
"The Vision of Death/Eckstein, Eckstein" (1998)
1. Intro 2. The Vision of Death 3. The Dealer 4. Edmont 5. The Truth beneath the Dough 6. Der Wüstenläufer Blues 7. A Tribute to Armduk
1. Intro
Laying down in my bed,
afraid of the nightmares,
which come every night.
Of course I know,
they're only dreams,
still a bit frightened I turn of the light...
2. The Vision of Death
Looking down from the cross I'm nailed on,
seeing an angel with a blade shining bright,
getting slowly ready to strike the final blow (he says),
"When you come back - you'd better walk in the light"
Preparing to be struck by his wrath,
I lower my head and get ready to die,
suddenly he goes down with a painful cry,
and I see demons falling from the sky.
That is my dream of the apocalypse,
that is the nightmare, which takes my sleep,
the dream I fear most - the vision of death,
where I fail - my life to keep.
As I see them attacking my henchmen,
thousands of reasons come to my mind,
why evil spawns should try to free me,
as I realise I'm one of their kind.
The massacre goes on, the angels die,
one by one - killed by their hands,
but it is too late for me,
at last I die - the nightmare ends.
That is my dream of the apocalypse,
that is the nightmare, which takes my sleep,
the dream I fear most - the vision of death,
where I fail - my life to keep.
3. The Dealer
See them crawling,
begging for more,
in need of money,
robbing a store.
See those addicted,
betraying each other,
selling their grandma,
stealing from their father.
Come to me - I'm the king of dealers,
Come to me - and we'll find a way,
Come to me - because I have what you need,
Come to me - if you are able to pay!
They start with the light drugs,
sold in the schools,
and think they can stop it,
this pack of fools.
Once I have you in my hand,
this sweet dream of a neverland,
will turn into a nightmare,
which will never end.
Come to me - I'm the king of dealers,
Come to me - and we'll find a way,
Come to me - because I have what you need,
Come to me - if you are able to pay!
4. Edmont
In Thailand auf dem Berg,
da steht ein Haus,
Edmont heißt der Bewohner.
Er sitzt grade draußen auf dem Berg,
und trinkt irgendwas weil äh,
weil er gerade Durst hat.
Da kommt der blöde andere Typ,
und äschert ihm sein Häuschen ein,
den Edmont, den gfreut das gar nicht,
jo und da hauta erm amoi vom Berg owe...
Und jetzt sitzt der Edmont allein am Berg,
und es regnet ihm aufs Dach,
weil er keins mehr hat...
5. The Truth beneath the Dough
Normally I waste my time with punishing sinners,
but sometimes I need some rest, from tearing the souls out of these pests
Then I take out grandmas old recipe,
some flour and fruits and other things you need for....
Baking a pie
Satan's baking one hellish piece'o'pie
So I stand here preparing the dough,
mixing eggs, flour, and milk and the other goods,
as I'm doing this,
I whistle a song as I'm:
Baking a pie
Satan's baking one hellish piece'o'pie
Because of the fact that it's to damn hot down here,
I ask my good pal god to let the pie cool down in heaven,
but as I come back to claim my masterpiece,
an angel has eaten it all.
Eaten the pie,
Some damn angel has eaten my pie
In a little flow of anger, I destroyed heaven and the earth,
they called it Armageddon - I called it "reimbursement",
now I got some time for my favourite hobby:
Baking a pie
Satan's baking one hellish piece'o'pie
Now as I stood there - in mood for baking,
I had to realise - all eggs are gone,
nevermind, take a chicken I thought,
but I had killed them all:
Now I have no more ingredients for:
...but that's another story
6. Der Wüstenläufer Blues
Ich gehe auf der Straße nach nirgendwo,
meine Blase die ist voll - ich such ein Klo,
keine Tankstelle weit und breit,
in die Wüste pinkeln das hat mich noch nie gefreut.
Also geh ich weiter auf der blöden Straße,
auf der Suche nach einem Häusel wo ich meinen Druck entlassen kann,
aber es kommt keins,
nein nein, kein Häusel in Sicht.
Also frag ich einen Wahrsager er sagt,
geh nur weiter irgendwo kommt eine Tankstelle,
die haben sicher ein Klo...
Also gehe ich weiter,
und finde die Tankstelle,
und ich frag ihn ob er zufällig ein Klo hat,
und er sagt: "Leider - nein"
7. A Tribute to Armduk