
"3 Song Demo" (2002 Demo)
1. What We Become 2. More of Myself to Kill 3. The Use of a Weapon
1. What We Become
Is this justifiable,
this is life we lead.
Blind stares at what we call humanity.
So afraid to face what has already become of us.
The dark cloud passed lifetimes ago.
The "saints" drink the blood of their own.
Your pathetic prayers mean nothing for...
Our mother is already dead.
She tried her best but the dirt choked her.
We raped her,
and laughed as we fucked her last chance of survival.
I sleep on her tears.
They keep me awake.
I fear that closing my eyes might end me.
But what am I?
I¹m just a worthless member of a twisted language.
We all speak this twisted language.
Is this justifiable?
We have raped her,
and we are pleasured from this.
Thinking this progress...
progress stopped lifetimes ago.
We are raping with this life we lead.
Everything is all right.
Lies-the twisted language we all breathe.
This song is very old and way more straightforward than most of my lyrics. I wrote it around the same time as "more of myself to kill", as you can probably tell. This song basically is just me saying how displeased I am with the human species. We ruin everything around us, and we are the most unintelligent animals alive. Yes I do fall into the category of the human animal, and I too think of myself as a disease. We¹re all hypocrites and we all destroy.
2. More of Myself to Kill
You have all wept once more... why?
I would never ask for such.
I have realized for once in my existence
my true happiness.
This is a first time for me...
I feel innocent, caring, and non-threatening.
Reincarnation for a better life...
becoming one with true harmony.
No gods have caressed or burned me;
only nature is willing to comfort me.
Salvation is dead and all of you
have passed away with me today.
I will never have to entertain or please
any of you ever again.
I am alive.
My memory is the only thing
keeping the old tears in my eyes.
I still know that all of you are taking
for the sake of not leaving.
You are killing the innocent for your so-called nutrition.
You are infecting our lands with your filth.
You are killing for the sake of your promotions in life.
One day we will all be in this soil...
with no gods to slave to,
and no heroes to kill for.
This song was written as if I was already deceased. It explains how this death is the first time I've actually felt like an innocent human being. I feel that death is a natural, beautiful thing. With the beliefs that I have (veganism, etc...) I can never truly be non-hypocritical till I¹m underground. The second half of the song talks about my feelings after I get past the self-thinking stage. I start realizing that just cause I'm innocent now; there is still an entire species above me that is not. The last line just says how the end of the human race will be very peaceful because all things that are confrontational in society will no longer have any meaning to us. I know it's morbid, but that's how I felt when I wrote the song. -tommy
3. The Use of a Weapon
In your city built with concrete and lies.
We have slaved away so lifeless.
With every breath a compromise.
So sickened by your process and our pain.
Plague by the fear of a tomorrow,
another day in vein,
we can throw all this away.
Trading our sorrow for sin.
We can throw all this away.
For too long we have starred.
For too long we have fucking stayed so blind
to every instinct as you paved the way.
So tomorrow we will take back every year you stole from us,
and every night silently desperate and hopeless.
Every dream never realized,
and every tear shed from these eyes.
We will sin and you will suffer.
We will set fire to your machines.
We will put life back into hearts and you will suffer.
We will run life through our veins and you will suffer.
Passion will be found in time,
and your world will fall behind us.
Under your dark polluted skies,
we may live as the damned.
But our essence and soul and freedom will unfold.
And only in death shall we see the end.
For as long as the light of the sun still dances
across every sea.
We will know there is something to live and die for,
and we will know every breath to be free.
Realistically, we may not be able to change the world, but the idea of doing just that is certainly very motivating. Hopefully, we can at least convince ourselves as individuals to change the way we live and stop spending our entire lives working to make somebody else rich. This song is about leaving the discomfort of your current world and finding a more vital and fulfilling life for yourself outside the parameters of standard American culture.