
"Severed Survival" (1989)
1. Charred Remains 2. Service for a Vacant Coffin 3. Disembowel 4. Gasping for Air 5. Ridden With Disease 6. Pagan Saviour 7. Impending Dread 8. Severed Survival 9. Critical Madness 10. Embalmed 11. Stillborn
1. Charred Remains
Burning from the inside out
Bloody foam spews from your mouth
Smell the putrid stench of flesh
As it burns you to your death
Feel the flesh drip from your face
Turing black, vision fades
Eyeballs melt into their sockets
Involuntarily set ablaze
Gutwrenching screams fill the air
The rancid smell of burning hair
Screaming in excruciating pain
Blood boils over, warping veins
Burnt skull collapses onto melting brains
Spontaneous death, up in flames
Twisting and writhing as life burns away
Until nothing is left but charred remains
2. Service for a Vacant Coffin
After the casket's put into the ground
Loved ones crying walk away
Corpse unknowingly left behind
Other needs for sick human prey
Casket closed as mourners read
Pages from their holy book
Waiting in a meat locker
Morticians meal hangs from a hook
Storing dead carcases to dine upon
Chewing on rotten arms and legs
Brutal desecration of the dead
Hacking bodies until he's fed
Service for a vacent coffin
Corpse is being digested
Chronic hunger for cold flesh
Remains of the dead are molested
3. Disembowel
Here I sit surrounded by white
My arms wrapped around my back real tight
What did I do that was so worng that I had to pay
I don't think anyones gonna miss her anyway
I just couldn't take anymore shit
So with a swing of my knife her stomach was split
Putrid bile and guts al over the floor
Couldn't help but laugh at this vision of gore
Severed flesh began to expel blood
The stench of defecation as I cut
Shoved my hand into the gaping slice
As you tried to emit gurgling cries
Intestines on the ground
Guts removed
Dying....In agony
Blood....Comes flowing forth
Eyes....No longer see
Severed flesh began to expel blood
The stench of defecation as I cut
Shoved my hand into the gaping slice
As you tried to emit gurgling cries
Intestines on the ground
Guts removed
4. Gasping for Air
Tightening grip around the neck
Gasping for air that isn't there
Feeling life's source draining away
Slowly slipping to God you pray
Eyes popping out, as the face turns blue
Crushed windpipe, swallowing in blood
Hopeless thoughts, loss of breath
Loss of life, strangled to death
Digging the grave in which you will lie
Buried head deep and left to die
Body paralyzed beneath the sand
Tide comes in...Asphyxiation
Watrlogged corpse, Back from the dead
Rips the eyeballs from his head
Snapping neck, blood pours down
Decapitated body rotting away
Gasping for air
Gasping for air
5. Ridden With Disease
Stricken with a horrible disease
Mankind falls victim to doom
Festering plague spreads across the earth
Rotting death...Morbid curse
Skin begins to rot
Deaden and peel away
Bones collapse
From advanced decay
Slow and painful death
No more blood to bleed
No end to the cadevers
Ridden with disease
Faces decomposing
Screaming in pain and despair
Becoming one with the earth
Flesh deteriorates until bones are bare
Skin begins to rot
Deaden and peel away
Bones collapse
From advanced decay
Slow and painful death
No more blood to bleed
No end to the cadevers
Ridden with disease
6. Pagan Saviour
Visions from the altar
Ripping through your soul
Seeing through the master's eyes
Young flesh the goal
Brutal rampage
Destroy the house of Christ
Obey your master
Another victim violently dies
Head torn off
A trophy raised to the sky
Bloody priest
Dies in pain
Stomach chewed open
Lying on the grave
As you bathe in the piss
Your master rains upon your face
Hear the calling from the abyss
Pagan destroyer crushes your face
Final reward
Bestowed upon you
Look into his eyes
As your head is removed
7. Impending Dread
Hellish noises follow you
The world is closing in you're sensing doom
Footsteps dragging heavily
Not ready to meet eternity
Blind man following close behind
Begging you to spare a dime
But you know he wants you dead
As you shove your fingers into his head
Eyesockets penetrated by your hand
Inncoent blood is spill
But you have stopped his plan
Running fast to escape
The scream of sirens call your name
Bloody corpse left on the street
Police pig vomits uncontrolably
See the old woman from the corner of your eye
Why does she want to make you die?
End it fast with a knife in her gut
Better to spill hers insead of your blood
Hear her gasping as you flee
Impending dread, you will never be free
8. Severed Survival
Stranded alone on a barren island
No food to be found
Point of desperation
Shocking desicion on how to survive
Now it's time to break out the knife
First inscion the cut is complete
First source of food is one of your feet
Incredible pain as you cauterize the wound
Preparing yourself for a horrible doom
Amputation for your rations
Legs are gone, start new gashes
Half of your fingers are now cut away
To live through another agonizing day
Feasting on the rest of your arm
Next the slice goes across your throat
9. Critical Madness
Mind snapped thoughts of death
Demented voices in his heaad
Chainsaw victim covered in blood
Severed body left for dead
Bloody killing spree
Brain fried eternally
Psychotic mission of death
Critical madness
Self inflicted pain
Slicing his face to shreds
Brutal blow to the face
Sentenced to death
By a swing of a mace
Blown out brains with a grenade
Hallucinating brain decayed
Violent breakdown
Truth of dare
Cut your flesh to the bone
No hope for a normal life
Insane asylum is your home
10. Embalmed
Epidermis punctured
As the deadened blood is drawn
Stiff cadever on the table
Victims of death's spawn
Desicate, deteriorate
Start to decompose
Process of embalment
Through your veins the chemicals flow
No more thoughts inside your head
Your brain is on a tray
Injection of formaldehyde
Organs have decayed
Light of day not to be seen
Again by the deceased
Rigor mortis is your future
Death ignored your pleas
Blood replced by chemicals
No more life is found
Next stop is a wooden box
Rotting underground
11. Stillborn
Morbid price to pay for a night of fun
A coathanger will get the job done
Piercing the life you let out a cry
Feel the blood run, feel your child die
A bloody pile of discharge flesh
In what you see as you face death
On the ground is the lifeless meat
Stillborn child lays at your feet
In shock from the pain you lay and bleed
Staring at the infant corpse you choke and heave
Death takes hold of your twisted brain
Slowly suffering as you die in pain
A bloody pile of discharge flesh
In what you see as you face death
On the ground is the lifeless meat
Stillborn child lays at your feet