
"Terrene Eschaton" (2007)
1. Proem 2. Eyes 3. Barren 4. Lykos 5. Mother 6. Aperture 7. Hallow 8. Kings 9. Colossus 10. Sugjugation 11. Eschaton; Epilogue
1. Proem
[Instrumental; No Lyrics]
2. Eyes
I look into your eyes, as you are bound in silence
a single scream would lead to the twine and the needle
it is the mistake of a lifetime...as I thread your mouth
you cannot utter a single word, let alone a scream
I return to your pretty eyes, with my attention
teary and with a false innocence...I slice them in half
3. Barren
Wasteland as far as the feeble eye can see
surreal landscape of all that is dying
Worldwide Desert
effect uncontrolled by gods or men
dominated by elements and time
4. Lykos
The Black Moon Shines Tonight
This The Night of the Wolf
Lycanthropy Overwhelms My Form
These Actions...These Thoughts...
They are of the Wolf
Predatory Hunt
My Heart Overwhelms With the Taste of Her Blood
Returning to My Frail Originality
The Moon is Full and I Will Come
These Actions...These Thoughs...
They Are Of the Wolf
5. Mother
I Observe her Perfect Beauty
Seductive Body so Perfectly Destructive
We All Feed From Her Breast
We All Walk Upon Her Perfections
She; Undescribably Beautiful
She; Undescribably Dangerous
She; My Mother
Her Body Glows and Dims Beautifully
I Never Am Alone; Always With Her Company
To This Day I Still Feed From Her Breast
I Still Embrace All Her Perfections
She; Undescribably Beautiful
She; Undescribably Dangerous
She; My Mother
6. Aperture
[Instrumental; No Lyrics]
7. Hallow
beyond the blackness within the realm of thought
unknown to present dwellings
crickets call in carving's maw
the consumed inner shell lay bleached
cleaned from pickings by the abominal
soaked and entangled, gore intertwined
savagery beheld as everyday life
ignorance of the surrounds while
the pit erodes at your sanity
8. Kings
Storms March Upon the Bloody Shore
Brought By Men Donned in Metal and Flame
The Men From the North Ride with Virtue
Massacre of the Able Bodied and All
We Are the Kings of the Battlefield
They Sweep Through the Harvest Land
Then Return to the Sea with the Tide
9. Colossus
climbing from the crypt of unworldlystone
r'lyeh, our priest's tomb at sea
abomination of octopus, dragon and man
even the whispers burst ear drums
a simple gaze will drive you mad
arcane monster from an arcane cosmos
10. Sugjugation
Two Prisoners In One Mind
One by Birth, One by Choice
One of them Shall be Set Free
Which One Shall it Be?
Who is the Real Prisoner?
11. Eschaton; Epilogue
[Instrumental; No Lyrics]
Hidden Song:
Oceans divide our forms but the bond ties stronger
she already lies upon a bed that is not mine
from the ashes rise of a meaningless tie
gloss her already perfect face upon the canvas
only a kiss could reinforce the tie
alas, that is a step I would never take
not thinking twice about jeprodizing what we each have