
"The Alchemist" (2002)
1. intro 2. Etherial presence 3. the inner alchemy 4. The jury of the insane 5. Interlude 6. Apologia Descanarii 7. A Translucent universe part I 8. A Translucent universe part II 9. Interlide 10. Between hunger and possession 11. Outro
1. intro
no lyrics, instrumental
2. Etherial presence
I watch the surface of this endless river in which I'm plunged to my waist. | Through its body the world observes the contrasts of her face. | I ban to sip from the water. | It's clear and cold like the celestial part. | I see the reflexion of my upper half from above. | The other half with the hind limbs, the gonads, the buttocks and the split between them doesn't exist anymore;but does it means I'm less complete now? | Now I have twice my hands, twice the two cerebral hemispheres. | With this atypical structure of mine - two halves meaning more than the whole - I estrange myself from any breathing creature. | I vanish like rolls of smoke to the sky, but for me there is no more sky. | I'm prepared for the final challenge, which will drive me to the gates of an magnificent citadel. | By then, I'll leave behind past, prich, hopes and pain.
3. the inner alchemy
I go down these stairs the end of which I cannot see in the blue profoundness of these sea – like depths I run into nocturnal spiders. | The chill of the earth insidiously coils around me like a snake as if I were grabbed by rigor mortis. | I am allured into a labyrinth - the quest of the inner alchemy... | I burn a torch spreading terror among the subterranian creatures that flee the danger of a mercyless conqueror. | Like firm hands revealing womanly nakedness piece by piece the primitive light uncovers a huge ivory - like skeleton. | Enthrilled with fear, I the inside of this skull, its even, bone- like walls of- walls of tears, penitence, grief and lust... | Then cross the thorax, huge as the texture of an archreverberating with echoes, dull sounds of an ancient theatre. |
I find myself afloat on a boat sailing to the inner alchemy...
4. The jury of the insane
It is I at the centre of the trial to come. | For my words are decisive. My subjects embody ascension and sudden decay. | The future of millions depends on our whims. | Since it’s fate’s irony that an insane jury throws the dice of existence. | Our bizarre title –the jury of insane –appears to be medival. | This time the king Stopped laughing for the jury of insane as pondering the facts. | We distribute decadence, not beauty as punishment as well as a gift. We reached a peak in cynisism and believe that ugliness may lead to expiation |. Yet I walk in amazement among the ones I condemned and their horrid afflictions created minds less than perfect. | T’is impossibile saving this decayed substance.
5. Interlude
6. Apologia Descanarii
Trupul meu lepros acum s-a detramat ca un fruct bolnav, ca un tipat frint; privesc oglinda implorindu-i mila, caci nu pot crede ceea ce vad. | Atent urmaresc epiderma rupta de cratere, in care singele imi fierbe. Exfolierea, ca dintr-o alta lume, pare ca dezgoleste nuante moarte, zone mlastinoase. | Cu privirea am surprins emanatii irizate,ma transform intr-un exuviu. | Am ajuns un cadavru sortit experientelor, sunt o hecatomba din care izvoraste suferinta, fecioara ce a eliminat violent murdaria femeii. |
Am inceput sa pling si lacrimile imi ard sarat plagile, supurinde, sfisiate. imi musc din propriul trup si scuip oglinda, cu disperarea mea si o acopar, si nu vad. | Incerc sa recladesc statuia mea sfarimata, cindva din bronz. Sunt un infrint luptator pagin, ingenuncheat ca miticul Atlas, zdrobit in caderea continua, de foc. | Licarul de viata ce mi-a ramas se zbate zadarnic sa scape de sub ruina ce sunt, pe veci!
7. A Translucent universe part I
All pregnant women have in their woms two infants; the stronger of them can’t accept the existence of someone he should share everything with. | Still in the woms, he chokes his weak brother and tries to disolve him in surrounding clear fluid that bends truth as a crooked mirror. | Man comes alome into this world his mortal sin upon him. | He is to live in solitude, his murder disclosed by the stigma of his hideous size, as by a wound ugly at sight. | Mankind consists of ogres with cannibal teeth. | They began with fratricide and provoked evil cascading. | They wander the world ,sick of remorse and despair. | These deadly sins occur in a translucent universe. | The menacing shadows from an immemorial past are haunting each one of us.
8. A Translucent universe part II
All pregnant women have in their woms two infants; the stronger of them can’t accept the existence of someone he should share everything with. | Still in the woms, he chokes his weak brother and tries to disolve him in surrounding clear fluid that bends truth as a crooked mirror. | Man comes alome into this world his mortal sin upon him. | He is to live in solitude, his murder disclosed by the stigma of his hideous size, as by a wound ugly at sight. | Mankind consists of ogres with cannibal teeth. | They began with fratricide and provoked evil cascading. | They wander the world ,sick of remorse and despair. | These deadly sins occur in a translucent universe. | The menacing shadows from an immemorial past are haunting each one of us.
9. Interlide
10. Between hunger and possession
I'm heading for the graveyard that lays ahead in white-cold silence and time has come for me to collect wages. | Peacefully I watch the picture for the power is on my side. | I smell the candles, I hear their feeble cracking as they keep burning amidst headstones conceived from insides of the dead. | I do close in, and reach out for their heat. | My nostrils frail as if I were a beat just when the sworming of those who've perished reaches my bare feet. | I rule as king over this wasteland, I’m torn apart by hunger and possesion. | Endless passing thoughts are haunting me and I am sad. | Too violent fleshlights caress my mind, the way that water soothes the thirsty lips of the condemned. | The grey-robed mourners are silenced now, and store at me as if they were awaiting some sign from high above.
11. Outro