
"The Lilith Complex" (2004)
1. Adam 2. Surveillance Camera Players 3. Look At Me 4. Lilith 5. The Fence 6. Prize Fighter 7. Intimacy 8. Brand One 9. Metamorphosis Of Narcissus 10. Star Trek 11. Eve 12. End Of Days 13. The Babel Concept
1. Adam
2. Surveillance Camera Players
Why trust yourself
When your government doesn't
Don't trust anyone
Like your government does
You're the star in a daily soap
Part of the great 24-7 movie
The optimists are mistaken
And even Orwell was an optimist
3. Look At Me
Look at me I fight your media
Hate your godless TV
Yet need it to fight
Right before your eyes
I just rage against
What brings me to life
Look at me I fight your lifestyle
Hate your godless Radio
Yet need it to fight
Right inside your ears
I just rage against
What brings me to life
Look at me I fight your everything
Hate your godless web
Yet need it to fight
Right inside your golden cages
I just rage against
What brings me to life
Look at me
Don't take my importance
Look at me
I take it myself
4. Lilith
Woman, how far will you even go losing your self-determination? You really wanna climb up to man's level? Don't expect a reaching hand.
So you think it's better not starting to climb up today? Think it's better keep walking traditional ways, Eve? Just no need changing the fusty state for centuries?
Every step you take forward man has gotta walk back. Not the way the emperor's used to. But the way you're supposed to walk since the dawn of days.
Man's greatest trick by far was to convince you of being emancipated.
What could be more far from the truth? The great deceiver lays down next to you night by night. And you're constantly kissing the ground he walks on
5. The Fence
Every day you stand behind
The fence around your garden
Wistfully looking at the other side
Where your better life takes rest
Every day you stand and watch
Your better life so wistfully
And you could reach it that simple
Climbing over that fence
6. Prize Fighter
Every day you stand behind
The fence around your garden
Wistfully looking at the other side
Where your better life takes rest
Every day you stand and watch
Your better life so wistfully
And you could reach it that simple
Climbing over that fence
7. Intimacy
Laying with you in the grass and only the both of us and a couple of satellites know what we say
Intimacy is something we've lost somehow somewhere on our way through evolution
The man in the moon is wearing some headphones and the smile of the sun is just a smile that's fake
There's a sucker born every minute and only a sucker believes he's free
8. Brand One
Thousands of ghosts spread the land
Branding signs inside the heads
Robbing cultures of existence
Wear my sign! Deny false idols!
Stand in line to get your brain washed
Free yourself from yesterday
Step into our glorious future
Praise my image! Deny false idols!
Buy the product, no stupid questions
Bronze to us means gold to you
Change prehistoric ways of thinking
Swallow my pills! Deny false idols!
No sins forgiven
9. Metamorphosis Of Narcissus
Some people take a deep look in your eyes
And seem to drown in those shiny holes
But sometimes the only reason for them to do this
Is to see their own image within your pupils
10. Star Trek
The new times have brought wealth and wisdom to every single body. We've overcome the color of skin, prejudices and the longing to rule on others. And yes, we've even overcome money, our scourge for centuries.
In a single word, we've become what you might call unhuman. Stripping off our human skin brought us to completely new shores, both in evolutionary and intellectual aspects. We're reaching for higher aims in spite of denying all the main features that once built our society. So we've finally crossed the threshold to generation Z and space is at last the final frontier.
And maybe - if humanity wouldn't have acted that human - our society could have become reality. But unfortunately - as you all might know - the United States is no welfare organisation.
11. Eve
12. End Of Days
13. The Babel Concept
And the laughter continues
As mankind keeps separating itself
Divided into clearly small groups
Just to get conquered at will
The trick is to show you your friends
Or - much better - your enemies
Don't ask, just swallow
Just to get conquered at will
Come, let us go down
And confuse their language
So they will not understand each other
Just to get conquered at will