
"Prayers upon deaf ears" (1998 EP)
1. Within The Walls Of Babylon 2. One Standard, One Ethic 3. Built Upon The Graves 4. In The Embrace Of The Truth 5. Day Of The Apokalypse 6. Evilization
1. Within The Walls Of Babylon
Immersed in a sea of pain, chained to a lifetime agony.
Existence becomes a thron stuck in the side of the innocents.
Born different destined to suffer.
A throne unsurped by man for a kingdom played with tyranny, malicious, vile, mercyless.
Modernity devours the children of earth disgraced.
Before humanity's demented eyes, driven by sickness civilization indulges in suicidal madness.
Within the walls of babylon, wickedness is rampant, and snakes crawls under virgin skin.
I seek a moral elevation, to salvage hopes of paradise, no more cupidity but altruismo restore harmony.
Under a red sky of dying nature, laments of the dead praise revolution.
Tears of the victimized, flow into a sea of despair.
2. One Standard, One Ethic
In the mist of inferno, I seek Salvation, Filth cannot taint my allegiance for my heart.
Holds the truth.
My heart and my mind worship discipline and filter right from wrong.
Sworn to justice to cast iniquities into the shadows of oblivion.
Untouched by the dirt of lust.
One standard, one ethic.
Redemption for all innocent life.
One standard, one ethic.
Reverence for the sentient.
3. Built Upon The Graves
Emissaries of demons slit the defenseless in an act of barbarity.
Sharp knives give the final embrace in a pool of red.
Deathtools forged in the flames of scorn.
Non human animals die in the name of selfish ignorance.
Blood spilled for lust in the temples of terror.
Factory farms, Vivisection laborites, Fur ranches, Slaughter houses, all replace concentration camps.
Still injustice remains.
End this evil empire built upon the graves of the murdered and devoured creatures.
Salvation I whisper thy name and scream for liberation.
Consumption of lifeless bodies is a vote for genocide.
4. In The Embrace Of The Truth
I am not tempted by your paradise of lies.
Never will I fester in the bowels of decadence.
Committed to nobility for a higher destiny, in the embrace of truth belongs my heart and soul.
I walk the path of righteousness.
My quest for justice is enlighter by the blazing sun of harmony.
I refuse to partake into man's craving for luxury.
A desire fueled by the flames of greed.
In this world, neither culture is a legacy of prejudices against no human animals.
5. Day Of The Apokalypse
I hear the trumpets of the apocalypse announcing the end of man, so please end this exploitation, Thou shall not poison the earth.
Essence of all existence for with her.
We fall along into the abyss of avidity.
Sealing our destiny with a kiss of death.
Defense of innocent life is my declaration.
Retribution, humanity harvests destruction.
And we have shown desolation.
Vision of apocalypse complete devastation.
Final Judgment falls upon us as we reap the land.
When mother earth’s lifeforce depletes, action must me taken to free the world from its sickness.
Action for justice leads to freedom.
Scorched landscape burned to ashes.
Original state of balance forever lost.
Creation of nature is drowned into concrete.
Oblivion embraces paradise while helpless species die.
We forge this world into an hell.
Industrial madness consumes gaia.
Witness the demise of life under the siege of inhumanity.
Breathless mother helpless she dies.
6. Evilization
Legions of demons advance in the shadow of mankind,
Infernal hordes of chaos wage war against earth,
Soldiers of doom poor venom on the land,
Final shreds of nature swing on the brink of abyss, while non human life agonizes.
Anthropocentrism is tainted by the suffering of millions,
Admist inferno, I seek salvation to bring an end to your mindless destruction.
United we conquier, a wind of protest blows to enlighten the blackness of ignorance.
When absolute evil forms, I raise an avenging sword and strike the beast straight into his heart.
To preserve innocence, to protect the defenseless, I am striving for an all encompassing golden age.
Where justice and compassion prevail.
In reaction to decadence emerges a shining order, one that ensures freedom not enslavement.