
"Theosophia Pneumatica" (2004)
1. Theosophia Pneumatica (Vengeance of the |) 2. Curse of Life 3. So Silent (Survival of the Fittest Part 2) 4. Adon Habalahot 5. Kingdom of the Hallowed Souls 6. The Shining 7. True Nature 8. Failure Denied 9. As the Night Become Silver 10. H.A.T.E.
1. Theosophia Pneumatica (Vengeance of the |)
Falling into an endless void
Searching for the ultimate gift
Your life as u knew fades away
As darkness consume the light of day
I call thee emperor lucifer as god of gods
Grant thee thy infernal wisdom of the old
Impowered me with the stranght of the young
To praise thee name over mortal lands
Reclaim your glory,for I will rule by your command
We are the burning pain,salvation of man
o-god all mercifull,will u answer the prays?
Waking up-with the first light of day
Wondering about the dream-what did it mean?
Can it be-am I who I was taught to be?
The reality I see in my eyes-a reflaction of the inner I!
dreafting apart from the self-uniting with the I
pumped with the blood from my heart
the true face of the world unveil before me
hatred and rage,for humanity shell fall
for my wise,thus,ur will
eternal universal enslavement
I call thee four names of blasphemy
Know that our years are the years of war
And our days are measured as battels
And every hour is a life..
He who awakens him calls thee ancient
Vengence of the elder ones
Upon himself and upon the world
An old vengence..vengence of the I
Falling into an endless void
As darkness consume the light of day
Ur life fades away
The old vengence of the I
2. Curse of Life
I embrace the silence…
I embrace the loneliness of my self…
Forever to room alone, in the shadows of night. Forever doomed to suffer the sun, so bright.
The emotions I used to bare, long gone.
My soul weep, I am alone.
In a dream, it looks so different,
there I was flying high in the nightly sky.
Watching down to the land, which was mine.
But the dream turned to a nightmare,
as like every night before.
You appeared from the shadows.
Tempting me with your sweet voice,
leading me into your deadly web.
Of which I can not take off!.
Forever "cursed" I am-cast down
from Eden's lands.
But a curse for you-bless for thee.
As I embrace my dark immortality!
I embrace the silence…
I embrace the loneliness of my self…
Alone I will wait your arrival.
Alone I wait-and forever I will stay.
Emotion that used to burn inside
me- fades away!
The coldness of my self-warmth to
my crying souls!
Oh mighty lady of the night-enchant
me to eternal sleepiness.
To return to my sweet dream-there I will
see you again.
There my soul will stop the tears-there
again I will live.
I embrace the silence…
I embrace the loneliness of my self…
Till the end of days I will wait.
Then I will finally dream-but even
there will be only me.
Now it's time to say goodbye.
Time to leave it all behind. I see my
path clear and bright.
Embrace me oh mighty father of the night….
3. So Silent (Survival of the Fittest Part 2)
Useless spiral form, moving slowly outside the atmosphere.
…thought you will survive? Never again!
Locked in the arms of this decadent aeon.
Crossing the minds of the wise.
The stanch of the older.
The light of those who oppose me!!!!
Destroy the temple of your enemies.
Trust none as your ally!!!!
Those you cast you're love upon may as well defeat you!
I hold my heart as a burning sulfur.
I discharge myself of the automatic movements of the weak.
I carry my sins out in the air,
for no unprivileged god will bring me down on my knees.
For the one who will crown me, he.
Is the paragon of intelligence.
Trapped in a form of an organic failure.
Feeding on indulgence. Facing the ancient.
Drinking the blood of those who try to destroy me!!!
Remember the screams of the dying man.
The scratching nails on your mothers skin.
And know the true essence of survival…DEATH!!!!
4. Adon Habalahot
çìåí áìäåú ùð÷øà äçééí, äàí àðå çééí àå ùáòöí àðå çåìîéí?
äùîééí îòì,äàí äí îîùééí?äàãîä ùòìéä àðå ãåøëéí,îåö÷ä äéà ëîå ùàðå îøâéùéí? äááåàä ùáîøàä,îä äéà îøàä?îé àúä?äàí àé ôòí ùàìú àú òöîê??
áçìåí,äàøõ ðù÷ôú áòééðé, àú äçåøáï,äøñ åîååú ùðâøí áîå éãé!
îé àðé?îä âåøí ìé ìçìåí æàú?
àê,äàí æäå ø÷ çìåí àå äîöéàåú ùàðé çé áä? ääéùøãåú ùìé úìåéä áøååéú öéîàåðé!
ëï! àðé øåàä àåúå! ä÷åøáï äáà ùìà îåãò ùâåøìå ðçøõ åñåôå äâéò! äîáè ääîåí áòéðéå îù÷ó àú äôçã, ùðéâó îâåôå äîãîí, ãîòåú òöá æåìâåú îòéðéå...
äñëéï áéãé àãåîä...ìîä æä ÷øä???? "îé àúä?îä àúä øåöä îîðé?
ìîä, æä îâéò ìé? ìîä????"
ðùîú äçééä...äðùîä ùðîöàú áúåê ëåì àçã...òã ùúúôøõ åú÷øà á÷åì øí ìàãåðä. àãåï äçìåí...
ùìéè äáåáåú! äéåí ä÷éõ,òåã ìéìä äñúééí... äàí îä ùçìîúé îöéàåúé???
äàí àðé ðåùà äáùåøä äùçåøä? äðôù çééä áúåëé ùåìèú áîòùé. àéï ìé àìåäéí, àãåðé äåà àðé! òã ùàùîò àú ä÷øéàä ìòæåá àú äîîìëä, åìòåó ìîéîåù ééòåãé.
"äîååú äåà äîôúç ìòåìí äáà" æîðé äâéò ìòæåá àú äòåìí, ìäé÷áø îúçú ìôðé äàãîä. àðåëé àùëç áçåìåú äæîï ,àê ðôùé ìà úùëç àú äîçæåú. åúçæåø áâåó çãù... àðåëé äåà àãåï äáìäåú!!!!
5. Kingdom of the Hallowed Souls
The cry of mankind music to my ears The stars shine upon me a shadow of mortality
With hatred filled in my heart I roomed around the land
Searching for the ones who deserve their bloody death
The ones who betrayed me who mocked me straight in my face
They will soon will have to accept their grim faith
Curse u bitch for what u have caused
A smile on my face when I will u fall
And when you fall I will be there to see
Life goes in circles now I am free
The nightshades beauty of darkness
Son of light I am not
Forever remains in the shadows
In the kingdom of the hollowed souls
Tears will fall to the ground remorse in your heart
But what have done can not be changed reality strike
Torment will become your best friend welcome to my world
A world of endless despair kingdom of the dammed
And the tears will turn to blood the voices calling you to join them
In the realm below the kingdom of the hollowed souls
The nightshades beauty of darkness
Son of light I am not
Forever remains in the shadows
In the kingdom of the hollowed souls
The journey ends you
will see the gates before you
And to your amazed you will see me waiting for you "Let me open the gate for you" I said
I am the gate keeper to the kingdom of the dammed
The nightshades beauty of darkness
Son of light I am not
Forever remains in the shadows
In the kingdom of the hollowed souls
6. The Shining
7. True Nature
Look in to my eyes the fire that burns inside. Like the flames of time it will never die.
Born under the sign of the moon Invoked by the forces of doom
To the kingdom where the sound of the dead echoes
And swords of warriors buried under the sands of time
Where mighty kings lived and kingdoms fight
To praise the ancient war gods
In the beginning the feared and worshipped him
The true master of this world
But as time passed he was forgotten by his servants
And become a mere shadow of the sun
We will circle the prepared altar with gold and silver shine
and our black moon will shine above us as a demon
to call forth the one arise goatlord
Stories to children dark fairytales of evilness
They thought he died but how can a nature die
He is inside us all Desire - Imagination - Greed and Hunger
The time has come to set the beast free
Ah the river turned to blood of the pure of heart
The storms rages inside as the beast turned loss
The lord have returned to the world And
The fake duties vanished away for good
The true nature reviled
8. Failure Denied
Who are you
Never acknowledge your failures
Declaration of false power may fit your design
Oh what a typical human behavior
And what is your diagnostics of nature
Do you fear of your own reflection
Your will has the strength of the infernally legions
Yet the reason consuming your soul
So for once stand by the truth
And give yourself to the core
Release yourself from the mask
Failure Denied
This darkness contains all you wish for
The will and the reason combine
Our souls here unite in the screaming hells fire
The option of failure denied
Failure denied
Your search must end now
As all you feared break down or died
Your heart hard as stone-filled with winds of destruction
Know the path to all this is inside
Let the will and reason form the true will
Indulge your vessel in pride
Our souls here unite in the screaming of hells fire
The option of failure Denied
9. As the Night Become Silver
Blackness glory, oh dreadful night.
Incantations are whispered by demons at sight.
Upon fairies which dance over pine trees surround.
And the spell now starts to flow, and the fairies flying by heights.
Dancing gently with night demons, tasting heavenly delights.
When the spell shell be removed, winds will carry fairies cries.
Then, the fairies pale and bright, will wet their fairies eyes.
And the tears fall on the ground and it shines like fireflies.
On the ground shines million stars, like a mirror of the skies.
"and the pine trees, which surround whisper:
fairies, look how wondrous is the night,
and how beautifully it shines"
Blackness glory, oh dreadful night.
Incantations are whispered by demons at sight
. Upon fairies which dance over pine trees surround.
The saddest story, oh beautiful night
. The silver moon raised and silvered all sights.
And the fairies dance over pine trees surround.
And spawn their silver strands.
10. H.A.T.E.
A rotten world sat it all in flames
Create death as a part of your life
Say only true lies to progress
Acknowledging the essence of hate
Who you think we are
Do you think we care
Hate shaped us all
Hatred you can not bare
A rotten world sat it all in flames
Hate shaped us all and forever remains...