
"Djirli Ika" (2005)
1. Portent 2. Mnkind’s Defeat underneath the Grand Black Woods Night 3. Psy Atman, the Transfiguration 4. Nightmare after Death 5. Glory’s Portent 6. Rvenge's Taste 7. Djirli Ika 8. Ishtadeva
1. Portent
2. Mnkind’s Defeat underneath the Grand Black Woods Night
Tales, Poems and Legends were written
but mankind's Defeat underneath
the Grand Black Wood's Night
was certain and lasting
at those remote Times
that it be certain they will come back
Arm, the arms that Night does use
neither are they glass, nor metal nor fire
Wound, the wounds opened by the Night
never again will they be able to heal up
Dead, at whom the Night the Soul did look
never again did see the day
but the Night at every Soul did not look
and those that did survive
decided to procreate
hiding themselves and stretching
everywhere upon the face of the earth
mankind wanted to live
in the Grand Woods
mankind wanted to breathe
underneath the Night
rejected by the surroundings
it did want to fight
against Shadows, Loneliness
Darkness and Cold
Shadow be not a good mankind's ally
no more is it Darkness
Cold does freeze mankind's heart
no more than Loneliness in front of Night
damned will be those few beings
who dare to defy the Night's Empire
you will carry the Defeat's Symbol
you will carry it until End of Time
Omens, Shivers and Tragedies
were written
for mankind's Defeat underneath
the Grand Black Wood's Night
shall be certain and lasting
at these closing Times
that it is certain won't go away
Arm, the arms that Night does use
neither are they glass, nor metal nor fire
Wound, the wounds opened by the Night
never again will they be able to heal up
Dead, at whom the Night the Soul did look
never again did see the day
the Night became strong
over Mankind
the Night became One
and mankind became nothing
the Night fought and won
mankind did not!
3. Psy Atman, the Transfiguration
Three would be the chosen ones
Those who one day would join Me
Three would be the chosen ones
Those who one day would join Me
It would be three of human race
But of unnatural abilities
They would be three of human race
Who craved his Soul's Glorification
They were those who would materialize Me
In Passion and Poetry shape
It has begun the Transfiguration
Impulses, feelings, skin
Forget about everything!
For now you'll be Atman's servants
Your Souls be part of Me
And your dead flesh be at my service
Thou be a Psy Atman
Darshan, Koan, Kaly Yuga
You will ride together across the earth
Spreading the Impressions
Of the one that one day was human
And who now rests upon his Plenidude's Throne
In Atman lie the Imagination Secrets
Atman be that Me
Whom so much you did search for after
Atman be everything
But not everything be Atman
Atman be the Truth
That shall punish throughout Eternity
Three be of human race
But unnatural abilities
They be three of human race
who craved his Soul's Glorification
They be those who materialize me
In Passion and Poetry shape
Three be the Chosen Ones
Those who one day did join me
Three be the Chosen Ones
Those who one day did rise up to me
There be any Feeling more pleasant
Than being a Psy Atman
Riding, fighting, interpreting
All around the World,
Carrying those Feelings, transforming them
Into a Passion and Poetry
Looking at World with a food upon it
And the other inside Eternity
Facing manking
To defend the Eternity's Atman again
4. Nightmare after Death
5. Glory’s Portent
6. Rvenge's Taste
7. Djirli Ika
8. Ishtadeva