
"Revelry" (1998)
1. Love's (Only) True Defender 2. Tender 3. Resemblance 4. Stuck 5. Three Steps For The Chameleon (How To Seduce Modesty) 6. I Am A Drug 7. Breathe The Jackal 8. Life's Sweetest Reward 9. Chains 10. Phase To Phase
1. Love's (Only) True Defender
It's about time you caught up with me
Or should I say I caught up with you
Anyway it was inevitable
Love's sweet aroma leaves quite a trace
Too bad it doesn't last
It never has, it never will
It just can't last
Damn (why can't it last?)
Step down
Let my hollowness embrace you
Step down
And my emptiness corrupt you
Do I ever get lonely?
There's only one of us left now
What do you think?
Of course there's always old Mr. Hate
Not too much company in him after the apocalypse
Too bad "travel" is not part of my vocalbulary
Step down
Let my hollowness embrace you
Step down
And my emptiness corrupt you
2. Tender
First, let's start with a catastrophy
A deceiving yet gentle disharmony
When silence turns into an odyssey
A hazardous flight through anatomy
And the listener starts thinking
"Is this where I want to be
Is not this music luring and pulling me
Deep down into a space where I have no ability
To withstand unconsciousness and futility"
It makes him feel oh so tender
It makes him feel oh so soft
It makes him curl up inside
And spend all the love that he never got
Second, when we are done with the cowardly
Who evidently had no shred of dignity
We start with the naked and foolhardy
And force him to utter addictively
"Why is my God lying and cheating me?
Is there no end to this forcefed hypocrisy?
Is it I or he who has got the best of me?
That is served with this religious monogamy"
It makes him feel oh so tender
It maked him feel oh so soft
It makes him curl up inside
And spend all the love he never got
(This is how the slightest disharmony turns into a lucid disharmony)
3. Resemblance
4. Stuck
5. Three Steps For The Chameleon (How To Seduce Modesty)
6. I Am A Drug
7. Breathe The Jackal
Ten thousand bodies entangled in a strange room
A formless struggle leaves a question of demise
And as a handful of lies is a weapon
As dignity confused with pride
Tie me up and let the dogs in
This kind of sympathy attracts me no longer
This kind of tenderness suits me no more
Designed to harvest, I feed on tamed warmth
Constructed envy, I've adapted a cold
Tie me up and let the dogs in
8. Life's Sweetest Reward
9. Chains
Your love is drowning me
Your love is strangling me
Deny my right to breathe
Deny me my feeble existence
I despise your love
I despise your strokes of tenderness
Pity love
Salute the lack of emotion
And let me feel the chains
I can feel the chains pour down
Pity love
Salute lack of emotion
10. Phase To Phase
How long in this eternal shell
How many dreams will end
How many ponderings in existence
How many moments of reflection
How many frightful words
How many distant glances
How many shrugging doubts
How numerous are your debts?