
"Obombrid Welkins" (2006)
1. The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds 2. Wraith of Winter Haven 3. There Descends a Nauseating Dampness 4. Kevin MacDonald's Theory of Eurocentrism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy 5. Obombrid Welkins 6. Alopaecia
1. The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds
2. Wraith of Winter Haven
Upon that waking moment there are only shades of grey, A feeling of impenetrable fog bears down, Emotion glimmering, but yet lost, and powerless, A dull cold flame, Those unblinking sockets stare back, This earthbound wraith, Clawing at all normality, Those grey moments bleeding further into black, Could it be slashed into existence? The weeping of lifeless eyes to be an object of spite? A shattered figurine should always be hidden behind a heavy curtain of deceit, For it would be too late to halt the plague, The plague of human weakness, That moment when unblinking sockets narrow to cruel slits, The dull heart rising with contempt and a tourniquet to the throat, Just for that black moment before it returns to the state of grey, An ice sculpture returning to it's Winter haven, Always staring to the horizon & never within, Though the peril of sculptural beings is the roots deep in earth entwining them, A frozen victim of strangulation, That silent force ready to unveil it's unwanted presence from within, Flowers of mortal downfall sowing their dark seed, To always be trampled into the dirt.
3. There Descends a Nauseating Dampness
Always the antagonist, The slowly-suffocating assassin, Crawling up the walls, clawing at the veins of the uncanny, Seeping into the fabric of the house-cell, Bearing down, drowning in interrupted silence, Shallow breathing & the loss of rhythm, It draws close... Frenzied, choking from above, within the timbers, The unseen... the sound of decay, Seeping, all enveloping, A blackened tapestry dragging limbs to the depths, Contorpulating, with just a dull beating, Enslaved to an architectural despair, Pulsing with unease, there descends a nauseating dampness, The horror of structure, Past contained in its being, A decomposing history of losses & blame, The monument of confinement, To step over the threshold is to sever the shackles.
4. Kevin MacDonald's Theory of Eurocentrism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy
An evolutionary reading of social identity theory conceptualises Eurocentrism as a cultural invention by European-derived peoples, comprised of cognitive structures and involving mechanisms of kin recognition tending toward the maximisation of ingroup cohesion and reproductive success and the generation of a sociocultural climate favourable to the institution of eugenic practices. There is excellent evidence to support their interpretation as adaptive responses to resource competition from outgroups perceived as strategising to perpetuate their specialised ecological role. By fostering a culture of radical critique designed to undermine traditionally Western forms of social organisation founded on high-investment parenting and hierarchical harmony, and to delegitimise criteria of assortment based on phenotypic similarity, while practicing ethnocentrism, erecting barriers to genetic penetration, and engaging in crypsis via intellectual apologiae and rationalisations that de-emphasise genetic commonality as a legitimate evaluative dimension among European-derived peoples, it is expected that the eclipsing of political representation, economic power, cultural influence, and demographic presence among European-derived peoples in their own traditional homelands will result in a decline in European-derived gene frequencies, and therefore in the neutralisation or end of the threat to ethnic continuity.
5. Obombrid Welkins
Through dark vales and woodland they were in pursuit. Watching and with murderous vision. A silent enemy with the will of their shepherd God. Yet I have outwitted them. Their icy glares have note reduced me to mist. I continue to draw the breath they wish to take from me.
6. Alopaecia
The non-permanence of the self, A fragile being withered, So easily shattered, She deteriorates as the way she burns, An outer shell such as porcelain, Though too many flaws to be doll-like, Failing at the roots, A crown to reflect mortality & disintegration, Such is the fallen monarch, Fading & frail; a temple of loss, Many golden threads with which to weave a mist of myths, A hiding place for death.