
"1879 Tales of War" (1990)
1. Fight for Your Land 2. The Real Me 3. Good Bye, Friend 4. The First Desillusion 5. Human Madness 6. 1879 7. Love and Pain 8. The Message 9. Critical Situation 10. Betrayed
1. Fight for Your Land
I don't want to cheat you
I want to speak with the true
I want to show the misfortune
WhereI have our mistake wrote in blood
Ocean Pacific theatre of war
Hey You
Imperialist man
Sank my
Go Home !!
Don't look at me as a obstinate man
But remember I have the reason
Because many people died in South America
Hopeful in the union of our land
Hey you foreign politic !!
What are you making for South America !!
You and your alms separated my continent
Yesterday and today is the same game
War is the Holocaust is the Cruelty
No, No, No more Silence
No, No, No more Profit
No, No, No more Corruption
No, No, No more Controvers....
2. The Real Me
Because you are acting
Because you are fighting
Because you are stealing
Because you are destroying
Tell me of confusion
Tell me of destruction
Tell me of controversy
Tell me of love
Asnwer to the sin
Asnwer to the misery
Asnwer to the fear
Asnwer to the war
Because you are acting
Because you are fighting
Because you are stealing
Because you are destroying
Darkness in your eyes
Tears in your face
Darkness in your eyes
Tears in your face
3. Good Bye, Friend
4. The First Desillusion
Day after day the history has something to show us
My son this is not a game it isn't
I don't want your sweet childhood died
There's a lot of time to know about this life
Mother see that beautyful uniform
see that beautyful flag
I will be one of them
I want to be a soldier
My son
I only want you to play
I want you to be with me
Learn to play learn to live
Live your life there's a.......
I don't want to be a child
I want to be a chilean soldier
I want to get with my hand
A powerful gun
I want my homeland
I want to die with
A powerful gun
5. Human Madness
6. 1879
The history never detains
The obssession came out
He already was a soldier
But with many illusions and desillusions
The atmosphere change
The salpetre brought problems
And blood a lot of blood
Peru, Bolivia, Chile, contracted
For foreign interes
Chile declare the war
And blood rain comes down
Over South America
The power of the money
Made another victim
And the soldier cried
And his dreams becames nightmares
There were many massacres
There were many death
Ell the blood
Many bodies without life
Only two phrases
7. Love and Pain
Over the wall
Of my alcove dark and cold
I have your photography
Nailed with a dagger
Under the old metal
That will guide me
My impious hand
Your face looks at me
With a mortal anguish
And when the day is lost
And the said green tee
Axalts my deep sorrow
It's hard to find...
Other way
To make your death
Because she was of this way
Because she was born in that country
Because she sold my sold
And my life breakdown
Oh my god you are living
In theheavens
Because you don't remember me
But you remember the fruit in february
When is wound it's ruby pulp
I have open my breast and you don't
Look at me
But you remember the black bunch
Threw the poplar leafs
With your breath
In the subtle air
And in the broad winepress
Of my death
Still you don't want
To squesse my breast
8. The Message
Mister Intendent
By the power
That gives me
The number eighteen
Of the article eighty two
Of the state constitution
And the law forth of the present
I've resolved and decree
That the goverment of Chile
Declares the war to the goverment of Peru
The minister of exterior relations
Will comunicate to the allied countries
This declaration
Exposing justified motives of this war
And the interior minister
Will deliver the news with the needed solemnity
Santiago April Fifteen
Year Eighteen seventy Nine
Nothing will erase the history
Nothing will return the lives
Nothing will change what's done
Nothing will be sufficient
9. Critical Situation
10. Betrayed
I don't believe in your religion
I don't believe in your god
I don't believe in your love
I don't believe in your fucking cross
They are saints and seek resurrection
Have much riterion not corruption
Speak with the truth no false-hoods
Have a life of devotion
And I spit your resurrection
And I spit your criterion
And I spit your truth
I get sick of your devotion
And you call him brother
If I don't believe in your god
Your false salvation
And your cynical black clothing
Son of a bitch fucking priest
Where do you want to go ?
With the money
And it's stupid religion
They have a blindness by the avaricie
They have a blindness by the ignorance
They have a blindness by the luxury
They have a blindness by the power
And we are betrayed by the church
And we are betrayed by our father
And we are betrayed by the society
And we are betrayed by the ignorance.