
"Impaled In Comparison" (2004)
1. Embracing The Pain 2. None Righteous 3. Tinea Cruris 4. Geibelung 5. Kopf Und Schultern 6. Skidmark Grin 7. Weak Species
1. Embracing The Pain
Embracing the Pain
Tongues of acid licking hungrily
Every nerve's anguish
Bursting forth hot cinders
Reward gasps of thirst
Choking down poison of despair
Sorrow dispersing through the soul
Existence becoming rhythm of agony
Pain sweeping over in agry waves
Swallowed ever deeper and darker
Beneath the roar of torment
Misery fills every tortured pore
The suffering has a beginning
Does not imply there is an ending
Shadows murmuring of pleasure
Now only excruciating demons
Inflicted upon hurtful memories
Embrace the pain
2. None Righteous
All the hurtful words you preach
Based on fear disguised as love
Claim your god all powerful
Why do you feel the need
To spin propaganda in his name
Your words speak for yourself
Quoting phrases that work for you
Leaving out those that don't
Twisting what you say is his truth
Into the lies you create
Saying that humanity rightly deserves
Hell for being created in his image
Fear of change
Lack of faith
There is none righteous
Not even one
Your desires are not heaven
But earthly recognition
For all your selfless work
Forcing others to be scared
And look outside themselves for answers
Answers that have been reworked
Edited by frightened ones like you
Your life will be seen for what it is
A sham frozen in the past
3. Tinea Cruris
Lick up your mess
Barbwire playpen
Open Sundays
Like legs
Force fed
Whore's meds
Tank tread
Group head
Take TV
And butterscotch malts
Some seed of mine
With lime and salt
4. Geibelung
Flay the battered flesh
From bone from teeth
Rotten with gore
Organs crushed
Chest shattered
Lungs fill no more
Ruptured cavity
Crimson jewels
Blistered from exposure
Butchery in darkness
Carnage at dawn
Broken by the geißelung
Torn by the geißelung
Desecration of the physical
Devour the spirit
Ravage the mind
Smother all hope
Geißelung prowls
Geißelung defiles
Geißelung consumes
Geißelung bloodthirsty
5. Kopf Und Schultern
Die Busräder drehen sich
6. Skidmark Grin
Flesh barely holding you together
Pelvis shattered
Bone splinters
Broken ribs
Labored breathing
Useless limbs
Riddled with unnatural bends
Deep crimson ribbons mark your disrespect
Scraping away at your wounds
Road full of teeth
Mouth full of pavement
Looking up with your skidmark grin
Ground beneath my heal
Feel the extent of my fury
7. Weak Species
Cull the weak
Subjugate the inferior
Abcise the disease
Devolve and degenerate
Predestined for self ruination
Slaves to our creation
Technology bred dreams
Living in a stupor
Modular destruction