
"Standards of Triumph" (2006)
1. Standards of Triumph 2. Ploughshares Into Swords 3. Deathmarch 4. Legionaries 5. The Absolute Essence 6. That Day of Infamy 7. Blood, All Blood 8. Veer and Perish 9. The Sinking Ship
1. Standards of Triumph
2. Ploughshares Into Swords
Our past sufferings were lessons,
and for every lesson we took our will got only stronger.
These decades of misery were a lesson,
and for each minute that passed our goal got only closer.
And the final lesson, and it's final assignment, we give you this day.
Take whatever you have at hand and turn it into a weapon. Take whatever feelings you have left and turn them into hatred.
For there are no losers in our war.
It brings glory to the victors, it edifies the character of the noble defeated.
And it makes extinct what should not exist in the first.
And when our day comes...
All field lie fallow.
All grounds are ripe with blood.
Words echo hollow.
When every ploughshare's made a sword.
Comfort is the most dangerous enemy faced today.
It lingers and renders you incapable of any action whorthwhile.
Serenity a poison made as deadly as any other.
It pacifies you and induces a state of mind.
In which you do not even recognize the most essential
Tributes of your existance
Our war is a wakeup call
It will bring us back where we belong
It will provide for us a reason for our existance
This is not the war to end all wars
This is the war that will never end...
All field lie fallow.
All grounds are ripe with blood.
Words echo hollow.
When every ploughshare's made a sword.
3. Deathmarch
4. Legionaries
5. The Absolute Essence
No disease has never been cured
Unless it's cause is known
This is equally true medecine as in politics
And on our way to find the reason we are ill
This is the absolute essence:
Let the word Discrete be replaced by DECISIVE
Let the word Fair be replaced by GREAT
Let the word Freedom be replaced by UNITY
And let the word Community be replaced by BLOOD
6. That Day of Infamy
7. Blood, All Blood
8. Veer and Perish
9. The Sinking Ship
The world is a sinking ship
Sunk by the weight of six billion people
We were sentenced to this fate
By those tho preached that they all
are as good as you and I
That they all should decide our destination
Though none of them has found a meaningful
Direction for themselves
Now everthing we loved will die
Unless get another go at steering
So here we stand,
On the summit of the aft,
Hurling defiance at those who are our misortune