
"Evidence of Inequity" (2005 EP)
1. Comforting Prejudice 2. Profitable Killcount 3. Totalitarian Hypnosis 4. Regurgitated Lullaby for the Born Dead 5. Nevermore
1. Comforting Prejudice
Xenophobe Visionary, spare me from your missionary speech. Nothing but hate for your kind. Your life spend on converting the flock. Why should I have tolerance when this word means nothing to you and your books, holy books? "Love and compassion" seems long forgotten when it comes to your missionary act. Fatal anachronism that will tear you all down. Does rotting scare you that much? Comforting thought of thinking all the same. Is it going to make this all real? Comforting thought of thinking all the same. Live for yourself your spiritual life. Does rotting scare you that much? Imposing your reflection. So narrow understanding. Your beliefs are yours to keep. Does rotting scare you that much?
2. Profitable Killcount
Religious soldier praying for a blessed kill count. That will lead his people to a false victory. The antagonist, blinded by the faith he has for another great dictator is at the very same moment offering all that he has just to triumph in his work of killing. Both sides are armed and ready for the next sacrifice: A way used by those in power to hide economical interests under a crusade. Conditioned as they fight. Ready? The show will begin. Media: Cameras are shooting. Murders: World wide reported. Those in power counting. Ordered To kill and torture. Actions: You find yourself doing. Questions Didn't come to your head. Superiors still asking you to kill. Hatred used as a weapon. Hatred, conditioned hatred. History is repeating itself. Over and over again but we still don't get it. Divided: we surely will fall. History is repeating itself. Could we learn from our mistakes?
3. Totalitarian Hypnosis
Blinded by the shiny light of the screen. This fake reality will soon be mine. As I look I just become more obedient to my master's will. Punctilious work has been done to win our attention. Dictatorship of thought through the media. The first class controlling the centre of attention. Concentration of the sources is the key for a forced fed mentality. A pipeline crushed in you is slowly flooding your mind with this reality at their convenience. Not only have I turned my back on the shepherd that once conditioned me but I as well left him to die and rot. Rot.
4. Regurgitated Lullaby for the Born Dead
Prowling along the edge of misery. Suffocating on hope of better days. Questioning minds fed with the myth of opportunity. Born-dead : Death at birth. Unwanted : Still essential. Exploited : As they want. Born-dead : But shall rise. Destiny chosen by fortunate ones, wounded for life. Can't become a master when you're born a slave. Death for those who will speak loud. Slavery for the shut mouths. Mortification for majority so that masters keep sleeping in their castles built of gold. A child's dream, nothing but dreams, will soon start to burn and turn to ashes. The production equation doesn't bring wealth for every one, a thing to benefit the fortunate ones/empowered ones. Awake the born dead.
5. Nevermore
Face down. Obey to who is ordering : God and master. Each one of us has someone to please. Work more, faster, the show, it must go on. Work more, spend more. Happiness is one purchase away. We live our lives like if our condition would be just a phase. In wait of some kind of recognition that will surely not come. As for me, I had enough. From now on, never more. Work more, buy more, spend more, then rot in peace. Work more, buy more. Happiness is one purchase away. Vicious circle, I put a end to this vicious circle. Will this persecution end only once I'm dead? And so we'll live in blood sweat and tears: no love no hate. And so we'll die: bound to happen. I won't die the same. Conscious. Happiness can't be bought. No respect can be found in a system based on our craze for the superfluous. Happiness can't be bought. Dignity is coming back as I swear to myself now: From now on, never more.