
"Shadows" (2004)
1. Introduction 2. Unlight 3. Firstborn 4. Dagor Nuin Giliath 5. Death 6. The Battle of Five Armies 7. The Messenger of Doom 8. Riddler 9. The Fall of the Dark Lord 10. Masters of Stone 11. To the End of the World 12. The Last March 13. The Rotting Horse on the Deadly Ground (Summoning cover)
1. Introduction
2. Unlight
After three ages of chaining and misery
The one plotted their downfall
Blasted with a sorcerous dark flame
by a thrust of a spear of evil
sap of their lives was drawn down
light extinguished,roots blackened,poisoned
Over the dead trees yavanna sang her song
nienna wept tears of endurance beyond hope
All of valinor was made hideously black
laughter of evil joy echoed all over the lands
thus for a second time the great ligths of the world had been put out
Blasted with a sorcerous dark flame
by a thrust of a spear of evil
sap of their lives was drawn down
light extinguished,roots blackened,poisoned
Over the dead trees yavanna sang her song
nienna wept tears of endurance beyond hope
from the charred ruins came a single golden fruit
and a single silverflower
anar the firegolden
and isil the sheen
laughter of evil joy echoed all over the lands
thus for a second time the great ligths of the world had been put out
3. Firstborn
4. Dagor Nuin Giliath
5. Death
so silent and gray was the fog
so cold was the breeze that it made
coldness crept to the heart
cold be hand,heart and bone
cold be travellers far from home
endless voyage,endless snow
for behind the darkness grows a shadow
a whisper of a nameless fear
and as its voice is death
but with courage,and with steel
one can stand strong against the tides
of the blackest times
still death comes to us all..
all we have to do is decide..
what to do with the time that is given to us..
cold be hand,heart and bone
cold be travellers far from home
endless voyage,endless snow
for behind the darkness grows a shadow
a whisper of a nameless fear
and as its voice is death
sing with me..
to the endless winds
sing with me...
to the mountaintops covered in snow
sing with me....
to the flowing waters
sing with me.....
to the end of our times and for the new things to come
6. The Battle of Five Armies
7. The Messenger of Doom
lost and forgotten ruins
by the shores belegaer
its high windy yards
echoing the times long past
no fear or the shadow of evil
knew he there
but a fearing respect was in hes heart
where is the proud folk that here once lived?
immortal yet doomed
that came beyond the great seas
that more than once looked to the west over the troubled seas
behind the throne once mighty
a shield,an armour,a helmet and a sword of
power ancient
a messenger of doom
a messenger of ulmo
the lord of all waters that flow in arda
sent to the hidden city to warn of the coming destruction
a perilles journey thrue snow and death
a messenger of doom
a messenger of ulmo
the lord of all waters that flow in arda
sent to the hidden city to warn of the coming destruction
but no warning was heard
and the walls so white and hidden crumbled down
like the stones of pride
8. Riddler
9. The Fall of the Dark Lord
10. Masters of Stone
11. To the End of the World
12. The Last March
13. The Rotting Horse on the Deadly Ground (Summoning cover)
Wars of great kings and clash of armouries
Whose swords no man could tell, whose spears
Were numerous as wheat field’s ears
Rolled over all the great lands, and seas
Were loud with navies, their devouring fires
Behind the armies burned both fields and towns
And sacked and crumbled or to flaming pyres
Were cities made, where treasuries and crowns
Kings and their folk, their wives and tender maids
Were all consumed. Now silent are those courts
Ruined the towers, whose old shape slowly fades
And no feet pass beneath their broken ports
I need no call of clamant bell that rings
Iron tongued in the towers of earthly kings
Take a ride on, ride on,
on your rotting horse
on that deadly ground
Take a ride, ride on,
on your rotting horse
with a pounding sound.
Here on the stones and trees there lies a spell
Of unforgotten loss, of memories more blest
than mortal wealth.
Here undefeated dwell the fog immortal
under withered elmes,
Alalminore one in ancient realms