
"Concerning The Quest, The Bearer and the Ring" (2003)
1. Concerning the Quest, the Bearer and the Ring (Orchestral) 2. Hopes for a Better Quest 3. The Breaking of the Fellowship 4. The Awakening of Fangorn 5. With Faramir 6. The Battle of Pelennor 7. Kirith Ungol (Orchestral) 8. Until The Slopes of Orodruin 9. Towards You 10. In Mount Doom 11. The Final Battle 12. The Quest: There and Back Again (Orchestral)
1. Concerning the Quest, the Bearer and the Ring (Orchestral)
2. Hopes for a Better Quest
(Bilbo): "Bright and fair mornings
Cool and clear the evenings
Here in Imladris
While days slip away
Forget about pains
(The) Perils and dreadful paths may be away
And night after day, have graceful living
Talking endlessly as summer end
Let soothing air of safe Rivendell
Leads you to longing of good days
Let me be the one to stay near you...
Hopes for a better Quest
Take care of yourself
And dare the Black Lord
And destroy the One Ring
Forevermore I'll pray
Frodo, for our deeds
And for (the) Magic to rise
Till then I will expect your arrival...oh!
I will stay in safe here next to the good elves
Wishing you the best as all the rest
Don't forget to bring any old songs or tales
I'll do my best with my book in return
Let soothing air of safe Rivendell
Lead us to longing of the good days
May your journey have a good end.
Have hopes for a better Quest
Take care of yourself
And dare the Black Lord
And destroy the One Ring
Forevermore I'll pray
Frodo, for our deeds
And for (the) Magic to rise
Till then I'll expect your arrival...
...With morning mist and endless bright!!!
Farewell friend, don't forget to return...
3. The Breaking of the Fellowship
In Parth Galen they are
To the east, Tol Brandir
(Aragorn): "The delayed day we've now reached"
The Bearer must decide by his will
Eastwards with Boromir
Or westwards, to the dreadful Shadow
Frodo to the Amon Hen went on, looking out...
...for the decision
He sat down upon a flat stone
Thoughts from past, since they left Hobbiton,
Delegated the take of choice
Frodo awoke suddenly
Unfriendly eyes were on him
(Boromir): "I was afraid for your deeds"
Boromir said to the hobbit
They spoke about destiny
The man insisted about the ring
His face was eager and his eyes shinning!
The Hobbit moved away
Till the great flat stone stood between (them)
Only a thing there was to do:
Pull the Ring out just to slip it on!
Up he ran till Amon Hen summit
And stood there before...
A shadowful mist world
He saw from Seat of Seeing
Signs of war were everywhere found
Barad-dûr prevailing immeasurably
He felt the Eye was aware of his gaze
While all hope left him
Just in time another power came
(Gandalf): "Take off the Ring, you foolish hobbit"
He did so, and found his way cleared
His will was firm for the starting way...To Mordor!
Frodo reached out Parth Galen and started the onshore
But while it just began the embark
A well-known voice came!
(Frodo): "Sam I'll go to Mordor, till the end,
In the last chance for covering the Quest"
(Sam): "Master, I'll follow (you)"
And thus, both, settled off, vanishing down the Anduin
The One Ring goes in course for the Orodruin
The Breaking of the Fellowship was completed
The Bearer and Sam go for the last chance
In the fog they will restless fight for us all!
For us All!
4. The Awakening of Fangorn
(Merry-Pippin): "Freeful but with no sure path
We wander through Fangorn
The Uruk-Hai dead now they are
By spears from eorlingas
We walk until a bright
As ground is steeply rising
Then we climb up some rocky stairs
Expecting for a chance"
An unknown and sudden voice
Merry, Pippin and an ageless form
Hope reborns, the Quest gets on the road!
Till the Entwash they went on!
The Derndingle followed as a way for channelling force
An awakening for all the Ents!
Down the green Methedras should be settled up...
...the Entmoot!!!
So in some more days
Wrathful Ent forces will enter Isengard
Saruman in terror will fall!!!
And Orthanc will be a sure weight less
For Freedom to come!
Great longing came over them
For faces and voices
For Frodo and the Fellowship
For Gandalf and Strider
Then the Entmoot raised
But only for a while
Now Bregalad will accompany
Them until the departure
Suddenly voices emerged!
Drum redoubles sounds of rage!!!
The Final Ent´s March
Began always towards Isengard
(Treebeard): "We are off to face the Doom
To hew the stones and to break the doors!!!"
The awakening of the whole Forest was done
Nan Curunír
Will fall down
5. With Faramir
The loud din and the light
"Gondor, Gondor!" voices shout
Overwhelmed by the fight
The hobbits in Ithilien are
Arrows rain!
Signs of uncertain victory!
In Gondor´s garden
The battle is clarified
Gondorian soldiers reject
The Harad followers
In the shade of forests
The hobbits met the Captain
Faramir listened to
The weary wayfarers
Let the Quest may exclude his understanding!
For that shall be safe, just free them to follow
Their westward path that goes directly to Mordor!
The amazement is settled over them
A great Oliphaunt crosses the field
(Sam): "Mumak! Mumak! Ah!"
The calmness renovates
For the doubts to be heard
May the Truth be in blindness!
The agreement emerged
Free from treachery and free
From the doubts!
They arrived until Henneth Annûn
And the water's veil anticipates the farewell
The Quest is still far from its end
But a new vigour encourages the Ring Bearer!
6. The Battle of Pelennor
Ghan-buri-ghan already stayed behind
At the front icy winds change
Armies of Rohirrim advancing!
Théoden gets prepared
To have a wrathful break through
Gondor is in flames
The war is announced in Minas Tirith
(Théoden): "Spear shall be shaken
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter
A sword-day, a red day,
Ere the brightful sun rises!"
Éoreds to the field
Pelennor roars strenuously
The dark goes away
For a moment they sang as they slew!
But soon evil shades
Return and watch out for the King
The Lord of the Nâzgul enters to kill!
Snowmane fulfilled in horror
Crashed upon his own side
A black dart had pierced (him)
The King fell beneath him
Alongside Dernhelm was not so
And stared stumbleless there
Facing darkness with courage
Before Evil protecting his own kin
His own kin!
Merry struggles to combat
Page of the King
Éowyn and the Nâzgul
They enter to fight!
The Ringwraith rushed over her ruthlessness
Unloading the mace
Éowyn stumbled
Merry reacts stabbing his sinew
Nâzgul in pain
Uncertain end!
Struggling up the lady in assembled rage
Broke her sword into de Ringwraith´s mantle!
Meriadoc, in courage, blinded in tears
(Théoden): "Farewell Hobytla"
Gone has The Old King
Éowyn with him...
...Save new king of the Mark, Éomer!
The battle in Pelennor fields
Was far from a sure end
Haradrims with Númakil
Osgiliath followers!
Then suddenly in the Anduin
Ships came over from seas
(Éomer): "To hope's end we have now reached
Now for wrath, now for ruin, now for a red nightfall!"
Claimed Captain Éomer to his roughful people
But the standard from the foremost ship was not black
It flowered with a white tree and seven stars, and within
Legolas and Gimli
Aragorn and Dúnedain
Mordor Darkness OUT!!!
7. Kirith Ungol (Orchestral)
8. Until The Slopes of Orodruin
Kirith Ungol now stayed behind
(Frodo): "Aiya Elenion Ancalima!"
Frodo cried loud at the devilry door
Guarded by the will of darkened Watchers
A bell clang emerged while the hobbits
Wanted to cross the high bridge of stone
Iron-shed, feet sounded, Frodo decided
Falling down from it was the last option!
First Sam fell, Frodo at last,
Landing into a tangle of thorny bushes
Then the hobbits followed
Their march towards the north
To Morgai!!!
To the left and towards the south
The hobbits felt the battle so far away
(Sam): "Up there in the world,
The darkness is somehow vanishing!"
Ribbons of Light!!!
A sharpened scream was everywhere heard
The Lord Nâzgul facing his cruel doom
Signs of Good even though the heavy Ring
Weights, more and more!
Heartened by sharing a wafer of lembas
Soon they'd be provided by water and light
That's the moment where (the) course changed
Now to the East they went!!!
Still far, but in course, from Orodruin
Forty miles would be covered up
In sorrowful long march
The Eye is now restless
What meaning or significance
Can have a reduced group leaded by strikers...?
...Facing the front of the Great Evil Empire
The Lord of Dark does not know how to act
He is suspicious but somehow his Eye is not here
Frodo and Sam are omitted!!!
Frodo and Sam, courageous hobbits!!!
Now they are in front of having their Quest achieved!!!
They take off their useless orquish clothing
Periannath will rewrite out Middle Earth's Destiny!!!
9. Towards You
(Sam): "Although (the) threat and fear
Countless wounds, endless tears
I'll always keep your way
Even until the death
I'll contain your grief in my heart
May my love for you help on your deed
Where's the hope
For us to find
Let now the light
Be our sure guide
Where's the bright
And all we've left behind
May your will
Be our last key...
Now we'll face the last stage
And the struggle for the Quest
Even if there's no return
I'll stay with you
Though my heart weep in tears
For your painful and risky deed
Master Frodo I'll always be
Towards you..."
10. In Mount Doom
At twenty miles away, towards the Isenmouthe narrows
The hobbits swung east
A long walk march through the evil and dreadful Mordor
Heart of the Dark...
...Suddenly a noise arose
Marching feet plus two big Uruks
(Uruk): "You now should have been inside Udûn"
Raised up and to the row are now the hobbits
Faith goes away
The wrath arrives
The aim so close
Frodo be rough!
Just on time an unexpected relief came
The troops are confused
Sam sneaked away towards a shallow pit
Next to him Frodo
And the grey morning arrived
To the southeast the Mountain straightened up
They undertook the final march
Pulling orc helmets and shields away
The Orodruin is faced finally
Crawling arrived there the brave hobbits
The very last stage, struggling for the Quest
Soon they will see the way that goes
Towards Sammath Naur!
They finally reached the issued road
That leaded to the Chambers of Fire
The Bearer looked to Barad-dûr
And it was like a stab!
The Eye did not discovered them now
They can still continue the path
Although if it is on the shoulders of Sam!
Turning a wondrous bending of the path!
A sudden wrathful stroke arises from Gollum!
With fury, Frodo prevailed and dismissed them:
(Frodo): "Farewell Sam, course up I'll go"
He turned to went on and then fade away!!!
The forgiveness for Gollum
And Sam goes up searching for the Bearer
In ascense the path he covers
Until reaching the doors of the caves
Darkness asphyxs
While Sam enters to the dreary caves
He calls loud for Frodo
The silence confirms the horror
But suddenly a violent voice arise
(Frodo): "I won't make it the Ring is mine"
Frodo shouted as he vanished
But just in time a shade slipped in
Gollum went directly for the Ring
Bordering the abyss
Two ring-slaves will fight blindly
Hissing and with more fury
Gollum mutilated him, (and) repossessed his precious
Dancing and stepping too far
He wavered and in shriek fell
And everything ended
The Ring is smelted!
11. The Final Battle
We heard the horns in the hills ringing
The swords shinning in the South Kingdom
Steeds went striding to the Stoninland
As winds in the morning
Long now they sleep
Under Gondor´s greenful grass
They left in kindled war
Towards the Great Eye of Mordor
Grey now as tears gleaming silver
We cry for the renowned or nameless
At sunset foam dyed with blood flamed
Red fell the dew in Rammas Echor
In the outskirts, near Minas Tirith
The strikers prepare up for departure
Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn and Gandalf,
The brave sons of Elrond and Dúnedain...
...They ride by the valley of the Anduin
Passing Osgiliath after green Ithilien
Until reaching the Black Door
Hoping that the Bearer and Sam
Fulfil the Mission
The Éphel Duath at the front now they are
In the Crossroads they deliberate
To Minas Morgul or to Morannon?
Gandalf firmly advised
To the Black Door!!!
Next to the third day from the departure
A hundred miles separates from the Shadow
Save forever King Elessar
Three times at the day they shout
The long march continued, Nâzgul following
At the sixth day from leaving Minas Tirith
Before Kirith Gorgor
The forces are diminished by horror!
At the morning they get prepared
For being before the Morannon
(Gandalf): "Show yourself Dark Lord of Mordor!!!"
The door's fold loud roared
Before the Black Liutenant
The Emissary of Barad-dûr
Shows up the elfic grey cape
It was from Frodo
The horror surrounds now to all
Gandalf takes it from him
Any covenant is denied!
The total ruin embraced to all
Frodo and Sam were now captured
At that dark moment one worse came
Orquish helmets sounded everywhere!
Mordor followers!
Started their announce!
From the Elrod Lithui
The troops were lowered
Nâzgul watching out, darkening the light
In an infected mist the Faith...
...went away!!!
A stormful proclaim emerged from incoming Trolls
The blood ran through the Morannon field
Pippin managed revenge for Beregond...!
...Killing the Great Lord Troll!
Arranging himself to DIE!
A signal comes, arrives from the upper skies:
Gwaihir the Eagle aids but the Destiny wants more!
The Ring faces the Orodruin in flames!!!
12. The Quest: There and Back Again (Orchestral)