
"Know Your Enemy" (2001)
1. Behind Enemy Lines 2. Setting Things Right Again 3. American Made Death Squad 4. Why Does She Stay? 5. The Cure 6. Out of Sight, Out of Mind 7. Devestated 8. Muder at the G-8 Summit 9. Voice of Dissent 10. Dogmatic Slumber 11. Fucking Bastards 12. The Growing Wealth Gap 13. Closure?
1. Behind Enemy Lines
Not interested in politics or don’t want to fucking face it
But if we don’t stand against oppression we might as well embrace it
When we act as if it doesn’t affect us we do nothing but pretend
Because there’s not a single place on earth that doesn’t belong to them
Governed by the policies of an ignorant bigoted few
Targeted by the tactics they so willingly abuse
They manipulate our means of survival, discourage our desire to react
And insure our lack of involvement by keeping our apathy intact
Fuck what you think you know-don’t want to deal with politics?
Fuck what you think you know-but there’s no escape
Fuck what you think you know-where do you think you’re going to hide?
Fuck what you think you know-we’re behind enemy lines
Lines are all they feed us when politicians speak of freedom
Masquerading as democracy’s guardians to make it seem as if we need them
They’re out to save us from ourselves and contradict our common sense
As bureaucracy batters self-reliance at everyone’s expense
Fuck what you think you know-don’t want to deal with politics?
Fuck what you think you know-but there’s no escape
Fuck what you think you know-where do you think you’re going to hide?
Fuck what you think you know-we’re behind enemy lines
What can we hope to accomplish when fighting in a war
Where those who we are fighting against are also the ones we’re working for
People reach their breaking point when they’ve got nothing left to lose
So they sedate us with tiny victories that keep us all defused
Diverting our attention away from their power that they defend
Fearing what we’re capable of if we didn’t depend on them
Fuck what you think you know-don’t want to deal with politics?
Fuck what you think you know-but there’s no escape
Fuck what you think you know-where do you think you’re going to hide?
Fuck what you think you know-we’re behind enemy lines
2. Setting Things Right Again
I am George W. Bush and you best not cross my path
Because now I have the backing and you’re going to feel my wrath
The Christian right adore me because I swore to carry out god’s will
Can you believe that they’re my strongest support considering how I love to kill?
They can live with murder on death row but not Roe vs. Wade
So I promised them if they got me elected some changes would be made
So now those irresponsible teenagers will be forced to have a kid
It makes no difference to me I don’t sleep around like Clinton did
Are we now to regress back to the Reagan years, the ruling elite’s wet dream?
Where capital punishment is viewed as civilized but art and music as obscene
Claiming that they’re for less government rule in livelihood as they set the stage
To tip the scales in the companies favor, freeze the minimum wage
Fight to reinstate prayer in public schools and make the christians proud
Appoint Supreme Court justices who will insure that abortion is disallowed
Cutting all of the medical coverage for those inflicted with A.I.D.S.
And push the gays back in the closet in hopes that their movement fades
I can’t relate to homosexuals so I’ll keep same sex marriages banned
In fact the only dick I like is my second in command
You may remember Mr. Cheeney he was one of my daddy’s peers
And he’ll really be an asset if he can live for four more years
He’s a veteran of the trenches so I put him on my team
Because it’s time to bring back all the tactics of the Reagan-Bush regime
With Jeb’s help I stole the election and brought the liberal era to an end
And although the left-wing will not like it I’m going to set things right again
They initiate absurdity that to them makes perfect sense
Cut out every social program and simultaneously build up our defense
That they’ll mostly use for internal conflict, like when the activists ‘attack’
And the provoked protectors of the law have no choice but to fight back
When assessing what the problem is their lack of judgment never fails
And the only answer that they have is to build more jails
Every time the standard of living drops and a rise in crime ensues
They never attribute it to survival but a lack of family values
I’m here to restore dignity to the Whitehouse once again
And I can’t do that in reality so I’ll guess I’ll just pretend
It’s no big shock that I’ll starve the poor and cater to those with wealth
In fact the only thing that may surprise you is that I manage to dress myself
I am definitely not the brightest man my brain is pretty lame
The only reason I made it this far is that I have my daddy’s name
But as long as I’m your president you better learn to pray
It could only happen in America , god bless the USA
3. American Made Death Squad
Hidden behind a wall of secrecy and right in our own backyard
In fort Benning, Georgia lies the pentagons prize
Well protected behind gun and guard
It’s the training ground for counter insurgency
For the Latin American and Caribbean countries
Specializing in psychological warfare and assassinations
And repression of the people in their own nations
Here comes the death squad
American made
An army of butchers
Product of the S.O.A.
American interests are protected by this machine of death
The School of Americas provides the muscle
They’re the enforcers of the policies of the World bank and the I.M.F.
They commit atrocities for American globalization
And profits for multinational corporations
At the expense of the people who don’t adhere
And are subjected to torture then disappear
Here comes the death squad
American made
An army of butchers
Product of the S.O.A.
With the school now under fire from human rights advocates
The pentagon’s official action has been to change the name
So it could continue its mission and operation
Nice new image for the same old game
But with every human rights violation the opposition grows
And it won’t let up until the S.O.A. is closed
So you can keep on arresting those who cross the protest line
But you can’t cover up who’s really committing the crime
With almost 60,000 graduates from 23 countries
Responsible for some of the most notorious crimes against humanity
Like the massacres that were committed in El Salvador’s civil war
Or the 30,000 people slaughtered in Argentina’s ‘dirty war’
America has created a monster from which no one is safe
And it will continue to assassinate, torture and rape
Until we take responsibility and say enough is enough
Since every bit of their training has been funded by us
Here comes the death squad
American made
An army of butchers
Product of the S.O.A.
4. Why Does She Stay?
She’s a domestic violence survivor a regular hospital patient
He swears that it was an accident, she claims it was blatant
Those who think that they know him will of course have their doubts
And the ones who believe her will quickly point out
That it’s happened so many times and he hasn’t changed yet
If she doesn’t just leave him she deserves what she gets
She’ll get no support from those who don’t understand
Why she would stay with such an abusive man
Why doesn’t she leave?
Why does she stay in an abusive situation, where he’s made her his prisoner
And the acts of violence get worse every day?
Many women lose their support systems
Once the batterer has isolated her and no one will listen
To her plea for help, her cries of despair
And when the incident is over he always swears
That he knows there’s a problem and he’s going to get help
Not for her but for himself
Shifting the focus to his pain and away from hers
Convincing her that it’s not just his problem but both of theirs
So he needs her support and for her to remain
Because he really is trying and he’s going to change
So she remains in an abusive situation
And lives with fear and intimidation
And the familiar words of regret and repeated apologies
The psychological battering and sexual abuse
And the promise of reprisal if she ever leaves
Each day there’s a new bruise that she manages to hide
Sometimes it’s denial and sometimes it’s pride
She really doesn’t want to live life this way
But there are countless reasons why she might stay
Maybe it’s low self-esteem
No self-respect
Maybe it’s her children that she’s trying to protect
Maybe it’s financial security, having a home
Having to make it out on her own
Maybe she sees it as normal from her childhood abuse
Maybe she’s tired of fighting so what’s the use
Maybe the police who were called doubted her statement
Or maybe she loves him and is trying to be patient
He’ll never run out of excuses for his continued assault
He’ll rationalize his abuse and how it’s really her fault
If she’d only obey him and be a better wife
If he didn’t have all of these pressures in his job or his life
It’s not because stress has taken its toll
But because he’s seeking obedience, dominance and power
And he knows that his abuse gets him control
And if it gets him what he wants then he’ll do it again
The single greatest cause of injury to women is by abusive men
Thousands of women are murdered by their partners every year
Is it so hard to understand why she stays and lives in fear?
5. The Cure
To all of you sexual deviants that have perversely lost your way
To all of you with loved ones that have been immorally led astray
Fear no more, have faith in us, gods soldiers are here to appease
We’ll save you from immorality by helping to rid you of this horrid disease
Bring the gays, the lesbians and bisexuals- we’ve got the cure
Bring the queers, the transsexuals, and transgendereds- we’ve got the cure
Bring the sinful, bring the immoral, bring the sick- we’ve got the cure
Change your ways, ignore your instincts, repress your feelings- sin no more
This disease can now be treated with god’s help these sinners can be cured
And traditional Christian gender roles can be forcibly restored
But just like with alcoholics, all of our efforts can’t succeed
If they’d rather live in denial and refuse to get the help they need
Bring the gays, the lesbians and bisexuals- we’ve got the cure
Bring the queers, the transsexuals, and transgendereds- we’ve got the cure
Bring the sinful, bring the immoral, bring the sick- we’ve got the cure
Change your ways, ignore your instincts, repress your feelings- sin no more
People are not born this way like these gay rights activists suggest
We’ve conducted our own “impartial” studies and have determined that we’re correct
It’s an unnatural, corrupt behavior that threatens spirituality and health
We can cure these sexual deviants if they’re willing to help themselves
Bring the gays, the lesbians and bisexuals- we’ve got the cure
Bring the queers, the transsexuals, and transgendereds- we’ve got the cure
Bring the sinful, bring the immoral, bring the sick- we’ve got the cure
Change your ways, ignore your instincts, repress your feelings- sin no more
6. Out of Sight, Out of Mind
With the cold war now behind us we no longer live in fear
Of a world on the brink of annihilation
Where in a flash it could all disappear
The forgotten nuclear stockpiles of military might
Were never designed for use or destruction
But to help us sleep at night
What ever happened to our nuclear arms?
They were only forgotten they weren’t disarmed
The threat has not been left behind
They’re just out of sight and out of mind
The absence of a threat is another illusion
To keep us all sedate
So we won’t reject but just accept
When someone else controls our fate
And from taking issue with the massive armaments
And their outrageous cost
And the possibility of nuclear war
The whole world would have lost
What ever happened to our nuclear arms?
They were only forgotten they weren’t disarmed
The threat has not been left behind
They’re just out of sight and out of mind
The ghosts of the past strongly suggest
that our responsibility not be waived
while the skeletons in our closet
prove that we’re depraved
the insanity of the superpowers placed us in a race
with an unavoidable finish that we’re still condemned to face
the threat of a nuclear holocaust will continue to persist
as long as hatred is still alive and the weapons still exist
we’re no safer now than we ever were
we’re simply in denial
in truth the reality of destruction
has been with us all the while
we’re still faced with the doomsday scenario
and it still is our concern
will we ever face our responsibility
or will humanity never learn
What ever happened to our nuclear arms?
They were only forgotten they weren’t disarmed
The threat has not been left behind
They’re just out of sight and out of mind
7. Devestated
Blinding, shattering brightness breaks the darkness of dawn
Blistering gusts of fire, a nightmare in life forever torn
Left in the shambles, the smoke, innocent victims of war
Hiding behind their nakedness, in fear of what’s left for their unborn
Bloodied, blinded, shaking, left in horror of your bomb
Burnt, broken, sweating, scarred for life in your war
8. Muder at the G-8 Summit
Shots fired by hired thugs
Public servants don’t murder and maim
Hiding behind their double standards
targeting the victim with bullets and blame
Providing a wall of defense for dictators and tyrants
Shielding them from accountability, concern and complaints
Showing zero tolerance and lacking restraint
Combating defiance with violence
All while they decide our fates
Create a story from an ‘impartial’ and ‘reliable’ source
One that sanctions and justifies force
And allows those responsible to parade their remorse
While the corpse is further desecrated
Another terror tactic the police implement
Resentment shown to those who oppose and hold this whole charade in contempt
When police over reaction is caught by the cameras
The world watches to see what happens next
The politicians protect and defend those responsible
For needlessly gunning down or beating a person to death
This gross abuse of power sets the example for violence
And rejects the ideals of tolerance and respect
So will their continuing assaults result in more violence?
What else could they possibly expect?
Now that they’ve set the precedence
For brutality towards activists and excusing police actions
All other cities can increase their efforts
To stifle the message and stamp out reaction
What happened to our right to assemble?
This resembles the tactics the fascists enacted
To insure that no one listens while they lock us in prisons
And everyone’s civil and human rights are retracted
9. Voice of Dissent
In university vivisection labs another million of government grants is spent
For better money a lawyer sells out the client he’s supposed to represent
Insurance companies public relations campaigns are an undisputable lie
Blaming ‘insurance fraud’ as the reason why premiums are so ridiculously high
They use their advertising propaganda to convince the people that they’re not corrupt
And so the disabled are viewed as criminals, while they’re the ones who won’t pay up
Pharmaceutical stock-holding doctors playing god with peoples lives
They’ll subject you to chemotherapy knowing well you won’t survive
The whitewashing of minds and the greasing of hands
Is why this capitalist system and government still stands
How many patients will die from a disease without the cause ever being known
Like the members of the military who are now inflicted with gulf war syndrome
Could this be another mysterious disease that they swear lacks their involvement
Or an experiment done by the chemical-biological warfare department
Research and production paid for by the pentagon’s black budget funding
That’s secretly been agreed to be increased by the next presidential candidate running
Whose office has to be bought quickly because he’s running out of time
And his opponent endorsed capital punishment first to show he’s tough on crime
The whitewashing of minds and the greasing of hands
Is why this capitalist system and government still stands
But both will agree the reports of political prisoners are merely fairy tales
It’s absurd to think that innocent people might inhabit our jails
It’s more acceptable and politically profitable to believe the corrupt F.O.P.
Whose true colors are occasionally caught on videotape for the entire world to see
In addition to cops beating dissidents there are more extreme solutions
Like the government sanctioned lobotomies performed in mental institutions
That the state can confidently assure us no longer occurs
Apathy is the condition that their money and propaganda now preserves
The whitewashing of minds and the greasing of hands
Is why this capitalist system and government still stands
Status is manipulated by capital, those with wealth now feed the publics view
Power is kept beyond the peoples reach, the world is run by the few
People of independent and artistic thought have all been ostracized
Now seen as freaks and lunatics culture has been lobotomized
Finances now proclaim importance, the businessmen hold the respected opinion
And possess the means to maintain their power in this capitalist dominion
They take every precaution to insure that our path’s already set
And revel in their efforts when we absolutely pose no threat
Just like the child on Ritalin that’s force-fed drugs to control behavior
Or the flock of worshippers on their knees obedient servants to their savior
Or the people who once stood defiant that alcohol now keeps complacent
Or the suppression of the imagination, thanks to mindless entertainment
The entertaining of our minds leads to the containing of our lives
Where compassion has no place but capitalism thrives
And the ruling class survives because money dictates what’s right
While the ills of our society are conveniently kept out of sight
When we mirror their ideals and adhere to money and control
It affects all facets of our lives and swiftly takes its toll
No person or profession is immune from moneys filthy reach
It turns us against one another and keeps us on a leash
When money and distractions reinforce the oppressive grasp
Any hopes of creating change will regrettably collapse
The more problems we have as individuals, the more we seem to miss
The more they divert our attention the more they can accomplish
The whitewashing of minds and the greasing of hands
Is why this capitalist system and government still stands
We naively believe that if we just play their game then maybe we stand a chance
We step on one another in hopes that our lives will soon advance
We overlook each other’s needs and give in to the pressures of the state
We don’t trust our leaders when it comes to politics but we allow them to control our fate
If we live our lives under their heel do we really have a choice
But to break the cycle of silence and raise our dissenting voice
To support government oppression by indifference may not be our intent
But it’s still just as effective as if we gave them our consent
10. Dogmatic Slumber
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They pass ‘free trade’ legislation that favors the companies
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They cut social programs to fund war technology
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They inject genetically engineered hormones into everything we eat
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They use our own money to pay for our defeat
Wake up from this dogmatic slumber
Stand up and face our enemies
Rise up we’ve got the numbers
Live up to what we could actually be
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They embrace trickle down economics that maintain us as slaves
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They treat the poor as criminals and give dictators parades
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They bombard us with advertisements until our willpower succumbs
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They utilize slave labor that keeps us competing for crumbs
Wake up from this dogmatic slumber
Stand up and face our enemies
Rise up we’ve got the numbers
Live up to what we could actually be
They exploit our differences to create more divisions
They keep us subservient with flags and religions
They threaten us with loss of our freedom and soul
They employ all of these tactics to keep their control
And once we’re separated and contained by the systems oppressive tactics
Once the flame is extinguished and our leaders fucking have us
We’re an unwilling contribution towards the system we despise
We’re a part of the machine and our lives are fucking lies
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They bomb civilian populations to secure a better price for oil
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They wage nonstop war against activists until the dissidents recoil
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They expose us to the biological weapons they manufacture in the lab
Do you know what they’re up to while we sleep?
They steal our minds, destroy our bodies and leave us on the slab
Wake up from this dogmatic slumber
Stand up and face our enemies
Rise up we’ve got the numbers
Live up to what we could actually be
11. Fucking Bastards
You claim that you’re trying to cure disease
Does destroying life make you pleased?
Senseless tests with nothing to prove
Destruction of animals is what you choose
Taxpayer’s money supplies the fuel
For experiments that are torture, irrelevant and cruel
Blinding the public with a corporate lie
When it all comes back to you, there’s nowhere to hide
Not only is vivisection a despicable violent crime
But it’s also an absolute waste of fucking time
Animal’s lives were meant to be free
Not to be burned or forced to bleed
Ripped from their families, fear in their eyes
It’s all out of greed, there’s no disguise
Locked in a cage with nowhere to run
Delirious and drugged, soaking in blood
A scientist is what you’re not
You’re just a fiend with a murdering plot
Conscience erased, you’re drowning in shame
It’s their life not your fucking game
You can hide from the public but I know the truth
It’s not a career, it’s fucking abuse
12. The Growing Wealth Gap
Despite the wage stagnation the economy still has the illusion of growth
Because people are now deeper in debt, spending more than what they’re worth
Working more jobs and hours for less pay in an effort to get by
Enticed with the buy now, pay later pitfall you gladly just comply
Maxing out on credit cards burying yourselves deeper in debt
Owing thousands of dollars to creditors you haven’t worked for yet
Our credit enables you to purchase instant gratification
And material possessions alleviate feelings of indignation
You’ll spend your entire life trying to escape from our economic cage
Living off of unemployment or trying to survive on a starvation wage
We’ll gladly pay for your education encouraging careers
Then we’ll capitalize on the interest you’ll be paying for twenty years
We’ve gone through all of the trouble of trapping you in jobs with pay reduced
And if after all of our efforts you’re still reluctant to produce
We’ll take your job security elsewhere, we’ll ship it overseas
Where people will happily line up to do whatever we please
They’ll work for practically nothing and never threaten us with strikes
So stay in line or your place of employment will be your former company site
We’ve lobbied for all of this leverage that we hold above your head
We’d rather not pay the worker so we’ll pay the politicians instead
Who in turn push through the “trade laws” under a mask of America ’s best interest
Cutting out the work force due to corporate reassessment
With no worldwide exploitation laws the world is for the taking
Our CEO’s are making billions off the products that the workers are making
Are you tired of working for nothing?
Are you tired of working just to get by?
Are you tired of working to line others pockets, so they can get rich while you barely survive?
By making slave labor more accessible to the American corporations
We don’t have to worry about health benefits or safety regulations
NAFTA was the biggest scam we ever sold to the American public
Convincing all of you suckers that it really was for your benefit
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and you always wonder why
As you pay for your oppression with every product that you buy
We refuse to pay the world a living wage, the companies wouldn’t collapse
But you’d simply gain a little ground in the growing wealth gap
The boss who rides you everyday, is also the one who signs your pay
Do you stay and deal with all the shit or quit and find another way
To feed your family, keep them warm and make the best with what you get
Let them threaten you with loss of job and be thankful that it hasn’t happened yet
13. Closure?
Within the sterile environment that carries out American retribution
The threatened insist that vengeance is the only acceptable solution
Emotions fuel the media frenzy, relentlessly searching for satisfaction
The world’s superpower, made to feel vulnerable, is now demanding action
No one can breathe easy until he’s drawn his final breath
And taken his place amongst his victims in the company of death
Demonized for something that our government does every single day
But when it happens in our own backyard, you know that someone’s going to pay
Is state sanctioned murder really closure?
Focusing on vengeance, our government will do whatever it takes
Satisfied that this brand of justice outweighs all mistakes
But when does an immoral act become justified
Ignore the responsibility and a person is crucified
By the abuse and corruption of the laws that supposedly protect
No individual or government should have legality over death
A life for a life, an eye for an eye, no government has the right
To continue the cycle of violence and show it’s ultimate might
Is state sanctioned murder really closure?
We wipe our hands clean, he got what he deserved
In our minds we can rationalize that justice has been served
But in reality nothing is ever really accomplished
When justice is overshadowed by a primal need for vengeance
Killing another person won’t wash away the guilt
Just put another victim in the house of cards the state built
How many more lives will our government erase?
When revenge in our legal system is commonplace
Is state sanctioned murder really closure?
Do you now feel safe?
Do you now feel secure?
Will you sleep any easier now that they’ve evened the score?
Is your mind now at peace?
Has your way of life been defended?
Has all of the pain or just another life ended?
Is it your desire to see another dead?
Will it bring you closure and put your fears to bed?
You grasp at an illusion to use as a safety net
But what we find in the end is a nation with no self-respect
Not only is there the illusion of safety but also the illusion of healing
That a death sentence is going to help how the victims’ loved ones are feeling
But instead of compassion they find a murderous beast and a bloodstain
The government can kill all they want but they can’t kill the pain
The hurt they feel can’t be cured by a lethal injection
A state sanctioned murder won’t bring about resurrection
Death cannot mend, so we only pretend
That the cycle of violence and all the pain ends