
"Glyba" (2004)
1. Glyba 2. BT-34 3. The Spider 4. Techno Kill 5. CFC3 6. Dark Cult 7. DC40 8. Eat Dust, Swallow Dirt! 9. Death Dance 10. F-25 11. Zabiw! (I'd Kill'im Of The Principle!) 12. The Mirror Of My Soul
1. Glyba
Poor man! You suffered for idea,
You died on cross for hope
To save the human kind.
You thought your death will raise
The people’s spirit,
But only gave the basement for the cult.
Religion – cult, dark energetic glyba,
Satanic in it’s core, crushing the free man.
Religion – shit, cathedral pedophilia,
Reducing human will, ideology trap.
Bloodthirsty cult, brutal like a glyba,
Perverting truth, hypocrisy itself.
It used your name for what
You’d been ashamed of --
For tyrant power
And for sinful dwell.
Religion – cult, dark energetic glyba,
Satanic in it’s core, crushing the free man.
Religion – shit, cathedral pedophilia,
Reducing human will, ideology trap.
Your name was damned in the fire
By millions of agonizing souls.
It was used to kill the undesired.
For what you haven’t done you respond.
2. BT-34
3. The Spider
This is spider!
Multiple losses, the painful process,
Spider is eating you part by part.
Feeling exhausted, loosing all forces,
Spider is drinking your fresh blood.
No strength to breakthrough the sticky nets,
Predator holds you very tight…
It’s taking your precious life.
Spider is at work,
Charming you with it’s eight eyes.
Spider loves it’s job,
It slowly eats your mind.
Can’t feel, can’t scream,
Can’t think, can’t breathe…
This is dimension that nobody sees,
This is the war… No one begins.
No one is equal, no one breaks through.
The spider derives from the power of nuke.
Your voice is broken, the same with your neck.
You’re forced to suffer with your body wrecked.
Say goodbye to this word, say goodbye to your life…
The rest is silence.
4. Techno Kill
5. CFC3
6. Dark Cult
Black shadows cover me,
I see no light at all.
My scream is drown in ill,
Feeding my hidden force.
Energetic dissonance,
Reversal trend pulsation,
Acid visions, melting flesh,
Big-bang eradication.
Dark cult! Dark Cult!
Dark Cult! Dark Cult!
Symbolizing execution,
Freedom apart.
Huge vampire is unseen,
He takes so much life from you,
He lives in you and rules your will,
And nothing you can ever do.
He flies like cloud,
He rules the crowd,
He makes it fight and kill.
Widening influence around,
He turns the spirit ill.
Dark cult! Dark Cult!
Dark Cult! Dark Cult!
Promising the happy future
With your mind cut.
Come on!
7. DC40
8. Eat Dust, Swallow Dirt!
Eat dust, swallow dirt!
I remain myself, I form my future now and here.
In this very moment I rule my fate.
I look at this world with my own opinion,
It causes the ideas that will my mind create.
Your body wants to be enslaved,
You have your mind to be not.
So if you live like crowd and switch off your head,
I’ll always eat dust, swallow dirt!
You don’t know the basics, you try to find them in the cult.
Or you join the gang and kill your brain with drugs.
Absence of sense of life makes you do things which you’d avoid,
Emptiness in your mind destroys the spirit you must grow.
Eat dust, swallow dirt!
Swallowing dirt…
Your body wants to be enslaved,
You have your mind to be not.
So if you live like crowd and switch off your head,
I’ll always eat dust, swallow dirt!
Years pass, life gets away, and you have nothing behind.
Even if you were religious, all your hope is in wine.
So what will you change? Nothing, I suppose.
You are too dumb to really believe.
All your life is dead, and you are shit,
No sense, no hope, no will.
Eat dust!
9. Death Dance
10. F-25
11. Zabiw! (I'd Kill'im Of The Principle!)
Калi няма ў чалавека прынцыповых поглядаў,
Калi замест мазгоў – пясок, сутнасьць та жывельная.
Калi акрамя бухла ды траху няма сэнсу да жыцьця,
Калi аднолькавае самасцьвярджэньне – выбiць вока iншага,
Дык я б такога з прынцыпу забiў!
А я б яго з прынцыпу забiў!
Здохнi, дрэнь!
Памiж сапраўдных, разьвiтых людзей
Ен адчувае сабе ўбогiм,
Таму жадае быць усiх мацней,
Бо iншага нгiчога ня можа.
Ды ў тым ягоная ўся моц,
Што такiх, як ен – процьма,
I ўсе яны таяць тую злосьць,
Iмя якой – зайздрасьць.
Тут нехта скажа мне:
“Маўчаць! Трэба быць палiткарэктным!”
А вось табе мая полiткарэктнасьць!
А я б яго з прынцыпу забiў!
А я б яго з прынцыпу забiў!
А я б яго з прынцыпу забiў!
А я б яго з прынцыпу забiў!
Здохнi, дрэнь!
12. The Mirror Of My Soul
The mirror of my soul…
I hate you…
I hate you…
Depressive days, lots of anger.
Ruins of faith, hatred inside.
Hatred to humans, hatred to lies.
I ignore their rules, I ignore the despised.
But there’s one thought
That constantly drills my mind.
This thought is the scream of my soul:
“Most of people must die!”
Human kind must be purified.
Human kind must be purified…
How wonderful this world is without human,
And it’s dark beauty excites my sight.
But there’s one thought
That constantly drills my mind.
This thought is the scream of my soul:
“Most of people must die!”