
"Caravan of the Unaware" (2003 EP)
1. Demon I? 2. Transparent 3. The Delta
1. Demon I?
What matters? A fact?
The matters in tact?
Cry, laughter, unseparated.
That’s what you said!
That’s what YOU said!
Words. Silence! Demon I?
Howling poetry. In motion.
Emboweling. Violent emotion.
Crying crows.
That’s how it goes.
Caravan of the unaware!
Bend or be bent,
flying ghosts par avion.
Words. Silence! Demon I?
Howling poetry in motion.
Emboweling violent emotion.
2. Transparent
Red. White. Red. White.
Is it a clown's face?
Red. White. Red. White.
It is a clown's face
that laughs
and never smiles.
Crying beauty queens.
Sob. Sob. Sob.
Sob. Sob. Sob.
Great! I am happy now.
Thank you. I am happy now.
Peace now! Now!
Crying beauty queens sob.
Sob, sob, sob, sob, sob.
Red. White. Red. White.
Is it a clown's face?
Red. White. Red. White.
Is it?
Great! I am happy now.
Thank you. I am happy now.
Great! I am happy now.
Thank you. I am happy now.
3. The Delta
What a joyful celebration!
In need of something more?
Deeper we dive.
Higher we fly.
Honourable ghosts,
this is how we party:
bow-wow-wow, wow?
bow-wow-wow, wow!
Ow, ow, owwow.
Ow. Ow. Ow."
Bring down the seagulls!
Bring down the mosquitoes!
Deeper they high.
Higher they deep.
Honourable ghosts,
this is how we party:
"We’re not on your side,
nor are we against you,
but rather the contrary.
We must not choose our side.
We must help you.
we will make your mental buttocks tremble."
Party hard!
Party harder!