
"Jubileum Vol. II" (1993 Best of/Compilation)
1. The Return of the Darkness and Evil 2. Burnin' Leather 3. One Rode to Asa Bay 4. The Golden Walls of Heaven 5. Call from the Grave 6. Die in Fire 7. Shores in Flames 8. Possessed 9. Raise the Dead 10. Total Destruction 11. Bond of Blood 12. Twilight of the Gods
1. The Return of the Darkness and Evil
The Return of Darkness and Evil
A sorcery written in blood
Whispered by a Witch in the dawn
Summon the darkness pure evil and death
And gather the legions of scorn
The darkness possesses you your soul scream in vain
Tonight the Hellfire shall burn
Thunder and lightning the ancient prediction
The bells chime for Satan's Return...
It's the RETURN of the darkness and evil
It's the RETURN of the fire and flame
It's the RETURN of my master Satan
It's the RETURN of desire and pain
Sacrifice a virgin to the flames of burning Hell
Black Witch of beauty recite the words of spell
Gather masses run in circles scream for mercy cry of pain
No mercy for the blessed in Hell you all will burn in lord Satan's name
Now descend from the burning blasting sky
Holding the reigns ride the night
Satan appear in full glory and pride
The raped souls of Heaven cries
Hell and damnation
It's the RETURN of the darkness and evil
It's the RETURN of the fire and flame
It's the RETURN of my master Satan
It's the RETURN of desire and pain
2. Burnin' Leather
It's something you can't fake it's all within
Seek for the truth deep inside
Let it open your heart let in the flame
Receive it with mind open wide
Shake those bonds loose of religion and gospel
But remain a diehard believer
Never let your dreams die the power is all within
Ands let the flame become your redeemer
Climb the mountainside of your own soul
You'll get so much in return
Ands once you are master in control of within
Then your leather is ready to burn
Burnin' leather Burnin' leather
Burnin' leather Burnin' leather
A coward is no warrior with a heart full of pain
To wield your sword loose lead your fear astray
Open your heart and it'll all comes clear
If your heart is true you've got nothing to fear
Climb the mountainside of your own soul
You'll get so much in return
Ands once you are master in control of within
Then your leather is ready to burn
Burnin' leather Burnin' leather
Burnin' leather Burnin' leather
A coward is no warrior with a heart full of pain
To wield your sword loose lead your fear astray
Open your heart and it'll all comes clear
If your heart is true you've got nothing to fear
[repeat verse 1 and 2]
3. One Rode to Asa Bay
One Rode to Asa Bay
One man rode the way through the woods
Down to Asa bay
Where dragon ships had sailed to sea
More times than one could say
To see with own eyes the wonder
People told of from man to man
The God of all almightyness
Had arrived from a foreign land
The rumours told of a man
Who had come from the other side the seas
Carrying gold cross around neck in chain
And spoke in strange tongue of peace
He had come with strange men in armour
Dressed in purple shirts and lace
Smelling not of beer but flowers
And with no hair in face
And the bold man carrying cross
Had told all one of Asa bay
The God of all man woman child had come
To them all save
And to thank Lord of Heaven
One should build to God a house
And to save one's soul from Hell
One should be baptised and say vows
A man of pride with the Hammer told new God
To build his house on own
And spoke loud of the Gods of their fathers
Not too long time gone
The rumours said the man with a beard like fire
And the Hammer in chain
By men in armour silenced was and by
Their swords was slain
Those who did not pay the one coin
Of four to man of new God
Whipped was twenty and put in chains then locked
By their neck to the log [To the log...]
And so all of Asa bay did build
A house of the cross
Every hour of daylight they did sweat
Limbs ached because faith does cost
And on the day two hundred
There it stood white to the sky
The house of the God of the cross
Big enough to take two dragon ships inside
And all of Asa bay did watch
The wonder raise to the sky
Now must the God of the cross be pleased
And satisfied
Just outside the circle of the crowd
One old man did stand
He looked across the waters
And blotted the sun out of his eyes with one hand
And his old eyes could almost see
The dragon ships set sail
And his old ears could almost hear
Men of great numbers call out Oden's hail
And though he did know already
Though he turned face towards sky
And whispered silent words forgotten
Spoken only way up high
Now this house of a foreign God does stand
Now must they leave us alone
Still he heard from somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say
...people of Asa land, it's only just begun...
4. The Golden Walls of Heaven
The Golden Walls of Heaven
Silent watching gaze
Across the blackened plains
Two eyes like burning embers
Awaits the moment for the
North star to blaze
Sythanagon winged
Angel rides deaths wind
To cloudless sky
And sound a summon call of war
Now burn does the skyline
Soundless wings lacerate the night
Angels of death emerge accross the sky
Thorned heads spiky limbs climb the air up high
Attack of the pearly gates
Now wait for the sign...
Seen now is His star
Ablaze now risen in
The sign of the one with
A numbeer not a name
Now given is the sign
The Golden walls of heaven
Sound is given now of charge
A voice of war does cry
The cry does sound the signal
And the walls are stormed
Now fly
Swords are drawn in soundless flight
Above the walls of gold
The winged angels of death descend
A thousand from above
Now heaven is in its' last throes of death
Sacred shrine of life and death
Apharamons gold key
The raping of holy interior
And all concealed
Now masturbated upon is throne of gold
Scattered battered wings
Along the palaces and streets
Trophy of the victory
Attached to spear of the Beast
Now spitted at is the scalp of God.
5. Call from the Grave
Call From the Grave
God of Heaven, Hear my cries of anguish
I'm in pain
I've suffered a thousand deaths but I live on in vain
Death would greet with eternal sleep
My soul would come to peace
My life had ceased
The time was comed
Can no-one hear my pleas
Lowered down in the moisty ground
Into the dark and cold
My heart's beat the only sound
Pain tears my limbs and soul
I scream for mercy
Hear my cries
Oh, Lord don't abandon me
I'm so tired
Grant me the eternal sleep
I tear at the lid I'm suffering
In a cold and nameless grave
If Hell is what awaits me
I feel no fright
Buried and forgotten
In a cold and nameless grave
If there's a God in heaven
Hear my call from the grave......
[Repeat last two verses]
6. Die in Fire
When horny flames begins to rise
To burn your flesh and bone
That's when you realize you've never
Been so scared and alone
You start to cry you're gonna die
So pray for all your sins
The flames begins to reach too high
The fire burns and wins
Die in fire Die in fire
Die in fire Die in fire
You can't take the heat much longer
You can't stand the burning pain
The night is far too dark for angels
So light up the night with flames
Nothing really turns me on
Like seeing you burn to dust
But you are not alone to feel the heat
My body burns with lust
Die in fire Die in fire
Die in fire Die in fire
Now when your body burned to dust
Is spread by the midnight breeze
I gotta find another girl
To satisfy my needs
I'll tie her up and then once more
The all caressing flames
Shall rise again to light the night
And she will scream of pain
Die in fire Die in fire
Die in fire Die in fire
7. Shores in Flames
Shores in Flames
Mother winter leaves our land
And opens wide the seas
The lukewarm breeze does beckon me
As it whispers through the trees
It says: Set your sails
And let me take your ship to foreign shores
Take farewell of those near you
And your land of the North!
The wild cold deep black ocean's waves
Invites my hungry heart
Cry not my love I'll return
Only death can keep us apart
Oden in the sky up high
Let the Ravens of yours fly
To guide us on our sail to foreign shores
Let your Ravens fly
The wind blows through my hair
And fills our sails with hope and pride
Caress these lines of Oak, wind
Do not throw us all aside
The wild cold deep black ocean's waves
As wide as sky above
Carry us, oh, Gods of sea
Don't take us down below
Now approach the shore at dawn
All is still the light of daybreak is yet to be born
Clad in morning dew asleep
The city's walls rise before us men from the seas
Carrying cold steel at our sides
No time to lose at sunbirth we attack the city by surprise
Down the coastlines with the wind we reign
Men of the North we leave the shores in flames
Shores in Flames Shores in Flames
Shores in Flames Shores in Flames
Tor of thunder way up high
Swing your Hammer that cracks the sky
Send the wind to fill our sails and take us home
Guide your sons, us, home
When the wind cries out my name
And time has come for me to die
Then wrap me in my cape
And lay my sword down at my side
Then place me on a ship of Oak
And let it drift with tide
Let the flames purify my soul
On its way to hall up high
Up high
Up high
Up high
Up high
8. Possessed
Witching hour bad moon is on the rise
I can't resist its infernal cold power
When it blaze into my eyes
Feel I am slowly changing
Begin to lose my track
Hatred poison my veins
I am cold and my heart turns black
I am trapped in its icecold blaze
It drains the warmth from my soul
Feel the dread and my mind is in torment
And still its eye of death glow so cold
I am confused
Feel my strength slowly fading
Oh hear my cries for help and mercy
9. Raise the Dead
Raise the Dead
"Dust to dust"...
I gasp for air
I scream for sight
and fight against
torment and dread
Calling the vengeance
I tear at the lid
and promise to raise
from the dead
Black witch of beauty
all hell's necromancers
give me the powers of hell
Mistress of curse
reapers and vultures
Demons stand up
and chime the bell
[*** from *** ***
we shall rise]
Suddenly powers comes
from within
Muscles and mind are
filled with wrath
I burst out in frenzy
powers of hell
and break up the
tomb and the dark
10. Total Destruction
Total Destruction
Twilight burn across the sky
Time has come the doom is near
Stillness rules this cloudless night
Armageddon is here
Woe to you
Earth and Sea
12 days of total eclipse
Yet the stillness rules this night of mist
But slowly clouds of death are forming
The time has come to Reap
Burning skies
Battle cries
The end of mankind universe
So many battles yet to fight
Take heed forever learn
When the bells chime THE RETURN...
Screams of fear
The doom is here
11. Bond of Blood
Bond of Blood
Father who are in the sky
Hold thy hand above me
Mighty is the raging waves
On which I ride
Mother who awaits me ashore
Let your golden hair down
It will shine and guide me
Through the [raging] storm
Heading north after long a journey
We have sailed for so very long
Heavy seas endless sky above us
Heading north going home
Brother who fell in foreign land
Blessed thy soul a warriors
Living on through your sword
Now in my hand
Sister who for my return sings
Shed no more tears for my well
I can hear your voice clear now
In the wind
Heading north after long a journey
We have sailed for so very long
Heavy seas endless sky above us
Heading north going home
Heading north after long a journey
We have sailed for so very long
Heavy seas endless sky above us
Heading north going home
Heading north after long a journey
We have sailed for so very long
Heavy seas endless sky above us
Heading north going home
Heading north after long a journey
We have sailed for so very long
Heavy seas endless sky above us
Heading north going home
12. Twilight of the Gods
Twilight of the Gods
There is a serpent in every Eden
Slick as grease and cold as ice
There is a lie in every meaning
Rest assured to fool you twice
In this age of utter madness
We maintain we are in control
And ending life before deliverance
While countries are both bought and sold
Holy writtings hokus-pokus
Blaze of glory and crucifix
Prepried costly credit salvations
TV-preachers and dirty tricks
Don't trust nobody
It will cost you much too much
Beware of the dagger
It caress you at first touch
O, all small creatures
It is the twilight if the gods
When the foundations to our existence
Begins to crumble one by one
And legislations protects its breakers
And he who was wrong but paid the most won
Even the gods of countless religions
Holds no powers against this tide
Of degeneration because we have now found
That there is no thrones up there in the sky
Run from this fire
It will burn your very soul
Its flames reaching higher
Comed this far there is no hold
O, all small creatures
It is the twilight if the gods
[Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods]