
"The First Wreath" (2005 EP)
1. Preludium 2. The Wretched Of This Afterbirth 3. The Time Is Now 4. Signs Of That Grim Malady
1. Preludium
2. The Wretched Of This Afterbirth
Your flesh, a prison for the soul
cut it open, let it flow, set it free,
become unleashed.
The earth dies tonight, beneath our feet.
Just drift away, succumbed by fatigue
Life will pass you by in an escalating pace
as you silently drift into obscurity.
so sleep now child, with open eyes, this will last a lifetime,
And the dusk will dim your way,
as the sun dies within this day,
and slowly we will all fade away.
you are the wretched of this afterbirth.
3. The Time Is Now
If you peer into
the darkest corner of
the farthermost chamber of mankind
you might se me sitting there
with an unsettling smile upon my lips
and a basket of fruit upon my lap
I wish you no pain
I just want to eat your soul
and use your body
torn/scorned/never mourned
wrong path/wrong choice/wrong feelings
want/can't/shan't/no life no blood
Eat of the fruits and despair
as all hope is gone
The time is now
And nothing remains but to ravage
what little has survived
Consume me and lay me to rest
4. Signs Of That Grim Malady
Slowly eating my soul
from within
and from outside
gnawing my bones raw
unrelenting maws of emotion
Cannibalizing wave of affection
carnivorous sense of attraction
Oh my hatefull
I will suffer
Kill on sight
that thing inside you
that wretched burning desire
claustrophobic insane dreaming
putrid crushing defeat
source of endless agony
If I cannot withstand
this malign onslaught
I will suffer
Kill on sight
that thing inside you
oh my hateful, I will suffer
like we all do
on the spiked, searing altars
Oh my hatefull
And my soul is weak
My walls have crumbled
My being invaded
How sweet it tastes, this utter defeat
How it burns my flesh with joy
I know it will be the blessed end of me