
"Trismegistos" (1996 EP)
1. Love Under Will 2. Hellboy 3. Speed Doll 4. Beyond the Sun 5. Trismegistos
1. Love Under Will
And you go down like submarine / In the cigarette haze filled neon sea / A new cat to skin / For all the dog days / For every nobody face / Has a story to tell / Has a soul to sell / Different maps of hell
Petty lies are truth just / Optimized / Two bit whores playing penny wise
And you are dying to get a life / And you would kill to find some peace
And you love it all / Love under will / Deadened to horror / Bathed in sin / God damned the Devil may care / For each step further down in Hell / For all escatologies and the parables
And the serpent talks to you at night / As you slowly turn away from the light / Poison oracles / Bastard disciples / Running out of peanuts for the human zoo / Living day by day / Withering away / Dyeing black the grey / Just like me and you
Petty lies are truth just / Optimized / Two bit whores playing penny wise
And you would ask if you knew the answers / And you would try if you knew you´d succeed
And you love it all / Love under will / Deadened to horror / Bathed in sin / God damned the Devil may care / For each step further down in Hell / For all escatologies and the parables
So nothing is true / And everything´s permitted / What´s it to you / When your world is breaking loose
Pretty love pretty hate inside you / Pretty love pretty hate inside your / Heart
2. Hellboy
Well there´s a cat in the cradle / A man on the moon / Dope romanticism / In a silver spoon / And burning in the shadow fire / Mutant powers take me higher / In Infernal Justice League / Nothing´s quite how it first seems
Faster than speeding train / Is it a bird or a plane / Hellboy
I got a soulless luxury / A Babylon of flesh gone bad / I am a real gone ding dong dad / And I will nuke this head of mine / All the way past the sun / I´ll take you all to kingdom come
High as a kite / And out like a light / Calling the gods / Really outta sight / And all the friends / I thought I had / Are really just a load of crap / Who needs shit like that in Hell / Who needs anything in Hell
3. Speed Doll
4. Beyond the Sun
Well if a tree falls down / Does it make a sound / If there´s no one to see? / And if I´m all alone / Everybody´s gone / Then it´s the real me / Right?
And if you found yourself / To be like no one else / Who would that no one be? / And if you blew your cool / With life as an april´s fool / The truth could be seen / Right?
Ain´t no world in a grain of sand / No flowers to hold in our hands / Didn´t got no million in prizes / The shoe didn´t fit in none of the sizes
Pull down the shade / On your window / Go paint it a smiling face / Lose yourself in the shadows like days
And everything is new and bright / Like vomit kisses on summer nights / A tooth for an eye / An eye for tooth / A truth for an eye / A lie for a tooth / They say
Well if there is a Beast / And your soul´s diseased / Would you take its hand? / If God don´t love you / Just be a man / And be God damned
Oh won´t you let it come / Meet the enemy of sun / Oh it´s there just look deep within / Growing bigger with your feeble sins
Pull out your heart / Through the rib cage / Go paint it a smiling face / Leave a scarab in its place
Would you believe that the earth is hollow / And our path is the straight and narrow / Tooth fairies and Santa Claus / There´s troll´s blood in all of us?
Would you believe that there´s nothing more for us / No more hate / No more love / No fight and fuss / When everything is said, denied and done
Beyond the sun
5. Trismegistos
Would you go with the babbling brook / All the way to the sea / Would you go with the whispering wind / Disappear silently
With no goodbyes / Leave it behind / Closing your eyes / In a cool moonlight / Telling no one / Steal on your way / Into the night / Vanish away
Would you go with the babbling brook / All the way to the sea / Would you go with the breeze in the night / Over cities and lakes / Would you die and be born again / Just before the dawn breaks
There´s a luminous passage so bright and so cold / Apples of silver / Dawning with gold / Lighting the candles / For the love of your god / I am three times wise / In a hail of blood
One is the pain / One keeps me sane / One is the blessing and curse all the same
All the same