
"Ominous Bloodline" (2005)
1. Crowned With Repression 2. Esoteric Kin 3. Conceived to Dominate 4. Vaults of Ageless Pain 5. Depths of Sore 6. Ominous Bloodline 7. Ill Remains 8. Scourging Repudiation 9. Rooted in Profundity
1. Crowned With Repression
Ripping itself outward of this blinding womb
Repressive thoughts scorched amid earthly tombs
Withering limbs onset the path for liberation
Defleshed essence unbinds from its creation
Flight unto the kingdom dominated by retinence
Twisted beings roam immured in depressive silence
Misery abounds within these walls of derangement
Innate sore pulsates in this embodied confinement
Ripping itself outward of this blinding womb
Repressive thoughts scorched amid earthly tombs
Withering limbs onset the path for liberation
Defleshed essence unbinds from its creation
Flight unto the kingdom dominated by retinence
Twisted beings roam immured in depressive silence
Misery abounds within these walls of derangement
Innate sore pulsates in this embodied confinement
Drowned in the poverty, richness will never counterweigh
Dawn upon dawn; pain ramifies, obscuring the light of day
Withered shell, eroded by flaming winds - incising deep
Shackled by the senses, frozen in eternal sleep
Absorbed within the vortex and spat away from time
At one with celestial void
Chanting hymns - unearthly sublime
Within the waters of resurrection
Breathes the morrow in utter dejection
Blinded youth crowned with repression
Nailed with pestilence the day of parturition
2. Esoteric Kin
Pillagers of wisdom reign the darkened foundation
Circles of hierarchies impede the course of erudition
Subordinates regress - fed upon infirm deliberations
Embedded in a matrix of obsolete edification
Nailed to an existence, wretched by imposed idolatry
Mourn inscribed as dawn injects the fictional deity
Enthralled in penitence, ordained upon the ill
Odious effluence hosted in dismal blood
Ominous lineage bred to plunder - esoteric kin
Incrument bestowed in bludgeoning lust
Subordinates regress - fed upon infirm deliberations
Embedded in a matrix of obsolete edification
Nailed to an existence, wretched by imposed idolatry
Maelstrom of ideologies spawns winds of affliction
Miscreants march on down the depths of repression
Famished for the nurture of immutable veracity
A hunger never quenched through lies and obstinacy
Equity impaired through tortuous inscriptions
Voices gorged with malice and inept affirmations
A core rooted in sludge disseminating disease
Beings cripple as they merge these stagnant seas
Imperative credence glorified by the meek
Upon blood-drenches planes all shall creep
Pillagers of wisdom reign the darkened foundation
Circles of hierarchies impede the course of erudition
Subordinates regress - fed upon infirm deliberations
Embedded in a matrix of obsolete edification
Nailed to an existence, wretched by imposed idolatry
Mourn inscribed as dawn injects the fictional deity
Enthralled in penitence, ordained upon the ill
Odious effluence hosted in dismal blood
Ominous lineage bred to plunder - an esoteric kin
3. Conceived to Dominate
Journeys dwell - shelled in a mind of boundless tact
Wisdom flows - ideologies formulate down his hand
A will to create - looming in ascendant vigor
In wait to liven a dream embraced for so long
A procreation mirroring an existence bound in flesh
A volition risen foreseeing a new order given breath
Nearing the hour of birth, engulfed in neoteric light
Morphed from synthetic seed, blood of a satitated rite
Wombs gorged by embryonic matter of twisted origin
Spawning fast, beings transmute and swarm in legions
Regiments of cloned essence clutter, avid to scavenge
Dawned in fear, a day sworn to horror and banishment
Troops march on, wrenching their way, rapture's undone
Silhouettes contort against a blood stained sun
An ill-bred race bound to lapse in demise and hate
A new breed radiating wrath conceived to dominate
Pestilence unleashed to cleanse all sludge and impotence
Epidemic given light to eradicate all shallow existence
4. Vaults of Ageless Pain
Winds howl across this desert called man
Their arid nature wither the scope for dreams
Artistry annulled from this soreful land
Staring into the eyes of stone soaked with tears
Granules blown apart and scattered in time
Sands embedded in sands - hour after hour
Melodies ring out the pain from oceans of grime
Sufferage fed into the prey awaiting its devourer
Brotherhood ceased its existence
Warmth inversed into chilling abhorrence
Adversities forged the path of hate
The senseless truth that failed its intent
Benevolence laid waste across this creation
Silence lacerates through walls of deliration
Within the folding depths roams the sore
Descending the eerie pathways of this horrid bane
Inured by time and drowned in odious lore
Helplessly lapsing into vaults of ageless pain
Ravaged by the bloodlust that reigns supreme
Congenital apathy imposed sentiment denial
Mentally maimed, begging for reprisal
Echoing bitterness rips inside this
Desolate dream
Brotherhood ceased its existence
Warmth inversed into chilling abhorrence
Adversities forged the path of hate
The senseless truth that failed its intent
Benevolence laid waste across this creation
Silence lacerates through walls of deliration
Winds howl across this desert called man
Their arid nature wither the scope for dreams
Artistry annulled from this soreful land
Staring into the eyes of stone soaked with tears
Granules blown apart and scattered in time
Sands embedded in sands - hour after hour
Melodies ring out the pain from oceans of grime
Sufferage fed into the prey awaiting its devourer
5. Depths of Sore
6. Ominous Bloodline
Revenous eyes essence oozes off dazing walls
Preyed upon by eyes - impaled by looks of gall
Mentally conveyed unto seas of senseless lore
Adrift upon waters - veiling the depths of sore
Faces contort, limbs entwine in one surreal carnage
Bewildering imagery fruit of a regressed lineage
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
The blood bath is spilled soaking arid earth
Raging cries saturate air in a dissonance of ailment
Cadence of disease set at an ascendant pace
Withering time claws at moribund remains
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion
Swarming ideologies cluster as one ill creation
Orb of inverted wisdom spawning since inception
Undurated at heart whilst tracing the path of rebirth
Submerged in loathe - seeking to heave off the absurd
Blindly - enthralled in an ominous bloodline
Roving mids fragments of memory
Set apart in time
Nourished by abhorrence down the ages
Ancestral odium woven in centuries remerges
Swarming ideologies cluster as one ill creation
Orb of inverted wisdom spawning since inception
Undurated at heart whilst tracing the path of rebirth
Submerged in loathe - seeking to heave off the absurd
Blindly - enthralled in an ominous bloodline
Roving mids fragments of memory
Set apart in time
Nourished by abhorrence down the ages
Ancestral odium woven in centuries remerges
The blood bath is spilled soaking arid earth
Raging cries saturate air in a dissonance of ailment
Cadence of disease set at an ascendant pace
Withering time claws at moribund remains
Revenous eyes essence oozes off dazing walls
Preyed upon by eyes - impaled by looks of gall
Mentally conveyed unto seas of senseless lore
Adrift upon waters - veiling the depths of sore
Faces contort, limbs entwine in one surreal carnage
Bewildering imagery fruit of a regressed lineage
Melancholic poesy perpetuating autumn tones
The November breeze heading for times now gone
Crawling in an absolute absence of vision
Absorbing grim - radiating in utter revulsion
7. Ill Remains
Dominions lie ravished - spread thin across this face
Bloodsoaked aeons, legions pulverised - end embraced
Unearthly light engulfs bodies - deformed by blazing fire
Silhouettes mid propagating flames - pitching higher
Incinerated ruins exhaled through the purulent
Mouth of doom
Ashened carrion scavenged by hordes
Origin of perpetual gloom
Incinerated ruins exhaled through the purulent mouth of doom
Ashened carrion scavenged by hordes, origin of perpetual gloom
Sinisteral gates pulled apart in wait for the ill remains
A charred descent down the depths of this godless reign
An ageless butchery burdened upon this infirm race
Scorn roots odium within defaced planes
Withering flesh transmutes to dust as hours march on
Bitterness of utter purity drenches the evil of epochs gone
Shackled in a dream pursuing the wisdom
Evaded since inception
Immersed within ethereal waters, entangled
In the roots of creation
Belying inscriptions describing the rapture that never rose
Adulated through pierced eyes - intellects suspended in frost
Equity inflamed since the dawn of time
Immersed within ethereal waters, entangled
In the roots of creation
Belying inscriptions describing the rapture that never rose
Adulated through pierced eyes - intellects suspended in frost
In wait for the ill remains
Imagery of mangled beings outstretched on arms of wood
Blindfolded ideologies - annihilated existence - pain endured
8. Scourging Repudiation
A curse in slumber, restored for a timely reparation
Unbound and set upon a race that spews depravation
Oblivious of shadows cast by a looming extinction
Imbued with fallacies and engrossed in deception
Unseen powers propagate above turbulent skies
Mystically enshrouded from scavenging eyes
Astral bodies align preparing for the final dawn
Banishing all forms of life to eternal oblivion
The earth heaves - sacred shrines of mockery stand no more
Revered icons - shattered, their impotence revealed to all
Frivolous beliefs - now renounced by a race condemned
Panic struck - let the inexorable darkness descend
Self-righteous thoughts from an unblemished kind
Ripped apart by forces inconceivable to the mind
So grand is their weakness - so grand their ignorance
Dwarfed by indelible visions of an unearthly stance
Future's now hanging by a thread
For millions that are soon to be dead
Choking new life at its first breath
To clean the filth off this unfit earth
A scourging repudiation forced upon a misguided herd
Purging of impurity from which no life shall spared
Complete eradication executed with intrepidness and anger
Beneath chaos-drenched skies cloaked in perfect splendor
9. Rooted in Profundity