
"Ancient Blood" (1995 Demo)
1. The Truth 2. Dark Age 3. Pagan Punishment 4. Transmigration 5. Gate of Darkness 6. Heir of an Ancient Blood
1. The Truth
The man decides the events of world
not personal intentions of God. His
threat of death, if disregard of his
orders suppose, it goes in vacancy.
The death is a natural phenomenon.
Simultaneously it is the birth because
life and death are united. Only who
lives out from himself Don't lost this
life. Against the enslavely orders of
God exists the principle: "In
preference not to be not free!". The independence of thoughts
corresponds to the human nature. No
abyss is deep enough that our power
after the fall is not stronger as
before. See the earth. Warmed up by
the sun. Creates all life here you see
and God produced nothing. Wherein exists the crime only to be your own
2. Dark Age
The land is torn by discord. Wars
and epidemics demand their
victims. Smell of decay covers the
world. The rising veil of death is
everywhere. Helpless fathers
despairing mothers, all they live in
hope of apperance of him. He'll
come to defend the victims of dark
age and will be end all their
sufferings. "We wait for you" -
that's what the people say -
"Because you will come with the
goat of kindness. You will brandish
the sharp steel of justice. To defeat
the dark age of death."
Dark age. Ice - cold breath of
ignorance and cruelty.
Don't close your eyes any longer.
Only you are able to help yourself.
You will find your own power only
then your sun of life will rise again.
3. Pagan Punishment
You die - yes look yourself - you
die. You die - see in your grave
you'll die. You sink in the swamp
of your own lies. Your manipulated
mind breaks down. Followed you
are - it's your own sin, blind and
deaf like an animal. Dependent on
the order of god. Now it burns
down - your house of lies. You
saled and betrayed yourself. Too
many questions - it's too late for
you. The pagan punishment is only
the justice. Properly speaking the
death is too good for you. You
poor creature. Helpless like a child.
Entreat your mercy, wine for your
life. The father, the son and the
holy ghost don't will help you,
because they are angels of death.
4. Transmigration
An impervious and black cloud has
applied to the soul, opresses it and
as it where keeps the soul aloof from
God. The living through the dark night
of soul is the step to the mystic
enlightenment. Only in such a night
soul walks in security. Transmigration
of soul ... it is left by God surround
from temptations and darkness. On
the escape from materialism and
signed from their own beauty, the
twilightly enlightenment in the black
Abyss of evil wakes up the new dream
of neverending freedom.
Transmigration of soul ... healed up
from endless pain however
indestructable. A light shall show the
way to the shores of darkness.
Unconventional and perfect in eternal
stream of invincibility. Up to the new
worlds replete with love and
5. Gate of Darkness
6. Heir of an Ancient Blood
Wenn Sonne und Mond untergehn, steigt
der Adler empor. Deine Einsamkeit bringt dir
deinen Frieden. Du blickst zum Königreich
der Götter hinauf. Du bist der Erbe eines
alten Geschlechts. Du schufst dir die Sterne
zum Spiel. Verdammt für immer - tausend
Blicke zwischen Leben und Tod.
Überschäumende Freude, unendliches Leid,
Honig auf deinen Lippen, im Blutbad watend.
Du siehst dir zu, hörst dich, schmeckst dich.
Süss ist dein Blut, bitter deine
Tränen. Unwissend bist du. Viele Wege, keiner
führt dich ans Ziel. Durch Gräber läufst du,
durch Einsamkeit. Wo ist die Erlösung? Opfer
bringen. Rieche die Töne. Schmecke das Licht.
Im Taumel der Hilflosigkeit. Es sind die
Versuche, zu entfliehen. Sie treffen dich wie
Pfeile mitten ins Herz. Wenn Sonne und
Mond untergehn, steigt der Adler empor.
Deine Ewigkeit bringt dir deinen Frieden. Du
blickst zum Königreich der Götter hinauf.
You are the heir of an ancient blood.
Fearless you are. Immortal you are. Black
tears in your eyes - eternity. You will be