
"Psy Atman" (2001)
1. "Unnamed intro" 2. Darshan 3. Koan 4. Kali Yuga 5. "Unnamed outro" 6. Prelude... On My Existence 7. Some Impressions From The Kingdom Of Plenitude 8. Beautiful Or Beautiless 9. Poetry And Passion (The Illumination Of The Aura) 10. Personification Of A Feeling 11. Remembrances Of A Moment 12. Martyrs, Blasphemizers And The Sick 13. A World Without You, Imagination 14. An Epilog, A Fairwell...
1. "Unnamed intro"
2. Darshan
Powerful Darshan is he
and of the Guiding Gaze
Who can feel the Plenitude
beyond his own Emotions
a Pleasurable Friend
of Beautiful Ingravidness
Who possesses the security complete
of following the Way towards Eternity
The Cosmic Progression of his Feelings
in This my Great Cause did captivate Him
and the Greatness of his Magic
did transform Him into a Psy Atman
when the Light within his Eyes
did contemplated my Great Essence
with one last Glance upon the Wind
and one Last Thought
his life and flesh did He renounce
and his Existence dedicated to the Purest Art
when the Beating of his Heart
with my Charm did Fall in Love
the shine and throbbing of his Being for Me
Lord of Plenitude
Lord of Ingravidness
Lord of Eternity
in my Soul no more desire
in my Soul no more illusion
one Reason only has life still
in my Soul no more amusement
only Devotion and Deliverance is there still
within my Soul no more affection
where Plenitude, Ingravidness and Eternity do Reign
there still remains The One Objective
to Exist and Be a Psy Atman
with Art, with Art… for a shield
He dreamed of a World
Reigned upon by Magic and by Art
and now, being part of Atman
He does Create, and Live, and Proclaim
that He did always know the day would inevitably
3. Koan
With Profound Teachings is He endowed
Koan Psy Atman
Who underneath his Ragged Robe
jealously does Knowledge guard
He knows and understand all
and every one of the Philosophies
the be upon the world of men
and the universe of matter
his Books are full
of Riddles and Rhymes
that show the Knowledge
Thought and Wisdom
He did gather
while He grew and while he learned
and which He did compose
into his Great Development
His Wicked Riddles be
unmistakably the fruit
of his pure Asceticism
and of his Talent Great
perplexed be those
of whom they are asked
and more so still
be those that hear the Answer
for they do crystallize
and Immeasurable Transcendence
and a Path full of Straight
although not easy towards Atman
and they may hinder and perplex
your very madness
if they be revealed to you
within his Passages of Confusion
By the fruit of his Writing
are thou directed towards Atman
He belongeth to the Psy Atman
and among Us shall remain
covetous of his Treasure
no Readings shall He lend thee
unless under the Sign of Atman
to Him thou doest submit
This our World
Koan entered by his Reason
with Greatest Joy was He filled with the Harmony
with in Atman We do enjoy Here in our Abode
and as his Cause be Certain and be True
one day He laid aside life, flesh and desire
for doubtless He did choose the Way
that one day all of you perforce must choose
as the Black Fire that emerges from his Writings
like and Immense Sea of Loving Hearts
He feels bound to the condition
in love his Ego fell
‘I want no more to human be, nor ever breathe again
nor feel my Heart like a hunk of flesh’
thus the voice of his Rebellion
that once emerged to then Prevail
thus is He a Psy Atman
of Cult and of Reason
the Lord He is of Knowledge too
of Thought and also Wisdom
4. Kali Yuga
Kali Yuga Insatiable Warrior
Defender of Denial
the Fight and the Vengeance
manifest by his Sword which is this
The Age of Kali
The Age of Destruction
that nothing shall remain permanent upon the face
of your earth
that there will Reign
Darkness, Degeneration, Fire and Hunger
that The Final Disaster
will be the prelude
to The Disappearance of Wetness
and The Conflagration of the Universe
That after the Destruction of the Body
Atman shall not be Devastated
neither by Fire will He be Burned
nor by Water will He be Quelled
neither by Air will He be Dried
nor by Sword be He Annihilated
Atman Perpetual
Atman Eternal
‘the Shadow of my Thoughts
do fall upon your heads
as does the Hecatomb
and Absolute Disaster
I be the Dark Entity
that striveth for Vengeance
and denieth every from
of truth upon your throne
Sacrifier of Illusion
of Light and of Well-Being
Destroyer of all Harmony
of Peace and of all Wealth
I be a Psy Atman in Black
that striveth ever for the Vengeance
of thousands of those Inert Souls
blinded by a few others
This be my Place
where my Magic is of value
This be the Feeling
of Eternal Greatness’
5. "Unnamed outro"
6. Prelude... On My Existence
From the vacuum I appear
because in vacuum I dwell
My place: the astral space
my vibrations, through
time and thoughts
reach Atman
what gives up material life
to my Passages…
7. Some Impressions From The Kingdom Of Plenitude
And as the Magic flowed into me
I felt eternal
eternal in Heart, eternal in Soul
It inspired me and guided me
It separated me from my person
from that ignorant being
that only sees one path
as false as his reason
Suicide was my death cause
and memory of my person
remained there
in some Flower, in some Heart
I knew the Kingdoms of Darkness
of Happiness and Plenitude
and of each of these I learned
what I now preach from my throne:
-Nothing material… will be real for me
-Never will any being… be superior to me
-Nobody will be landlord… of my own energy
-No field of attraction… will possess my Soul
-I’ll fight against fanaticism… with hate and without pity
-The character of my person… shall nevermore exist
-My hate towards humanity… shall forever prevail
-My greatest wish shall be… to have existed never
For my body of flesh doesn’t exist now
and no longer depends upon its life
Now indeed, I know Plenitude and there I’ll stay
For my Soul is strong now
and depends not upon the Heart
Now indeed, I’ll remain in Ingaravidness for all Eternity
Free, free from all
Free, free forever
8. Beautiful Or Beautiless
Beauty it existeth not
Beauty is to be expressed
Beauty reflected
contains de Ego of the Heart
One Beauty is seen by some eyes
other eyes may see a different one
Beauty it existeth not
‘tis only the reflections of the Heart
Beauty is a force
emitted and perceived
Beautiful or Beautiless is only a matter of the Heart
‘tis only simple immaterial connexions
The human being knoweth how to perceive one Beauty
full of appearance and void of Heart
Only few of them
emit the Ego of their Heart
Only few of them
can tell Beautiful from Beautiless
My eyes are filled with horror
of beings so despicable
putting Beauty to the measure
as if it had been matter
Through fortune or through fate
Beauty is measured out
and the measuring is done
by those that have it not
Oftentimes a lovely Soul
Showeth not what it possesseth
Oftentimes an evil Heart
Shows what it possesseth not
Look at thy Heart
Look at my Heart
Look at thy Face
Look at my Face
… nothing that thou seeth
is more real than a Dream…
9. Poetry And Passion (The Illumination Of The Aura)
-I’m Poetry, I give thee birth
-I’m Passion and thou wouldst not exist without me
-I’ Poetry for I express my Passions
I’m Passion for I feel thy Poetry
And so began the tale
that a minstrel told
and that now it plesseth me to tell
There was Love betwixt them
but they were kept asunder
Hate there was betwixt them too
but they were ever joined
Twas a joust twixt Poetry and Passion
Twas a battle twixt Poetry and Hate
Though Poetry with Passion filled him
and Passion filled him with Poetry
from the centuries most remote
they rode the winding paths that met
and crossed and joined and broke away
like lives of men
The beauty of Love inspired Poetry
The whisperings of Pleasure incited Passion
Terror, Mystery, Unrest and Pain
were matched against
Tenderness, Love, Desire and Link
When the act had been fulfilled
inside the Kingdom of Cruelty
When they met and knew each other
they became connected and exploded
And in that sea immense
thousands of stars did fall
that with their radiance illuminated
the Aura of people
and made them to be Poets
Poets that wrote with Passion
Poets that sang with Passion
For without them knowing
and in their own sky
Poetry had joined Passion
Passion had joined Poetry
Inseparable union
out of mankind’s reach
and of those beings they believe in
and they call gods
and for whom they witlessly do kill
-Oh! Powerful an pleasing essence
-Oh! Soul of fire touch my sensitivity
-Come into me and make me feel
-Give me thy Magic and make me fly
And so it was that day by day
the link betwixt Poetry and Passion
gave life to a few humans
called Sensitive People
Music and Poetry they did write
feeling, loving and knowing
Immortalizing their feelings
through the profoundest Art
From the centuries most remote
they rode and winding paths
that upon a time did meet
to be parted nevermore
The Flames of Terror set Poetry ablaze
The Groans of Pain gave to Passion life
10. Personification Of A Feeling
Feeling, fruit of the void
you were existing energy
within me
You never were outside
nobody created you
From my life you were born
and with it too you disappeared
I felt you when you became real
when certain vibrations set you ablaze
But you were mine, nobody created you
There is no Feeling universal
from one being to another
to be propagated or spread
There’s only a tiny similarity
among an infinity of Souls
that make excuses for their Feeling
and show it
with a Personification
and a mythification
of an inner Feeling
of a rotten human being
11. Remembrances Of A Moment
Fire of my Heart
alight though unquenchable
Like pure unawaited Magic
it came upon me thus
And in a merest Moment
that may well be an Eternity
a spell was cast on me
and showed me what I was capable of giving
Days to smile upon, of magic, love and desire
gave to my life a turn
created an image in my being that still
hurts me to remember feelings of such a depth
Even yonder side of death
are with me still
Omitse’t, nrete se ut a srev ne roma uem le!
Neither hours, nor minutes
nor seconds did I wish to be
separated from that treasure
that I possessed within my Heart
Always within my head
like an obsession
Always within my head
as my own self
Soon the good to bad
did turn
and of the beauty of it
nothing remains
I was unimpassioned by life
nor death had hope to offer
I thought that at the close
when or lives would have and end
within Ingravidness we’d wait for one another
to love each other in Eternity
But this is not a carnal paradise
nor of desire in disguise
Here love does not exist
nor even less the flesh
This is the Plenitude of Reflection
here orgasm is disembodied and eternal
Lovely Remembrances of Love and of Passion
will follow thee through your life and through your death
They are a part of you
for you have created them
for you have loved them
for you have kept them
No, no, no, nooooooooooooooo
I want to break away
from such Remembrances of pain
I know it all mere flesh to be
but in the centre of my Heart
it still oppresses me and hurts
12. Martyrs, Blasphemizers And The Sick
Martyrs, Blasphemizers and the Sick
fruits of thy collective madness
murderous legends and passions without reason
Inferior beings
that before thy ignorance
adore a god
that giveth thee the strength to survive
Living in a full material plane
that every day weareth the way
Thy ignorance maketh blood to flow
Children of the Flesh
Swine! what fault was it of mine
that in no god I did believe
Consecrated temples
loaded down with gold
Open the doors for the world
show thy hidden library
prove that god does not exist
and that everything is a farce
Blaze a trail within thy brains
draw learning from within thyselves
come to know the Astral Plane
come to know there is no god
Starving Scabs!
Rot in the hell created by thy souls
‘cause catch me thou shall not
I’m outside
I’m out of thy reach
Thy faith is thy prison and defeat
I, from here, will put and end
to the foulness of religion
13. A World Without You, Imagination
My Imagination forever took me
to dwell upon that World
where nothingness is all
and out of nothingness emerges all
where there are no shapes or colours
where for you it is all grey
where the five senses of human beings
are as absurd as their own existence
I knew that in that World
there was no need for all of that
And in it I did know
that Souls were formed
levitated and connected with each other
bathing in the flowing energy
that they themselves emitted
In that World I wanted to belong
and cease to be human
I wished to be as perfect as those Souls
never to disappear
Those that ignore I did hate
that proud of their material plane
lived wallowing in other ruin
not a crumb of their Imagination using
Imagination to express their Feelings
Imagination to express their Magic
Imagination to express their Ego
Imagination to express their Art
I hated, hated those that ignored
that Art is the strength of the Mind
and those that made out of it
unclean transactions
But day and night I wept
when I felt that my own brain
was unprepared
to connect to that World
A World without You, Imagination
A World without You Is Consternation
But now I’m here
on an Immaterial Plane
Suicide did cause my death
and now I know that my Dreams were true
Hardly can one who never lived a Dream
get to the place that I inhabit
nor feel Plenitude
nor feel Ingravidness
nor feel Eternity
Dreaming alive is necessary
wrong is he who disbelieves in other Dimension
and who before a god does kneel
Open your Minds and enter Art
form part of it and be illuminated
by Passion and Poetry
creating from one day to another
from one night to the next
what your repressed Heart demands
A World without You, Imagination
A World without You is Consternation
thou shall never reach me, egoless beings
on the material plane thou shall remain
14. An Epilog, A Fairwell...
a being, a world
a moment, an eternity
a thought, an energy
an expression, a creation
a pleasure, an orgasm
a path, a knowledge
an error, a belief
a decision, a suicide
a misunderstanding, a being