
"In Nomine Noctis" (2001 EP)
1. Hidden Dimension 2. ( 3. World Without End 4. Hypnosis 5. Towards The Top 6. Nothingness 7. Crazy 8. ) 9. The Request 10. To Evil 11. Proœba 12. Ukryty Wymiar
1. Hidden Dimension
Sorrow of enchanted thoughts
Fist of enchanted words - still does a harm
Mirror of enchanted love - reflects the remains of feelings of degraded
Of all those fallen souls
Of all lost angels souls, of fused wings' flutter
Of all condemned souls
Of all those who wish for entering
Dimension hidden
Invisible colours, black waterfalls
Dimension hidden
Inviolable statues of deities
Dimension hidden
You stand in the middle looking for your way
Dimension hidden
Night of enchanted shadows - is black from fear and anxiety
Their existential purpose is to reach gates of silence
Of all those fallen souls
Of all lost angels souls, of fused wings' flutter
Of all condemned souls
Of all those who wish for entering
Dimension hidden
2. (
3. World Without End
Night's quest for day is eternal ceaseless
In the name of night you leave us on the edge of day
Giving yourself you leave as well
Towards night
Still towards night
For ever and ever amen
Above your head - shadow of golden letters
But it is too vast to be understood
Towards night
Still towards night
For ever and ever amen
4. Hypnosis
I would like
To forget about all those fatal days
To abandon myself utterly to hypnosis
To feel the hunger of words whose saving taste
Will let survive
Get gradually in
And find the sing of pain
Let remains of evil dreams consumed by fire
Look around!
Breathe in air with all yourself
Synthetic thoughts will take your breath
Turn back from infinity of fatal space
Breathe life in fables' world
Let remains of evil dreams consumed by fire
As light is being put out, dreams are going by
Silence your breath slowly
Free yourself from the black dates
Let remains of evil dreams consumed by fire
5. Towards The Top
With kisses, in which night lives,
You wrap the shadow in flames of your arms
You wish for rising with her
Tears of happiness drop adoring the smile
You do feel spark which lit fire between you
Let it persist
Let it feed new flame
Fiery handshake
Melts ice-bounded faces anew
Which - blankly - spy you
They gaze slowly
You're falling down with her and wish for rising again
Your kisses' song
Will light a fire that will let you rise toward the top again
6. Nothingness
Gate of hope smashed to dust
Your clasped hands - ready to pray
For aid again
In my eyes - water
In my hair - fire
World's end
Nothingness - between me and him - nothingness
7. Crazy
8. )
9. The Request
Rock me - in sound which alleviate the pain
- In sound that drifts like a cloud
In the sky among bright stars
Whose sheen will grasp fear
I feel it!
It leaves sing in my made of clay body
- It is fragile although hard
I feel it!
Somewhere it takes breath, servers the air
Help me to comprehend the void
That's hidden in the interior of stones
This is time that brought about covering my eyes with chill
I see colours no more
He is the abyss of thousand dreams
He makes me cry
I feel him!
He sings to me again
10. To Evil
You are more than shadow that breaks the light
Finish up your song!
For her - mad scream is a verse
Cry is a refrain
Finish up your song and be silent!
You are more than pain - it disappears with time
Finish up your dance!
You change quiet ballet of life into death's pirouette
Finish up your dance!
11. Proœba
Ko³ysz mnie dŸwiêkiem, który koi ból
Brzmieniem lekkim, jak ob³ok p³yn¹cy
Po niebie wœród gwiazd jasnych,
Co swoim blaskiem ogarn¹ trwogê
Czujê j¹!
Zostawia œlad w glinie, która moim cia³em
- Choæ twarda jest krucha jak szk³o
Czujê j¹!
Zabiera gdzieœ tchnienie, odcina tlen
Pomó¿ mi poj¹æ pustkê
Wewn¹trz g³azów o kszta³tach rozmytych
Czas to sprawi³, ¿e moje oczy spowi³ ch³ód
Ju¿ nie widzê barw
On otch³ani¹ jest tysi¹ca snów
On sprawia, ¿e p³aczê
Czujê go!
Znów daje mi znak
12. Ukryty Wymiar