
"Emperors of the Night" (1994 Demo)
1. A Lost City 2. The Curse of Nosferatu 3. Queen of Death 4. The Vampire's Sleep 5. Emperors of the Night 6. Night Of Demonic Worship 7. Hymn to the Ancient Ones
1. A Lost City
Through dark dungeons I wander hearing
this beautiful voice calling me athward
Green mosses lead my pathways
eery shrieks fulfill my joy
calming fear enveils my body
suddenly standing before the gate
innaya... lost city
Of the twelve sleepers in Sadness
breaking open the doorway
I feel the tears in my heart
A grief hold for ages now set free
Broken houses death decay rotting
stenches of things unknown to us
Gods that were once here now left
left in the Mausoleum of Pain
strolling through streets, cracks
Gaping at me with soothing darkness
I feel the wind caressing my body
the first sense of resignation...
I will never leave this city of
Broken dreams, never
Spirits of unbearable calmness lie
fall... falling... down
Caress me... tear my black soul apart
With the grief and sorrow of Eras
The weeping of millions impaling my heart
falling... so sweet... falling down...
2. The Curse of Nosferatu
The night is our day, the darkness is our light
As wolves... we cry... by the Fullmoon
As bats... we roam... through the shadows
As hunters... we sneak up... on our prey
bloodthirsty we set our teeth in the neck of a pure virgin
by the dawn we drink the elixir of immortality
Nosferatu... Lord of the Vampires, Eternal Hail!!!
Praise the undead in Your Name!
With passion in our veins we make our victims born again
In the dark horror of the night
To join us the Horde of the Vampires
The blood is the life, and again it shall be His!!!
3. Queen of Death
The carnal sins of desires are dancing in my mind
The blackened earth has given me knowledge
To summon Thy name, wicked daemoness
Praise to Thee, Queen of Death
Thy beauty has no words to explain Thy presence!
Spread Thy leather wings and possess my body
With the everlasting Lust
Queen of Death, rape me, take me
Kiss me with Thy morbid lips, like fire
they're burning my flesh!
Thou turneth my pain into never ending pleasure!
Rape me with Thy demonic forces!
Black beauty of dark desire!
Thou bringeth out the Devil in me!
I shall make a proper sacrifice to bless Thee Daemoness!!!
Hearken and remember!
Queen of Death, rape me, take me
Prevail thy presence in the lonely night
When the moon is shining in the blackened sky!
Hail to Thee, beloved Daemoness,
Queen of Death! Hearken and remember!
4. The Vampire's Sleep
He has raised the draw-bridge above the moat
He has locked and bolted all doors he passed
He has taken care of it all for he is the one
Who can lay himself to rest
Who can sleep for a thousand years
Who can close his coffin and eternally dream
For deep below the castle walls
He has taken care of it all it comes to him
on the etherial wings of a whispering wind
Oh, the care with which he has prepared
The tender traps, the soothing salvation
A glimpse of heaven, a sparkle of Hell
in a flower to unclose on the bare soll he left
Hypnotizing the mortals passion
Oh, see them bleed for him!
Oh, is he not great, this lord of illusions!
Oh, is he not mighty, when his winds grasp their dreams?
For deep below the castle walls
He has taken care of it all
He knows that again and again he shall rise
The Vampire's Sleep! The Vampire's Sleep!
5. Emperors of the Night
The light has killed my deepest emotions
My thoughts are as snowed winterfields
I am one with the pit, enemy of the Sun
Immortal is what I will become
I fear the day, Live by the Shadows of Mephistopheles
We became the Emperors Of the Night,
The destroyers of the crucifix
On lonely nights I dance with the Wintershadows
And satisfy my deepest Desires
Evil powers Bestow upon me and feast with me,
The powers of the Thorned Moon Nanna is with us
Emperors of the Night
I open my arms, cold winds blow through my Soul
My eyes look into the Black mirror
Now I see it clear, eternal Darkness shines
Through the gate, I will Follow...
Hate lives by my side, vengeance is my Desire
I drink your Blood From the Chalice of Abaddon
I howl as a Wolf of Fenriz
I belong to the eternal Shadows
Emperors Of The Night
6. Night Of Demonic Worship
The calling of the four elemental powers
hate rises in the sky
Blood flows over my cold body
this is my covenant with... Satan
Demons possess my black soul
Demons let my powers grow
I awake from Hell
On jesus christ I plant a Spell
Dragon God arise
in the shadow of my eyes
Demons possess my black soul
Demons let my powers grow
Ending the ritual burning the crucifix
To present my aggression against Jehovah
Now the ritual is ended and I leave my pentagram
Every ritual is a step into the Abyss of hell
Where the Ancient Ones lie in wait
To rule this earth once more!
7. Hymn to the Ancient Ones
Calling upon the Ancient Ones
Lords of a Time before memory
Calling upon Ninnghizhidda, serpent of the deep
The time of the entering of the Gods has begun!
The time of breaking through the gates has begun!
The Sign of the elder Gods has failed
Let the earth turn black, Oh mighty queen of Death Ereshkigal
With the glance of the death, they will Kill and Reward
Iak Sakkak, Ishmiggarah, Kutulu
No spell will keep them out
Ia Ia Ia Io Io Io
They are the Lords of Darkness, masters of Magicians
They are before creation, they are the Ancient Ones
Chaos, dreams of Tiamat will become reality
Dog-faced demons will live between the fog of eternity
The time of the entering of the Gods has begun!
The time of breaking through the gates has begun!
Ia Ia Ia Io Io Io
The are the Lords of Darkness masters of Magician
They are before Creation, they are the Ancient Ones