
"55 Minutes Of Love" (2000)
1. The White Dress 2. The Cage 3. The Last Sunset 4. 23.11 5. Dead Inside 6. Lullaby 7. In The Name Of Freedom 8. You Said 9. Empty Minds 10. It's No Good 11. Bia³a Sukienka 12. Modlitwa 13. W Labiryncie Z³udzeñ 14. Brylant
1. The White Dress
Nothing is changed, the time is the same
The nightmare's back and I'm not alone here
That man in a long black coat has been waiting for me
I'll never believe in the things he said
I'll never believe him
I'll never trust
When they told me about you, my eyes
were still cold, silent and grim
And now this sacred place is covered in tears
why it hurts so much?
I'll never believe you!
And this will never happen
as long as they don't know
Love is like a blood
Love's like death
And love is forever
2. The Cage
Tears of night covered my face
thousands of fireworks, thousands of flames shine
bright in the darkness
I watch the clock on the wall, time passes so slowly
The lonely glass of wine, a sad toast for nothingness
Have a good time!
You've never known what I felt
Cause you never felt anything, never tried to
This screaming silence frightens me
Colours of sorrow in the mirrors of my eyes
All those sleepless nights and mental fights
You'll never know!
Silently waiting for your sweet, death kiss
In my eyes you'll see some traces of the Darkness
In my eyes you'll see outlines of Loneliness
I have no where, I have no one, I have nothing
So I cry in my sleep and pray for the end.
3. The Last Sunset
Be with me here in this dark place
The Angel of mercy, breathe in me
Please warm my trembling hands
And feed all my passions
Angel of Mercy, the sunshine was yours
But the last sunset belongs to me
Enjoy that pleasure, enjoy that pain
I'm your fate, so don't be afraid
And confide in me!
Touch me once again, move in me
Even our hope lies dying
Even the sunset won't return
Even we suffer in eternal love
And I'm falling down
So, please touch me once again, move in me, please save me
And I'm falling down
I know, the sunlight won't return
And we'll suffer in eternal love
And we won't die
We won't die
We won't die...
4. 23.11
I've been there so many times
In those places of death in those places of cries
But please remember - I'll never come back, I'll never give up
It's only only a few words, it's only only a few lies
And please remember
those places were never quite good for love
I'm not the one
But you'll never be so safe from harm
when you were here in my arms
as you were here, at that time
I'm not the one
But still can taste the tears falling down on your face
Babe, it's 10 past eleven, let's go to bed...
Talk, talk, talk to me
Your words still hurt me
More and more
But it doesn't matter
I really don't care...
5. Dead Inside
Hundreds of mirrors show my face
Maybe I'm lost, maybe I'm found?
I know, it's all a game
I know, I'm the one to blame!
But we're all dead inside
Our feelings are frozen, so don't even try
to forget, even though you've been trying to escape
from the past
All that pain, it just can't be stronger
Cause there's nothing left to hurt...
Confide in me
You won't forget the past
But you can win the battle with memories
The Pain can't be stronger
Coz there's nothing left to hurt...
6. Lullaby
Don't leave me, please, when I fell asleep
Dance with my dreams, so brave but so clean
And I can fly embracing this strange desire
blowing breath back into the words that feel so real...
And all that love is the only thing that lasts forever
and all that love is the only thing I trust, it's the spirit of my life
and all that love, it's the truth, it's something we'll never understand
And all that love... is rising within me...
Babe, I'm trying to touch some of your dreams
Feeling soft warmth of your skin and your breath on my face
I'm hypnotised by this strange delight
And the only thing I know - love wins for the first time...
Memories like shadows, words like stones and plastic tears
yes, they're still exist somewhere deep inside of me
But I don't care for your promises and I don't care for your fears
that time will never happen again,
you're the past you don't exist!
7. In The Name Of Freedom
So many empty words, so many lies, so many useless hopes
And just the sea of souls, their eyes are blind
and all the trust is buried deep inside their hearts
So many useless fights in the name of freedom
Whatever you've done it's all a lie!
You don't know the day you'll die
you'll die you'll die
In the name of freedom
You'll die, you'll die
See your brother killing you
You'll die
See your brother killing you!
8. You Said
Crimson tears on my face
I try to call you again
but you're not here, my friend
It's too late
Your kingdom came
But you've left only the ruins
behind you
On the lost highway of your life
You said - "My time is going to the end"
You said - "I don't want to live in a world of plastic flowers"
You said - "It's the last battle with myself"
You said... and then you've gone...
I'm so lonely here, but still feel you
And celebrate our crimson kingdom
even though it had never existed
I don't believe in love
It blinds my eyes like it blinded yours!
It blinds my eyes, it blinds my eyes
Walls around my heart
So, goodnight my friend
thank you for all and remember
feelings never end, I'm still here
Deep down in their minds
silent lament dies away
All of the tears of those
Who will never understand
9. Empty Minds
Tonight I let the wind lull me to sleep
My Night Of Virtue will close my eyes and then
Sleep's black curtain will fall down
I'll be so safe inside the arms of misery
I'll feel your kiss upon my brow
Your quiet breath silkens the midnight air
My love for you was too long denied
Now it's so strong, it's something I cannot control
My sweetiest angel, these empty minds fooling me
with dead lies
My hopelessness left me paralysed
and all my dreams were found in blood
I don't want to wait longer
for something that won't come!
10. It's No Good
11. Bia³a Sukienka
Takie samo niebo i taki sam jest czas
powraca koszmar, nie jestem tutaj sam
tamten facet z szar¹ twarz¹ d³ugo sta³
nie uwierzê nigdy w jego g³upie s³owa
nie uwierzê nigdy
nie uwierzê nigdy wam
kiedy mówi³ mi o tobie , tyle z³a
zala³o moje serce , zdepta³o moja dusze
ze na zawsze w �wiêtym miejscu , tylko ³zy
nie uwierzê nigdy wam
nie uwierzê nigdy wam
w to ¿e mi³o�æ jest wieczna
w to ¿e mi³o�æ jest jak krew
która kr¹¿y szybciej i zabija mnie
która kr¹¿y wolniej, gdy zabijasz czas
która wreszcie krzepnie , gdy nadejdzie kres
12. Modlitwa
Modlitw¹ m¹ Twe ka¿de s³owo, które rozbi³o ciszê
Zabi³o strach, rozwia³o niepewno�æ naszych s³ów
Modlitw¹ m¹ niezapomniana melodia, która pie�ciæ
Bêdzie ju¿ na zawsze moje my�li, wci¹¿ wybrzmiewaæ w
Moich Snach
A moje cia³o tak niewinnie rze�bi¹ Twoje palce
Docierasz tam, gdzie nie dotar³ dot¹d nikt, odkrywaj¹c
Nowe L¹dy nie odkryte dot¹d
Krzyczê mi³o�ci¹, ¿yjê mi³o�ci¹, oddycham Tob¹
Krzyczê mi³o�ci¹, ¿yjê mi³o�ci¹, uciekam w g³¹b Ciebie
On dotyka jej zimnych d³oni
On patrzy w jej oczu obojêtno�æ
To jego przeznaczenie, jego wybór
To jego ostatnia spowied�
13. W Labiryncie Z³udzeñ
Znów tyle pustych s³ów, bezsenne noce, nadzieje niesie wiatr
I tylko morze g³ów, niewidz¹ce oczy, niepewno�æ budzi lêk
Znów tyle obcych miejsc, jej zimny wzrok, obojêtno�æ rani ciê
Twe d³onie nios¹ �mieræ, zabijasz mnie
Znów tyle pustych s³ow., wci¹¿ wierzysz im choæ wolno�æ mitem jest
I tylko morze g³ów, w labiryncie z³udzeñ, niewiara budzi lêk
Znów tyle obcych miejsc, wci¹¿ gubisz siê, jej ch³ód rani Ciê
I tylko obcy glos prowadzi gdzie�, czy kiedy� zbudzisz siê?
14. Brylant