
"King Fear" (1999)
1. Errata Stigmata 2. Radio Werewolf 3. Hand of Glory 4. Veritas 5. Skeleton Farm 6. To Behold the Suns Below 7. Exit Eden 8. Sol Niger 9. Fey 10. King Fear: Song For the Damned
1. Errata Stigmata
Errata Stigmata
Oh well hey / What did you learn today / Of all the world and its pain / Of
Archons insane?
Oh there's a hole up in the sky from where the angels fall / To bring us
sword and sire children that grow up too tall
Oh there's a hole down in the ground where all the dead men go / Down
purgatory's highways they gun their souls
Oh say you love Satan
Yeah right
What did you learn today / Crossing your fingers / Applauding the play?
Cough up all sixes that you know all signs of horns that you can show /
Maybe you too are like unto the Beast unto the Fiend and Foe
For certainly the hoof and horn must be whereever hair will grow / To call
upon the spirits foul to dance upon your goddamn soul
Oh say you love
Say you love Satan
Yeah right
2. Radio Werewolf
Radio Werewolf
Tune on / Tune in / And drop out / Drenched in ye olde Teufelkunst / Licked
from perdition's mouth / With steel beacons high / Against the blood red sky
/ The pitchforks sing the lullaby
And I'll say / I wanna be alone just go away / And I'll say / I wanna be a
star for just one day
On Radio Werewolf
Tune on / Tune in / And drop out / Come in Tango Omega / King Fear is on the
dow / Up from the roof of the world / He plays our little lives / As LP's on 45
And I'll say / I wanna be alone just go away / And I'll say / I wanna be a
star for just one day
On Radio Werewolf
The sleep of monsters produces reason
And I'll say / There's gonna be the hell to pay / And I'll say / I wanna be
a star for just one day
On Radio Werewolf
On turntables emerald and green / On sieges perilous 13 / Play twinkle
twinkle little star / And I'll wonder what you are / Oh how we wonder / Just
what we are
3. Hand of Glory
Hand of Glory
Ashen the world creates itself / Up the branches down the roots / Pecked at
by birds / By worms gnawed / At the crossroads / By the graves among the
rowan trees / Nailed white as ivory / With skulls that grin amidst the rot
For strange are these woods to fare / Stranger the fruit they bear
Oh hang me high / Upon that tree / For all the secrets to find me / As
ravens' claws / As eagles' bills / As Wotan's eyes upon the hills / Oh ten I
have of fingers fine / For all the evil's work in the night / Oh baby I will
grow for you from a tree
Burning with glory
Given to trolls and ogre broods / Days will drown in twilight's gloom /
Where black dogs howl / Pulling up mandragore / Chained to the ash forever
more / Deaf to the world's grey roar / Digging up treasures vile and foul
Eye for an eye for a rune / Drawing down the waning moon / Howled at by all
wolves / Ensnared 'til the day of doom
So hang me high / Upon that tree / For all the secrets to find me / As
ravens' claws / As eagles' bills / As Wotan's eyes upon the hills / Oh ten I
have of fingers fine / For all the evil's work in the night / Oh baby I will
grow for you from a tree
Burning with glory
All crooks and ghouls who understand / Cherish the work of idle hands / All
of the pages turned / All of the treasures yearned / All of the fingers
Burning with Glory
4. Veritas
All of the battles lost and won / All of the things we've said and done /
Become the dark that wells beneath the floor / Lost in a world that I don't
Where no truth will set you free
All of the lessons that we learned / All of the bridges that we burnt /
Boons for a cruel, jealous god to trade / Lost in a world that slowly turned
All insane
Where no truth will set you free
All beauty houses the heart of pain / Kissed by the evil / In good contained
/ And all truth's grown sad with ages taint / All of our charmed lives
Where no truth will set you free
5. Skeleton Farm
Skeleton Farm
Kissed by a snake / You will give birth to a worm / That eats into the small
black hearts / Pumping poison as it turns / Eyed by a basilisk / You will
get stoned / My love has serpents in her hair / She combs with a rake / And
stares beyond
Oh what is life but an open grave / What is today but tomorrow's yesterday /
Hey / Pluck out the eye that offends thee / Raise hell or lower the heaven
at least
Yeah it's a skeleton farm
Look in the abyss / And it looks up on you / In snake pit balanced are the
scales / All souls damned versed in the truth / Devoured by sulphur / In the
belly of wind / Monsters kill monsters / Who kill monsters / In the small
hearts / That smile within
Oh what is life but an open grave / What is today but tomorrow's yesterday /
Hey / Pluck out the eye that offends thee / Raise hell or lower the heaven
at least
Yeah it's a skeleton farm
6. To Behold the Suns Below
To Behold the Suns Below
Well hail Caesar / Horses in the Senate / Where did the eagles fly / Back in
the German woods ?
Lost by the walking wounded / Fleeing the devils of the forest / Taken to
graven idols / Down in their shrines beneath the ground
Oh to behold the suns below
A heart that used to house your love / I offer you below now / As once above
A mirror for simple souls / That tend to stray away from the day / This
maggot ridden horror /To sing you of summer's decay
Oh to behold the suns below
7. Exit Eden
Exit Eden
Apples and silver bear the trees of paradise / Visions of heaven to unfold
before our eyes / Where cherry orchards bloom eternal summer's night / Upon
a sarcen stone we dreamed / Our sweet old lies
And into the dreams bewitched / We'd hear the haunting song / That beckoned
us to taste / Of the dark of unripe dawn
If pride doth go before the fall / The summer never was / Promises gilded
and hollow / No longer do bind us / All knowing and all wise
We'll exit Eden / By the sunrise
As pestilence falls down as rain upon our heads / Still paved with gold
become the roads that we now tread / Covered with sores and drunk with plain
mortality / We have no thing so dear we couldn't / Part with and leave
And if plague and hail they say / May purge a righteous man / Tears wept in
anger / Shall be wiped away / By the Devil's hand
If pride doth go before the fall / The summer never was / Promises gilded
and hollow / No longer do bind us / All knowing and all wise
We'll exit Eden / By the sunrise
(All sacred secrets and serpents / Grow old and tangled in shadows coiled /
Under bridges over Alpheus stream / Carrying their dust on to the sea)
8. Sol Niger
Sol Niger
Under the sea / Dead cities in the dark / Dreaming themselves to be / Alive
once more / And in darkened rooms / As vaulted tombs / We hear them call /
As sea devours land / Towers yield to the sand
Oh shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage / As a disease on all fours risen
from sea / Yea shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage / And that which never
was shall always be
And I would see the world revolve / Around the crosses tips / Fleeing the
sun / The vulture / Swooping down on a carrion / Laughing into the
nothingness / That we flee / In mortal fear
Oh shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage / As a disease on all fours risen
from sea / Yea shine on Black Sun upon all Carthage / And that which never
was shall always be
For what is eternity / But a shoreless sea / One eternal day / That sees us
come and move away
9. Fey
Oh my old friend / How did we get so far so soon / Chasing dragons in the
white of the map / In the blue of your veins
Maybe we'd played / Our little games / In the dark of the world / For a bit
too long / And lost our souls
And with death's release / The knowledge comes / It was the life all along /
We'd been afraid of / In carriage golden / Drawn by horses blind / I saw you
leave this mortal life
Oh my old friend / We grew up boys with a shadow of a man / And neither one
of us was afraid to die / Had a cyclops asked
For had we not / Buried a graveyard / Of screamings ghosts / With a bitter
pride / And called it life
And all tomorrow's games / Are just a memory / Of all the things you dub too
common / In carriage golden / Drawn by horses blind / I saw you leave this
mortal life
Oh do not want too bad / Or the price will be too dear / And do not want too
much / Or you're not ready to let go of / And do not judge / For what do you
know / Of a life with nothing to gain / And everything left to lose
In carriage golden / Drawn by horses blind / I saw you leave this mortal
10. King Fear: Song For the Damned
King Fear: Song for the Damned
Pray tell me / Wise Trevrizent / Are not the good ones all dead / In shallow
graves / In distant lands / Banished from castles of the Grail
Into the mansions of the Sun / Where Doom is housed in golden rooms / In
amber dreaming / Kept by silent halls / Like all crystal / There is to fall
In girun i mus nocte et consuminur igni ingirunimusnocteetconsuminurigni In
girun i mus nocte et consuminur igni
Pray tell me / Wise Trevrizent / Is not our life like our love / Treasured
and clung to with tooth and nail / Yet uncomplete until let go of
Into the mansions of the Sun / Where Doom is housed in golden rooms / In
amber dreaming / Kept by silent halls / Like all crystal / There is to fall