
"Welcome to Darkness" (1997 EP)
1. Bless us Satan 2. Disgorging Blood 3. Serve from Hell 4. Hungry for Flesh 5. Brutal Pact
1. Bless us Satan
Lord show us the new way
Now it's time to be a part of you
Oh, divine creation
We accept and receive
Your deft insurrection
We shall bless your unholy name
And we shall receipt on the earth
Let us pray
To our lord
We must die
In other world
Oh, lord of hell
We will you the souls
My body full
Of dark thagh wish
The blessing with
the blood
Of Lucifer!
Let us pray
To our Lord!
2. Disgorging Blood
You dread for my death
But it will be the rest of my life
I close my eyes and I hear
The Satan's call and it's so real
Now I sleep in my grave
And I feeling my liberty
Now I have come back again
With the presence of the eleath
My body lies, body without soul
She sleep in the ground of a stranger tomb
There is no hope nor cune
The reality is so obscure
Look, look your fucked face
Blood, blood run out from your head
I pull, I pull your gobes to eat
Look, look your fucked face
And you, disgorging blood, disgorging blood
I put, I put my fingers in your eyes
And your, your dirty math about with pain
And you, disgorging blood, disgorging blood
I dont hear your cry
Your screams are losing force
And you dirty, dirty body
Has painful, painful spasms
Die, descomposed
Without arms, without legs
You meet, your doom
You can sleep in your tomb
I dont hear
There is no hope
3. Serve from Hell
I dait know
That happen me
I'm heaving a voice
That burn me
She comes from
Other world
With her
Painful shout
Is the end
Of my life
Is the start
Of my death
Is the
Satan's soul
Eternal pain
Your evil soul
That has come
For carry me
My eyes turn red
Before the blood
Now my lord
I'm a serv from hell
Satan, take me into the hell
Master, give me the darkness
I see, the future like a dream
The decay, it will be a cerebral fix
4. Hungry for Flesh
In a terrible place
When the sun never leaves
When the moon stay red
Appears a cannibal man
His face, his eyes, full of hate
Show the pain of a life with tears
Lost in the future, lost in the past
He lives the present, the lives in calm
Now lies on the floor
Elead by the cold
Now lies on the floor
Elead without soul
Now lives in the floor
Elead in the tomb
Now lies on the floor
Waiting to revive
From his lethrgg
He has awake
Now he must be
A cannibal corpse
Now you must die
And to live again
Now you must be
A cannibal like him
Now you must begin
A brutal butchery
Then you will fell
And pleasure to kill
Hungry for flesh
Seek and destroy
Prepare a feast
For you and for me
5. Brutal Pact
I feel, the power of the flames
bode, the presence of your pain
And I see, tears falling dawn from your eyes!
Die! and fufil your pact
Cry! for your awful death
Listen! the beat of your life
Now, your remains, lies
Belong to past, belong to past, belong to past
Satan, get into your brain
Get into your head
Get into your head
Get into your head
I feel, the power of the flames
I bode, the presence of your pain
And I see, tears falling dawn from your eyes
Nothing, nothing you will burn again
I remember, I remember you death
Now, now they form part of you
This is, this is the price of your pact
Your remains!