
"Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)" (2002)
1. Horns ov Baphomet 2. Modern Iconoclasts 3. Here and Beyond (Titanic Turn of Time) 4. As Above So Below 5. Blackest ov the Black 6. Hekau 718 7. The Harlot ov the Saints 8. No Sympathy for Fools 9. Zos Kia Cultus 10. Fornicatus Benefictus 11. Typhonian Soul Zodiack 12. Heru Ra Ha: Let There Be Might
1. Horns ov Baphomet
Rise thy horns
For I'm at one with the dark
Divine presence ascends
Touching the forehead ov god
Hark! I was not, I have become
In rapture, in vengeance, in blood
From word into flesh
From man into god
"Strive ever to more"
So spake the wisdom ov snake
"Hold up thyself"
Sayeth the law ov the brave
Beyond all I am
Let it be known
Within my blood fire stirs
Thee I invoke, The Unspoken One
As the wolf among sheep yet cower I do not
Victorious, glorious, constantly thirsting
And as the anger fuels my heart and will
No longer fear that which feeble men fear
"No rest for conquerors!", Legions of Typhon Seth await
Conquering child ov Mars breathes out war formula
"Ain Soph Aur
Protect my ways
Enlighten my paths
Consume me with thy rays"
I, the heart ov Tiphareth is waiting
The centre and secret ov the Sun
I invoke the Sothis rites, as day and night I'm reborn
...We shall all be one with the flames, from above...
2. Modern Iconoclasts
The centuries ov woe have passed away
With eternal youth at my command I unleash hell!
Cast out ov Egypt were we, with lust embraced serpentine heart
Our wrath shalt now shower o'er the earth
Praise to thee, whose tongue doth speak fire
Dionisos, Orpheus, Attis, Osiris
Slain now resurrected, shackled now released
Bring forth ecstasy, the ulmost delight
Come wholly to me as lifes' water is poured by thy side
'twas from sacred society not mother we were spawned
To manifest by Will alone our visions, more it be!
We are the khaos warriors
The architects ov fate
Our sight sees far beyond
The light of the day
Our thoughts secluded well
Amidst the darkness of night
Shall be no final warning
Before our battle cry!
Breathe out in ecstasy, swallow the seed of truth
Transgression is the might, transgression is the key
This is the law of scourge, the EYE ov true revenge
Placing trust upon our blade against ignorance
Dionisos, Orpheus, Attis, Osiris
Slain now resurrected, shackled now released
Hear is crippled souls, behold is ye blind fools
Awake in fear and feel the touch ov bitter bliss
Its no time for repenting, its time to kiss our swords
We are the new beginning, we light our torch ov war
We are the kaos warriors
Modern iconoclast
Cleansers, lurking, waiting
To conquer the universe
We are all and without equal
Our fists crush the concrete walls
Our hearts infused with rage
In freedom our souls burn
Conquered we can be not
Our fate 'tis fueled by forces
Awakening to herald
The dawn of New Aeon rites
3. Here and Beyond (Titanic Turn of Time)
Arrived we to the days ov our beginning
To the City ov God clothed with the mists
Enslaved by life we danced spinning
In the taverns of time we used to sit
And drunk with memories
Dead moments glorified
I saw the phantoms ov Golgotha
Legion Legion
Fed on dust ov dead
Anoited by the grey ash
Mad, twisted mob ov Jerusalem
Then Raphael beyond me and night appear'd
Bent and The Word was announc'd
An archangelic grreting (Jetzirah! Jetzirah!)
The sign ov Portal, reality ov nature
Not to be, but to become
In aimless wandering across the time
On the sea ov possibilities untouched I stood
From my hand cracked heaven idols are falling to the pieces
Reached the horizon
Dagger in the air
Sylphs work is done
Oracles ov past aeons fulfill'd
Live we on the edge ov the worlds
In titanic turn ov time
Here and beyond
Carried on the wings ov the sun
Infinite, sacred power we call
And sight hardly can catch the moment ov eternity
When drink with light
In light we will live
And in the formless rapture
Will we sing psalm ov Might
The last spell ov Will:
"We are one
We are none!"
4. As Above So Below
I've seen strange signs on my way
Silent shadows
Dancing shapes
And angels fallen on the earth
Face up
And look there
When the root ov thy being cannot reach
Art thou Nephilim child?
Are ye looking for thy Elysium?
Here among the living trees?
Among the fading stars, variablility ov forms?
Sometimes love, Sometimes sadness ov things
Sometimes rapture, and wine o sabbath
Sometimes hatred, divine rage
And 93 rears, no limit, beyond the sin - gilgolem
Ye taught me the secret words:
Protect thy Daimon
Why why whisper thoughts
But might is raised
When conjurer of seasons
Hums the song...sorrowful, joyful
Night is eternal
And day is eternal
With runes ov life
And runes ov death
As above, so below
Now it's time ov the Beast
5. Blackest ov the Black
From beyond all paths ov man I drew my rules
Infamous among gods and low I did fall
And the earth hath cried aloud
Hark! For enraged winds and storms now awaken
Now see me naked, yet draped in flames
My pent fury to unleash upon men
Ov khaos I am, the disobediant one
Depraved son who hath dwellt in nothingness
Upon the ninth I fell, from grace up above
To taste this life ov sin, to give birth to the "I"
I didst create demigods, strong in will and deed
That they may stand proud and call out thy names
How dare thou cross the paths ov mine
And leave my fallen sons behind
Oh, I shall feast in Gutter, as king ov nothing
I shall feed on thee, the Mightiest One
Behold! For I am Him!
Life giving flower that belongst to the dawn
No holiness rules over my freedom
No commands from above I obey
I seek the ruin, I shake the worlds
Behold! I am blackest ov the black
Ov khaos I am, the disobediant one
Depraved son who hath dwellt in nothingness
Upon the ninth I fell, from grace up above
To taste this life ov sin, to give birth to the "I"
6. Hekau 718
A ka dua tuf ur biu
Bi a chefu dudu ner af an nuteru
Kha her nest af ur ar uatu an ba an khu an kha
Au aper ku khu am aper
7. The Harlot ov the Saints
Ho Ophios ho archaios
Ho Drakon ho megas
Ho en kai ho on kai
Ho zon tous aionas
Meta tou pneumatos sou
Ho Ophios ho archaios
Ho Drakon ho megas
Whore ov abominations
I invoke theel
The harlot ov the saints
The source of snake's lust
Descend! Enter!
In the great hall ov fire and ice
The rose! Bloom with merciless love
Ho Ophios ho archaios
Ho Drakon ho megas
Ho en kai ho on kai
Ho zon tous aionas
Meta tou pneumatos sou
Ho Ophios ho archaios
Ho Drakon ho megas
I hold you in my hands
Yet it is you who hurts me...
From the midnight hour
To the midday one
Together we're enduring
Bounded by spell
Reconciled with time
Thou art Alfa and Omega
Light ov West and light ov East
I, The Eye in The Triangle
Citizen ov Corinth
(And looked into the eyes ov Angel)
The slave ov thy might
The Lord is slain, let us lament
The Word made void, the Work is vain
Fullfiling their obscure event
Let us rejoice, the Lord is slain
8. No Sympathy for Fools
FOOLS! I cast you all aside!
Your bullets harm me not
I am heresy, blazing hell
The embodiment ov all you fear
I am all which you can never be
A truth revealing hate machine
No longer will I tolerate
Lies from a kingdom built on dread
Yet what if naught exists above?
No shining glory and no god
You question not, blindly believe
Upon your ignorance I shall feast
Damn higher virtues, divine love
Your wooden idols and your law
Kneel before your god yet do not see
He doth feel you lies
Blinds you with fear
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Your hearts I shall tear
With paws ov truth
With slashing jaws I rape
Your feeble womb
No god exists to save you from thy doom
You will never see the light!
Bound to always live by lies!
9. Zos Kia Cultus
Praise to thee - Sabbath Goat
Rising from the smoke
Entheogenic god
Dwelt in inbetweeness
In quadriga sexualis
Thou art mysttery unveiled
On the sun we fed
Worshiiped spirit in matter descended
Through the mists ov the highest mountains led
Out ov darkness ov ignorance
Into the light ov reality
Touch and say:
"This is the flesh and blood ov mine"
Look: Atmospheric "I":
Blessed be who have seen
Fools in the slime
Their world shrills with fear
Kali Yuga: shells ov gliphoth manifest
Decline! Decline!
Beyond the dead words
Going across the gnostic waste
Drifting in infinite experience
From Nowhere to Nowhere
In the dreams ov eld heard we atavistic chant:
Zos Kia Cultus: Nagual-Hoor-Lam
Certainty, not faith
Instinct - desire - and will!
Naught in all, all in naught
Touch and say:
"This is the flesh and blood ov mine"
Look: Atmospheric "I":
Blessed be who have seen
By the Fire and Force
I command thee, spirits ov the deep
Thoughts - theriomorphic shades
Creep and obey me!
Demons - perfected dissolution
"In non - atomic fact ov universality"
This is my sweet solitude
10. Fornicatus Benefictus
Almighty asmodeus, existant of chaos
Ominous be thy name
Thy kingdom come on earth
Lead me into all temptation of my flesh
So I may trespass greatly into
Thy ways by my desires
For thou art all sex-seeking unity
Thou mighty genitalia of creation
That knoweth no satiation
Grant thou my wish
For thou art power, ecstasy and actuality amen!
11. Typhonian Soul Zodiack
Above the high temple ov matter
Svastikas ov time slash the heaven
And from the pit, from the slime
From the thought
Gliphotic intruder decays
Lilith, Thantilaxath, Zi'uaq
Non-manifestation born in the dark ov a day
Can you hear distant desert call?
And stone you see - by Adytum builders
...rejected, damned?
Deeper, deeper, in the night, world, fear
Towards the noctuary ov the truth
From the mirror we crawls out
Devouring Eden's light
In the tunnels ov Seth he abides
Shugal, The Howler!
Who am I? Where I'm going? Where?
We live dreaming
Slipping from body to body
And nightmares still our breath
And his in our souls
Poisoning with the venom ov existence
Just say "Illusion"
When the first sunray falls
In your hawk eye
And don't look in the past
It hurts and there the Shadow lies in wait
So with every step on the oath
Beyond good and evil
Stronger GOD you became
12. Heru Ra Ha: Let There Be Might
Heru Ra Ha
Flaming tongue of art
Awake the lion's strength
Consumed by the ancient breath
Diffracted ray of Ra
Send me on thy wings
Devour all fears that I breed
And come, as I summon thee
Ra Hoor Khu
By ithyphallic spell
Skin illuminates deep within
I invoke thy names
Spirits ov the earth
Crush the slaves ov dog
Open the gates
Ov liberated will!
Heru Ra Ha
Let me see in the dark
Wisdom of which I fear not
And mute the weakness in my heart
Let there be might
Sothis raised we await
The Mighty One from above
Multitude of stars transform into God