
"Desesperances" (1997)
1. Intro 2. In The Black Sun 3. All Degenerates 4. Une Etoile Disparait 5. Beyond My Sorrow 6. Imprisoned 7. Effet De Nuit 8. The Forsaken Ship 9. Suddenly Deceased 10. Bloody Sunset 11. Night`s Harmony 12. Desesperances
1. Intro
2. In The Black Sun
I just want to live
but never on these human wasted soils
I wish to change my way of life
We will see suddenly the sky growing dark
We will live tomorrow in the ash and the dust
We'll be burn all sickly of illness and misery
We will dream of the past where beautiful flowers flourished
We'll defeat the nature with taming asphyxia
We will lose, we will lose then our sense of life
We will lie attentive with waiting for the scourge
We'll perish carefully through the sands of a desert
In the black sun...
In the black sun all is becoming bleak
In the black sun...
The future does not exist
In the black sun...
In the black sun all is becoming bleak
In the black sun...
The future does not exist anymore !
We will kill, we will steal, we'll pay for a breath
We will judge all the men for this fatal punishment
We'll suffocate day and night with waiting for the end
We will praise, we will cry the earth without fate
Le seuil de la misanthropie
les prémices de la nécrologie ! *
Men Destroy Men !
[ * : The threshold of misanthropy
the early beginnings of necrology ]
3. All Degenerates
You're a man
you mix, confuse climates, elements and seasons
your disrupted lands
turned all upside down
your activity is harmful and deface the earth
which reserves us a bleak fate
You destroy
your native place and your friends
you love deformity
you want nothing just as nature has made it
you waste it, burn it or breathe it
but you'll never replace the past !
The malediction has touched the planet
since the man's appearance while all
all is good but all deteriorates
all is beautiful but all degenerates
between human hands...
All is good getting away
from the hands of the thing creator
all is beautiful emanating from nature
all was good but all deteriorates
all was beautiful now all degenerates
4. Une Etoile Disparait
After the miraculous birth of light by the lighting of the flame
darkness became less total.
We could guess a favourable wind
which always blew embers to further and nicer horizons
and the flame oddly flickered like an invisible and growing unease
Around the candle which decreased men fought
with an outburst of savagery, which made the flame more delicate
believing it immortal, they continued their fatal fight
and the flame faded away
like an irreversible death over life
when a failed but invincible offspring
thoughtlessly destroyed the light of its awakening
this led it to the passing
from tops to depths
Une étoile disparaît...
Une étoile disparaît dans le noir
Je vois une flamme qui s'éteint... *
when a failed but invincible offspring
thoughtlessly destroyed the light of its awakening
this led it to the passing
from tops to depths
[ * : A star disapears...
A star disapears in the dark
I see a flame fading ]
5. Beyond My Sorrow
Beyond my sorrow
some thing you on...
for millenium of chaos
for centuries of storm
desolation has come until the end of its way
even further, there where sorrow stops
Now I watch towards beyond
this men kind of sadness
this men kind of suffering
this men kind of pleasure
Devons nous inventer un mot pour qualifier
l'état actuel des choses ?
Devons nous mourir pour ne plus pleurer ? *
Beyond my sorrow
[ * : Should we invent a word to qualify
the actual condition of things ?
Should we die to stop crying ? ]
6. Imprisoned
...Toujours emprisonné, désireux de ne plus l'être... *
Held back by superhuman strengths
I can't rise to the virgin sky
overwhelmed with sorrow, I rise my hands
for not to be swamped in the oceans of tears
where I struggle in vain
Imprisoned in reality
illusion is the only exit
to fly away without ever falling again
can death free me out the invisible chains
May I reach one day the highest point in the airs
where something will teach me the wisdom of freedom
Through the snow, the water or the sands
the result remains only the same
crushed by the vile atmosphere
or blackened by the insurmountable walls
Imprisoned in this cell called world
death is my only hope
to flee with never be free
can something show me at last the unknown exit
May I reach one day the highest point in the airs
where something will teach me the wisdom of freedom
[ * : ...Still imprisoned, anxious of being it no more... ]
7. Effet De Nuit
La nuit. La pluie. Un ciel blafard que déchiquette
De flèches et de tours à jour la silhouette
D'un ville gothique éteinte au lointain gris.
La plaine. Un gibet plein de pendus rabougris
Secoués par le bec avide des corneilles
Et dansant dans l'air noir des gigues non pareilles,
Tandis que leurs pieds sont la pâture des loups.
Quelques buissons d'épine épars, et quelques houx
Dressant l'horreur de leur feuillage à droite, à gauche,
Sur le fuligineux fouillis d'un fond d'ébauche.
Et puis, autour de trois livides prisonniers
Qui vont pieds nus, en haut de gros pertuisaniers
En marche, et leurs fers droits, comme des fers de herse,
Luisent à contresens des lances de l'averse.
[ from Saturnian Poems , Paul Verlaine 1866 ]
8. The Forsaken Ship
Fallen apart as a haunted ship
floating in the middle of nowhere
sucked up by the nothingness
and by the whirls of time
it sinks and fast disappears
9. Suddenly Deceased
And all faded away
when the clock stopped beating
like a frozen heart by the torments
when the mist invaded the dying vices
The word moaned and suddenly died
It was the end of a time
the beginning of a tragedy
It was the end of a reign
of blood and cruelty
dethroned by a suddenly deceased
10. Bloody Sunset
After a dawn weakened by my melancholy
after a sad covered by the threatening clouds
the sunset sheds its sorrow on the fields
like a river which takes its spring in the marshes of war
or close to the ocean with the multiple blood reflections
There where the sun sinks and dies
I run on the hills but the red spere
escapes once again !
So the colour of joy disappears
sorrow comes towards me
Just a small door is opened
in the immensity of the heavy skies
which lets in at last some rays of dim light
But this lone door closes alas !
Hunting thus the slightest hope
and on my trickling face
the bloody god leaves slowly
each tears of my life flows at night
in my melancholy
11. Night`s Harmony
La lune fuit un ciel de cendres et de poussières
je marche seul sur les tristes sentiers en quête de lumière
dans cette obscurité plus rien ne vit tout veille
seul le silence reigne
Puis le coeur environné de tristesse
Je laisse emporter par les vents
mon cri de détresse
que seule la nuit entend
Alors la forêt toute entière se réveille
la nuit se retirant de son profond sommeil
Au loin les chants sinistres des corbeaux résonnent
et appellent sauvagement la foudre qui tonne
les arbres emprisonnée de brume se plient
mon coeur est de marbre, mes larmes sont de sang
qui nourissent la terre d'un poison fleurissant
Je me lamente, Je cris, Je pleure longuement
L'âme baignée d'un obscur sentiment
Et dans les bras d'une lune d'argent
Je me meurs lentement
[ The moon flees a sky full of ashes and dusts
I walk alone on the sad path in search for light
In this obscurity nothing lives anymore everything keeps vigil
only the silence reigns
Then the heart surrounded by sadness
I let winds take away
my cry of grief
that only night hears
Then the whole forest wakes up
Night retiring from its deep slumber
In the distance the raven's sinister shouts echo
and call wildly the thundering lightning
Trees imprisoned in the mist bend
My heart is marbled, my tears are bloody
that feeds the earth with a blooming poison
I'm lamenting, I cry, I weep for a long time
My soul bathed in a dark feeling
And in the silver moon arms
I'm slowly dying ]
12. Desesperances
Quantus tremor est futurus
solvet soeclum in favilla
dies irae
dies illa
lacrymosa dies illa