
"Orthodoxyn" (2007)
1. Trigrammaton 2. When They Have Called 3. Magnificat Satanas 4. Behind The Husk of Faith 5. La Particule de Dieu 6. Narcofili Sancti 7. Evanggelion Youdas 8. Annunciation To the Holy Ghost 9. Orthodoxyn
1. Trigrammaton
Scourge of GodThe intense knowledgeThe matrix has failedTriangles of lightCrawling up my eyes, flies filled with liesNo one ever sees the only star that shines notSpaces beyond your visionIn the disturbed astral equilibriumThe whore will arise her body full of scarsA map of all starsThe key resounds again and againTHE KEY RESOUNDS OVER AND OVER AGAINTrigrammatonThe logic that failsTrigrammatonThe matrix invertedTrigrammatonLight of SaturnThe logic has failedScourge of God, crawling up my eyesThe intense knowledge, flies filled with liesThe matrix has failed, no one ever seesTriangles of light, the only star that shines notAnd all the light failed at onceAnd the first star to die shone againAn enemy ever presentAn enemy hidden by the sunInto the triangle we are drownedSpaces beyond our visionIn the distrubed astral equilibriumThe whore will arise her body full of scarsA map of all starsTHE KEY LIES IN PATTERNSTrigrammatonThe logic that failsTrigrammatonThe matrix invertedTrigrammatonLight of SaturnThe logic has failed
2. When They Have Called
I have heard the call from the ZiggourathAbysmal voices from the geometrical non senseDistortion of the Icon, bleeding from the paintingWe are the Church and you are the priestI remember when they have calledE JEMEN AN KJThrough the desert I have witnessedOn the mystical path of UrInto the sixth sanctuaryI have ordealed ths master himselfThe primeval chaos has been disturbedBy the clamor of the younger godsWe are worms feeding on KisharSeven gates that will not be passedShrines behind the gates of UrIn the silence of the godsChtonic seed of anglesNETHERWORLD Stars on tabletsAstral wheel kabalAlone and drugged I fellThe sage had the tongue of the serpentAnd I betrayed my own kindSo the underworld itself had a skyNow dieReligious infection perverting my veinsThe name has been calledSpiritual renewal of matterNow fall Petra GeneratrixAids spread into the world itselfTotal contaminationSkies Signs visions WatersFOR ONE DIVISION BELONGS TO ALLDivine forces that called upon murderSigns of Kut shiver round my spineNow that I know that they have calledAnd my arms slaughtered the last God
3. Magnificat Satanas
He who searches will never find meI magnify the blessings of crimeAnd in my name, you will never find deathMagnificat SatanasNo temple holds the fires of my rageAnd I send angels to punishAnd in my name you will never find deathMagnificat SatanasThe allfithy in criminal posterityI am the Great Manifesto within the hiddenI bear the names of all godsYet you have never called me aloudBaphometKaliYahweJesusBuhdaPazuzuShivaShaitanMephistoLegionAllahPangenitorSATANEstimate the servants for no God fails in silenceAs night falls the seventh day the gospel resounds in deathThe Lord is triumphant in his glorious madnessDecadent flesh in scrolls of goldChildren of the holy, the first in Death shall be oneAnd all in my name the glorious tides of HellI have sent fire and watch the world burningUntill it burst out to hide the light of the starsMagnificat SatanasA temple will rise priest gather from beyondYou will build idols, you will tear them downI have brought you wordsTo always learn my new nameSATANI have brought you my namesTo always follow my wordsA cult for eternityA fall that will never stopNo salvationNo redemptionI am the endI am the firstAnd in my nameYou will never find death
4. Behind The Husk of Faith
Light can be talked about, but not the Eternal lightNames can be named, but not the Eternal NamesUnity that skatters the dividedAnd one simple god to gather them allRitual is the husk of faithThe door to worlds, worlds of chaosBehind the husk of faithInto the seed that sees not the cosmosWhose husk pulses into the MacrocosmosThis is the harmony of the corruptedPure essence of the foul versesWhen all the world recognises beauty as beauty.This in itself is uglinessWhen all the world recognises good as good.This in itself is evilEternal exhaltation of the mindedHypergeneration of the degeneratedSeeing into darkness is clarityYour own light returnsTo the source of LightInto the practice of eternityAnd there we are at one with the darkened lightShadows of a thousand sunsInto the practice of eternityBack from madness the mind has talkedI am the mistake of the TaoAnd I have seen into the eyesOf KalimaLight fails once and foreverRitual is the husk of faithChange as only constancyBehind the husk of faithPower of the asharatUniversal failureBreaches into conceptionSatanic exposureThe black apostolateA temple without walls
5. La Particule de Dieu
C'est la particule de DieuL'énergie inverse qui justifie toutC'est la particule de DieuLe principe quantique du malC'est la particule de DieuLes trois faces du carrés originelC'est la particule de DieuLe dément qui retient les dimensionsLe voyage qui refuse l'arrivéeL'atome qui justifie l'infiniLa folie qui justifie l'hommeC'est la particule de DieuIL A SUFFIT D'UNE FORCEIL A SUFFIT D'UNE TRANSFORMATIONUn nouveau soleil pour cacher les angesC'est le cercle aux angles infinisUn nouveau visage pour les idolesC'est l'extase révélée aux infidèlesLa particule de Dieu s'est retournéeSa justification est devenue absurdeLes dimensions de trop réagissentLa quadrature s'est enfin annoncéeSa justification est devenue absurdeLa dimension cachée s'est ouverteL'énergie négative, le dernier pilierLa lumière du néant, l'implosion sans finLa dimension SataNLA DIMENSION SATANLa lumière qui n'a jamais eut d'origineLa force qui n'a pas connu le tempsL'enseignement silencieuxLa religion qui n'en craint aucuneL'idole qui trône au coeur du néantLe dieu cache qui contrôle le principeLa Particule de DieuLa dimension Satan
6. Narcofili Sancti
And lie came out of the massWith the gift of the corpseFlies upon his crownFLESHGrotesque iconsGifted gilded rottenHyperionEternal life through fleshReceive Deceive BeliveHyperionReceive my flesh Narcofili sanctiFrom the contaminated vial Narcofili sanctiSuffer in offer the fire in shelter Narcofili sanctiSeal my sins in sight of silence Narcofili sanctiSlaughter sacrificeHomosexual sinThe flesh of the damnedThe secret of godA human body turned the corpse of an angelDismembered icons Revelation of godJudas made God againGlorification of vanities the fruit is rottenTasting flesh fed by sin fed by horrorExperiencing the dead reversed voices of godWhispering angels gapped by flesh stuned by angerRevering the obscene and absurd gift of lifeFor my flesh is meat, indeed. and my blood is drink. indeedMiracles in the desert are irrevelantUntil the word was made fleshFull of grace and truthFoul embrace of dustCondemnation for those who refuse the flesh of the sonRevelation to those who drink my contaminated bloodYou have no life in youTriangle to spiritisMy words that I speak unto youThey are spirit and lifeYou have no life in you
7. Evanggelion Youdas
All stars are magnetised into one single godAncient Kopte unlockedEvanggelion Youdas, second son of God.Apostle without lightYour faith is based on liesGod sent me to dieSacrifice SalvationGod has ordered to betrayTwo sacrifices must be doneAnd one must be forgottenI SEE FROM A NEW ANGLE OF THE SUNI SECURE THE AXIS OF DISORDEROne sin ordealed one scene orderedOne sin revealed one scene condemnedHe that is far from me is far from the sunHe that sees darkness in light is a kingHe that sees me will see the death of the sunServe the cadaver of the laste mealDisciples around the deadA teaching of light and darknessSights of wonders that frighten angelsA decree from God to deceive a childOffered to men, the darkening of the sunA gospel enemy of the churchThe truth behind all doctrines that all refuseYour faith is based on liesHis light is forsakenForty days of seductionHis faith is abandonnedThree days of salvationNow he rises from the shadows of deathDesert my soul and grant me lightDivide my soul and show me darkness
8. Annunciation To the Holy Ghost
Divine sending of angles into the sanctiest aprocryphal linesA book of death for those who have journeyed onto the other worldOut of the desert it arose the vibe core of chaosHelp of God. AIDS of menI have read the book in total blacknessWith eyes that read for the first timeThe ritualistic wheel of the satanistsMagister of the multitudeOrdering the deepest fearsObeying the dirtiest firesOut of the seas it arose, the beast that reigns over menHelp of God. AIDS of menGathered in crimeAngels laid on earthThe spirit in numbersA failure of the sacredOne arcane. One failureMurders of the fourthA birth of infamyThose who punishHave sent a sonThe annunciation to the holy ghostAnd then the silence before the annunciationA curving of time and spaceThe ghost has lost his shadowI enter now for I have no fear nor doubtsI follow the God that makes no soundThe ghost that speaks notConsecration through nudityEastern fires to the westAnd when the beasts toned, voices out of the silenceA rape under heaven, he is none and he is allI have read the book in total blacknessWith eyes that read for the first timeThe ritualistic wheel of the satanistsConstellations that shines behind death
9. Orthodoxyn