my days so easy.
8. Mazohist
9. Smell Of Blood
10. Intoxication