
"Shipwrecked in Oslo" (2006 DVD)
1. La Masquerade Infernale 2. Ad Absurdum 3. Nightmare Heaven 4. Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer 5. Alone 6. Deception Genesis 7. The Chaos Path 8. Deamonpainter 9. Nocturnal Vision Revisited 10. Painting My Horror 11. Hufsa 12. Master of Disguise 13. White Noise Monster 14. Reflections 15. Raudt og Svart
1. La Masquerade Infernale
2. Ad Absurdum
This dead orchestra
play on instruments
strung with the fibres
of my mind
And skeletons dance
they have no voice
and no complaint
But I am still flesh
and will not serve
you vampire fools
bringing you life
by invoking dead
I'm tired of telling stories
with this ghostvoice of mine
so you can say you don't
believe in ghosts
You drink me animal
wasted on my madness
leaving me blank and empty
But tonight
I'm Houdini
Gonna kill my shadow
penetrate your sanctum
See your loss
through your eyes
and laugh as two
you not knowing why
and wanting to die
3. Nightmare Heaven
The subjects of sleep
Their faces once awake
on sodomy and death
and smoke and laughter
their feet no longer
The snow hides the traces
never set in a first place
This negative kingdom
hey horrible and white
the angels all stone
passing their years
hoping to be saved
from oblivion
not by oblivion
And the miracle is that
nothing has happened
nothing has a history
or a name
Only the voice
of falling snow
4. Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer
mechanical shutdown due to reactorcore meltdown
and outdated parts collapsed and discharged
autopilot on emergency power from
random fuel devoured
red alert sirens sighing
rusty pipelines dying
empty hull shatter into cold dark matter
unknownspacepioneer the end draws near
what once was acrobatically flying
is now burnt out and dying
now that i am shipwrecked
a piece of shit falling
through space and time
moaning oh why oh why did not i
just stop in time
knowing the answer i am dirty as a cancer
once a virus like me is set free
old grim flashes his grin
and violently introduces
a shortcut for loosers
drop all illusions as i pop the next fuse in confusion
transvesting the mind evolving past mankind
unknownspaceadorer toxicwasteexplorer
lost in free will time stand still
full front on
drifting here in the outer rim
as a piece of spacejunk
no valuables within
a scraphead of sin
too much acid in these batteries
leaking out its filthy grease
disband all current settings to standard default
fall and arise you diamond of lies
you know what is wise
fire or ice
that's when i find
a pitstopmaintenance hall for the mind
satanic protectors of my kind
i shop some new parts
re plugged and charged
i head towards the stars
knowing that this trip
will be my last slip
5. Alone
Poem by Edgar Allan Poe
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were - I have not seen
As others saw - I could not bring
My passions from a common spring
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I lov'd, I lov'd alone
Then - in my childhood - in the dawn
Of a most stormy life - was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In it's autumn tint of gold -
From the lighting in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by -
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that look the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.
6. Deception Genesis
Unfortunate the hoax
That you are not immune
For if beauty was hurt
Like children naked and misused
We would aspire towards
States of disturbed emotions
And never need to mirror off
Like shadows of a greater joy
While moralist angels prepare
Their heavenly cocktail lounge
In darker institutions
They are beyond discipline
And repentance is no option
But do not despair
I know of an exit
Destruction thinkers travel
The other way around
Where directions are none
And the ground is gone
Such treacherous gates to enter
Even bigger doubts inside
Doors shut from the outside
And you hear the sound
Of someone walking away
You just disappeared
In a backsweep
Of darkness and stars
7. The Chaos Path
Await the coming storm.
Behold the sign in the sun.
Chaos upon us spawn!
The arrows of time points us all.
Oh, well, the maddening laughter
growing louder with the memories.
Atoms like incence rising, like a
thousand candles all blown out at once.
Fear tangled with despair.
This ghastly symphony of malice breaks it.
The spirit sails out on waters.
An intergalactic sea of sorrow.
Solemn oblivion with thee.
Ways of darkness.
The third eye reflects the images
of vast reluctant pasts.
Ethereal eternity awaits the final act.
It crawls towards the altar destined to collapse.
Tragic legend, eerie stratum.
Twisten, this mortal flesh invoked again,
with the echoes still haunting;
The curses chanting.
Embrace this outcast state of chaos.
After all this unalterable.
Beweep this thought, then arise with wisdom.
Nowhen I hallow in the gateway of different plains.
Open your heart and let go.
Oh Vanish. Divine infinity.
Ah, this wrath I am.
So many aeons ago since.
Ah I suffer eternally.
The inevitable did unfold.
Oh well, a collection of particles held together
by the force of a soul and its memory.
Be warned (you stand) on the edge of infinity;
Where coloured waves will lead the way into the void.
Fear tangled with despair.
This ghastly symphony of malice.
Oh, well, the maddening laughter
growing louder with the memories now.
Atoms like incense rising.
Ways of darkness.
The third eye reflects the images
of vast reluctant pasts.
Ethereal eternity awaits the final act.
You are drawn towards the altar
destined to collapse.
Tragic legend, eerie stratum.
In between the arrows of time I suffer eternally.
8. Deamonpainter
walking among shadows
shady characters of faded cast
acting out their last role
beautiful lonely stars
these are my people
these fallen stars
you may think you see us
you never had a part
flickering performance
on a burning stage
in naked daylight
for you to hate
directing the audience
i paint in tones of gray
in shades of black
in cold dismay
i paint my deamons
as scars of blood
in a barren landscape
where all is lost
9. Nocturnal Vision Revisited
the echoes of a dream i dreamt
in a distant past is here at last
drowning me fast
why are the ripples so old and vast
catching up to me? what did i see?
the tower of life, or was it death
erected by the sea
the spawn of the earth was flocking up
some went to the top others halted up
at different levels people threw themselves at the waves
and when they fell in they were all dead as sin
i climbed up to the very top
wanting to see all that can be
why waste a wicked view
when after all all and all
to our death will fall
to our death we fall
this foretelling i knew to be deeper than words
and true as pain hurts
now i am in free flight
it does not feel right
no time to think
i'll be gone in a wink
in between waking and true sleep
what i find i treasure and keep
the tower of wisdom
the fall to the deep
10. Painting My Horror
It was a dark night, I couldn't see;
And sences were unbound in ESP
When in dream awake,
I'd paint.
Subconscious, the expance I saw
The portal to minds eye, open!
- I contemplated
Who it was that pulled the strings
Of those things I saw in dreadful masquerade
Of stark madness went merry round with my head
I passed out, embraced their world
Savoured the poetry of revolt -
Sheer elegy of menace
I have not been the same since,
I took on the profession of a devil
The world I see in a grotesque light
Evil perform with the gestures of a clown
Pure I live in blasphemy
Mephisto I am hidden in Madonnas gown
From the code of common sense I'm free
To bad you are not here to partake my strange horror
'Cause here is where our ways will part
I will not exchange this power,
spring of my suffering,
I do not envy the conscience pure
of the blind man in his bliss world
I would not be devoid the fruit of guile
11. Hufsa
med gufs og hyl jeg visner marken
ett uggent gys skiller ved og barken
ser tilbake på frost og tåke
natt som dag i evig våke
gold kulde river
mot lys jeg driver
men alle glør dør der
der hvor jeg hviler min bør
alltid alene
der finnes ingen som kan vandre med meg
evig vinter er hva jeg er
du er tedd når jeg er nær
sjelen søker evig varme
allt den får en ensom harme
markens grøde for all tid øde
der jeg setter mitt spor
min sorg et større enn ord
12. Master of Disguise
("No! this face is only a mask, a wicked ornament,
illuminated by an exquisite grimace,
Look and see, atrociously contorted,
The real head, and the sincere face
Turned back under the shadow of the face which lies"
Charles Baudelaire)
He is profanity in sancity's guise
An alias assumed I do realize
In their eyes, his cause -
when enticing and cunning in impact
is still a criminal and evil act
So look for him vainly,
He, the incarnation of magickal nature
He turns unrecognizable even to the experienced eye
You obsessively pursue him
Failing to see, hat was why he came to be
one who annihilates with such impunity
He appears your friend, but
the Saint hides many Satans
He's contemptous, you know
of your Godgiven stupidies
He calls you in question with
affected modesty and create
of you an object of derision
You think him to be pariah
whom company does exclude
But in the midst of all frenzy
He is - feasting in a transitory mood
Passion is a strict lord
He is also its humble slave
When bereft of common ways,
He strides before you on water
He makes clowns of kings,
charm the guests, rides the ball
Is the master of disguise
Prince of the thousandfold face
the charming jester's smile
which invites reason to demise
and imaginations rise
Inscrutable yes, venting his spleen
Somewhere night and day between
Is the master of disguise
13. White Noise Monster
crowded mind working overtime in a shrinking stinking home a presence arrives just out of sight
hides in the maze collects all mistakes
white noise withering weeds of deeds
worshipping with filth in the temple of guilt
filing its womb with pleasure and doom
monstrous urban paranoia sweeping over my mine-field mind trigging random horrors cause and effect is a bittersweet sect and i am priest of loons and carrier of wounds a battle fatigued random seed
placed on this earth and fucked up from birth
who gives a flying shit anyway
in a room without view i cold-sweat and drew
my theories of everything and anything would do
reading the mind of mankind's deamon
pushing the line forward all the time
a deep-space satellite on light-speed depressed
torn and obsessed by a lifetime of jests
14. Reflections
15. Raudt og Svart