
"Chasma Pelorion" (1997)
1. Orphitos 2. Majestic Indignate 3. Kalb Al Acrab 4. Battle Of Gods 5. Ruin Of Gods 6. Chasma Pelorion 7. Outro
1. Orphitos
Impregnated with the spirits of knowledge
Tasted the fruit of education
Guards of great secret, orphitos and hidden
Departed spirits of immortal
Feveloped snake of wisdom
Debeat horror and celebration
Arhiserpent of mind
Let's will some body goin wild dance of wind
Borning from the depth of conselousenss
Feeling highly pleasure
Increasing and unlimiting
We'll join with life's energy
Assimulate the reals
And orgys inapprehensible slave great AMM
2. Majestic Indignate
Majestic indignate return age of shadow
Return spirits and brains
It approches great battle
Huerarchy of darkness will destroy moral
Forbidden will be open
Indignate in spheres Impetus of war
Wrathful force increase
Will exuced as death people of earth
It approaches battle of Gods
Oh great lord despite
Rage in spheres of creature
Send the forret of death
Immortal will remain
3. Kalb Al Acrab
Great Kalb al acrab feeding of supreme hate
Powerful red scorpion borning your impetus
Madim delights of Kalb al Acrab
Defeat fear of everything living
Lit star of worse radiance
And we'll cheer up in ecstasy of deliver
Madim! Lord of brutality rules on the other side
Majestic spiritual betrayer your government is closing.
Open the terrible mysterys
Blind by red light those who are deserving to rise to
4. Battle Of Gods
I have seen agitation in the depth of created
Irate whirl wind goes from the depths of universe
Abyss genius will opened the gates of time and
Elements entered in moon force
It has thundered the great darkness is awakening!
The Great battle immortal sons flaming abyss with
Power of light sons of being...
Eternal and irreparable, beginningless
Darkness has mixed with light
There is no creation any more, perfectly wild and ugly.
Existence melts under great sons swords
5. Ruin Of Gods
On great warriors, waging a battle out of time
Destroying the past and the present
It's time fot your absordina
Mighty spirits of wind see a battle with reality
6. Chasma Pelorion
Open the gates of the greated Chasma Pelorion
There is ruin of Gods, there are the tyrans having
smelted be the eternity there
My thoughts sowed by the seeds of vices
This is abyss of the world
Immortality is flowing away
7. Outro